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The Commonwealth Record Series (CRS) Manual

5.  Agency registration and description - Contents

5.1.    Agency definition
5.2.    Registration policy
5.2.1.        Registration standard
5.3.    Depth of description
5.4.    Descriptive elements
5.4.1.        Agency number
5.4.2.        Agency title
5.4.3.        Agency alternative title
5.4.4.        Institution title
5.4.5.        Agency date range
5.4.6.        Agency status code
5.4.7.        Agency location
5.5.    Linkages
5.5.1.        Agency function
5.5.2.        Organisation controlling
5.5.3.        Minister responsible
5.5.4.        Persons associated with agency
5.5.5.        Superior agency
5.5.6.        Agency controlled
5.5.7.        Previous agency
5.5.8.        Subsequent agency
5.6.    Notes
5.6.1.        Archivist note
5.6.2.        Unregistered links note
5.6.3.        Agency descriptive note
5.6.4.        Previous title note
5.7.    Indicators
5.8.    Automated elements
5.8.1.        Registration date
5.8.2.        Date modified
5.8.3.        User id
5.9.    CRS Thesaurus
5.9.1.        Using the CRS Thesaurus
5.9.2.        Summary CRS Thesaurus terms


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Next section:  6.  Person registration and description

Contents:    main contents | Organisation | Agency | Person | Series | Item
