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Series details for: A4940
Series number
Menzies and Holt Ministries - Cabinet files 'C' single number series
Accumulation dates
01 Oct 1958 - 31 Oct 1967
Contents dates
01 Dec 1949 - 31 Jan 1985
Items in this series on RecordSearch

All items from this series are entered on RecordSearch.
Agency/person recording
  • 01 Oct 1958 - 31 Oct 1967
    CA 3, Secretary to Cabinet/Cabinet Secretariat [I]
Agency/person controlling
  • 12 May 1971 -
    CA 1472, Cabinet Office
Quantity and location
  • 78.12 metres held in ACT
System of arrangement/ control
Single number series with C prefix
Range of control symbols
Predominant physical format
Series note

This is the main series maintained by the Cabinet Office for the administration of Cabinet business between 1958 and 1967.  The files are arranged by subject, contain cabinet papers of this period, sometimes dating back to 1949, and generally include original copies of:  submissions and supporting papers; circulation details for these; minutes of decisions; memoranda to interested Ministers and Departments advising them of decisions; and any related papers such as briefs on submissions prepared by officers of the Prime Minister's Department.

In general, administrative use of these files ceased prior to the swearing in of the Gorton Ministry on 10 January 1968.  However, notes documenting the use and copying of these records continued to be placed on these files through to the end of 1970, decreasing markedly towards the end of the McMahon Ministry in December 1972, though there are isolated cases of related record action occurring on these files up to January 1985.


Physical Characteristics

The files have yellow covers with the security classification appearing in large type on the outside front cover.  The title of the file is written in thick black ink on the inside of the front cover.  Occasionally, related 'C' files are also noted on the inside front cover.

Relationships with Other Records

The register for these files, CRS A5246, cites only 'C' file number and title, making no reference to the submission or decision documents that each file contains.  However, such a cross reference to the appropriate 'C' file can be found by checking the master register of submissions, CRS A5245, or the subject index cards, CRS A5195.

Although top-numbering into this series has not been recorded in one place consistently over time, record of such action can be found in CRS:  A4920, Register of Cabinet Submissions, Fifth Menzies Ministry (second system) and Sixth Menzies Ministry, 1954-1958; A4925, Fifth Menzies Ministry - volume containing (iii) register of miscellaneous files, 'Z' single number series, 1951-1954; A4941, Menzies and Holt Ministries - binder containing (ii) register of miscellaneous files, 'Z' single number series, 1951-1960; and A5245, Menzies and Holt Ministries - master register of submissions, 1952-1954.


As noted below, the Cabinet Office temporarily ceased to maintain separate sets of submissions and sets of decisions for the life of this series.  The Cabinet Office decided to fill this 1958-1967 gap that existed in their document sets and created from this series artificial 'copy' series (in the early 1980s) of submissions to Cabinet and associated decisions.  These artificial 'copy' series are submissions to Cabinet and associated decisions -  CRS A5818, A5819, A5827, A5841 and A5842.

In 1981, when Cabinet agenda papers were found to be missing from the original set in CRS A4639 (see Related Series cross reference above), a copy volume of those papers found in CRS A4940 was created, and is now controlled as copies of this series (identified as CRS A4940/XR1, Volume 1).

Finding Aids

All items in this series held by Australian Archives as at March 1991 have been entered onto the item level database, ANGAM II.


From 1949 to 1958, the Cabinet Secretariat maintained two sets each (master and spare) of both Full Cabinet submissions and minutes of decisions, separately stored in visidex folders in numerical order.

In 1958, the Cabinet Office decided to collect this documentation in one series consisting of subject files.  To make up these files, the contents of the master set were dispersed into a file for each submission or subject (comprising multiple submissions) considered by Full Cabinet. The spare set was also culled in some cases so as to make this series as complete as possible, which accounts to some extent for gaps in the previous series of submissions dating back to 1949 (CRS A4639, A4905, A4906 and A4926).

Top-numbering of pre-1958 submissions and minutes of decisions continued on an ad hoc basis at the same time as files were being raised for new submissions.  As a result,  pre-1958 papers are dispersed among the first few hundred files rather than being a block at the beginning of the file sequence.  A previous file series that had apparently been maintained for matters on which no decision had been reached or which had been referred back to a Minister for a decision - CRS  A4942, Menzies Ministry - Miscellaneous files, 'Z' single number series, 1951-1960 - was also top-numbered into this series.

Between 1958 and 1967, no separate sets of submissions and minutes of decisions were maintained, all documentation being placed on files in this series instead. Therefore, this series is the original source of submissions and minutes of decisions of Cabinet for the period 1958-1967.
Previous series
    A4639, Fourth Menzies Ministry - folders of Cabinet submissions and associated decisions - partial cull of A4639 to form A4940
    A4905, Fifth Menzies Ministry - folders of Cabinet Submissions (first system) - partial cull of A4905 to form A4940
    A4906, Fifth Menzies Ministry - folders of Cabinet Submissions (Second System) - partial cull of A4906 to form A4940
    A4926, Sixth Menzies Ministry - folders of Cabinet submissions - partial cull of A4926 to form A4940
    A4942, Menzies Ministry - Miscellaneous files, "Z" single number series - top-numbering
Subsequent series
  • 12 Feb 1968
    A5882, Gorton and McMahon Ministries - Cabinet files, 'CO' single number series
Controlling series
  • 01 Oct 1958 - 31 Oct 1967
    A5245, Menzies and Holt Ministries - binders containing (i) master register of submissions [October 1952 - December 1967] (ii) register of distribution of decisions [and submissions; February 1956 - January 1968] - Submissions within 'C' files only, not the actual 'C' files
  • 01 Oct 1958 - 31 Oct 1967
    A5246, Menzies and Holt Ministries - "Cabinet file register "C" series"
  • 01 Oct 1958 - 31 Dec 1967
    A4939, Menzies and Holt Ministries - nominal index cards to Cabinet files, "C" single number series
  • 01 Oct 1958 - 31 Dec 1967
    A5195, Menzies and Holt Ministries - Subject index cards to Cabinet files, "C" single number series
Related series
    A14266, Grant application files, annual single number series
    A5913, McMahon Ministry - follow up register [of cabinet decisions requiring further action]
    A5818, Seventh Menzies Ministry - copies of Cabinet submissions and associated decisions (first series) [1958-1961]
    A5819, Seventh Menzies Ministry - copies of Cabinet submissions and associated decisions (second series) [1961-1963]
    A5827, Eighth Menzies Ministry - copies of Cabinet submissions and associated decisions [1963-1966]
    A5841, First Holt Ministry - copies of Cabinet submissions and associated decisions [1966]
    A5842, Second Holt Ministry - copies of Cabinet submissions and associated decisions [1966-1967]
    A4639, Fourth Menzies Ministry - folders of Cabinet submissions and associated decisions - agenda missing from A4639 found in A4940, now separately controlled as copies of A4940, identified as A4940/XR1, Volume 1
  • 01 Jan 1947 - 31 Dec 1958
    A12524, Inter-Departmental Dollar Committee - Reports, Budget Estimates, 1947-1958
  • 01 Oct 1958 - 31 Dec 1961
    A4944, Fifth, sixth and seventh (first series) Menzies Ministries - 'index to meeting records' (volumes summarising business of Cabinet and Cabinet Committee meetings)
  • 10 Dec 1958 - 04 Nov 1963
    A4943, Seventh Menzies Ministry - folders of decisions of Cabinet and Cabinet Committees (first and second series)
  • 12 Jan 1962 - 08 Jan 1968
    A5822, Seventh Menzies (second series), Eighth Menzies, First and Second Holt, and McEwen Ministries - Register of Chronology of Meetings of Cabinet and Cabinet Committees
  • 30 Sep 1963 - 08 Jan 1968
    A5830, Seventh and Eighth Menzies, Holt, McEwen, and First and Second Gorton Ministries - Binder of Cabinet attendance sheets
  • 17 Dec 1963 - 19 Jan 1966
    A5828, Eighth Menzies Ministry - 'Cabinet files' - folders of decisions of Cabinet and Cabinet Committees
  • 12 Aug 1965 - 08 Jan 1968
    A5831, Eighth Menzies, Holt, McEwen and First Gorton Ministries - Folder of business lists of Cabinet and Cabinet committees.
  • 26 Jan 1966 - 09 Dec 1966
    A5839, First Holt Ministry - folders of decisions of Cabinet and Cabinet Committees
  • 03 Feb 1966 - 17 Dec 1967
    A5844, Holt Ministries - Ministerial register of Cabinet submissions
  • 14 Dec 1966 - 08 Jan 1968
    A5840, Second Holt and McEwen Ministries - folders of decisions of Cabinet and Cabinet committees
  • 10 Jan 1968 - 19 Feb 1968
    A5867, Folders of Cabinet Submissions, First Gorton Ministry
  • 01 Feb 1968 - 28 Feb 1968
    A5868, Folders of Cabinet Submissions, Second Gorton Ministry
  • 01 Jan 1970 - 31 Dec 1974
    A5886, Menzies, Holt, Gorton, McMahon and Whitlam Ministries - Register of Limited Access files and Special Annex files
Visibility & availability indicator
  • 69 . Digital image charge: Large
  • 73 . All items from the series are on RecordSearch
  • 75 . Detailed access examination required
Date registered
01 Jan 1800

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