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Person details for: CP 260
Person number
CP 260
Sir Samuel Henry Egerton BARRACLOUGH KBE, VD
Date range
25 Oct 1871 - 30 Aug 1958
Series recorded by this person
Person note
Sir Henry Barraclough was educated at Sydney Boys' High School, the University of Sydney and Cornell University in the United States.  He spent most of his active life, from 1897, teaching mechanical engineering at the University of Sydney, where he also became involved with the higher administration of the Faculty of Engineering and of the University itself. 

After serving early in the First World War as a military intelligence officer in Sydney, he conceived a scheme for the use of Australian workers in the production of munitions in England.  The objectives of this scheme were to help the British munitions effort and to build up skill and experience among Australian workers, to aid in the establishment of an indigenous munitions industry.  In February 1916, Sir Henry persuaded the Federal Munitions Committee to adopt his proposal, and, in September, accompanied the first group to England. 

In 1920, he returned to Sydney to pursue his distinguished academic career, after the last of more than 5,000 men had been repatriated.  He contributed to the development of his profession by joining, founding, and holding offices in a number of professional and related
societies and institutions.
The records created by Sir Henry Barraclough, held by Australian Archives, New South Wales, relate to the scheme for the use of Australian workers in the production of munitions in England.


1. Australian Dictionary of Biography, Vol 7, 1891-1939, A-Ch,
   Melbourne University Press, Melbourne, 1979, pp.184-5.
2. Who's Who in Australia, XVth Ed, Colorgravure, Melbourne, 1955,
   p 71 
3. Who's Who in the Commonwealth of Australia, Angus and Robertson,
   Sydney, 1922, p 16
4. Sydney Morning Herald, 26 Oct 1871 (birth notices)

Agency associated with person unregistered

  1895-1897: Sydney Technical College, Department of Applied Physics -             Lecturer-in-Charge
  1897-1908: University of Sydney, School of Engineering - Assistant
             Lecturer in Mechanical Engineering
  1899-1908: Corps of Australian Engineers - Commissioned Officer
  1901-1902: Sydney University Engineering Society - Founding
  1908-1915: University of Sydney, Faculty of Engineering - Assistant
             Professor of Mechanical Engineering
  1908-1920: Australian Intelligence Corps, Major /(from 1916) Hon
  1915-1941: University of Sydney, Faculty of Engineering - Professor
             of Mechanical Engineering
  1916-1920: Australian War Workers in England - Officer-in-Charge
  1924-1941: University of Sydney, Faculty of Engineering - Dean
  1925-1956: University of Sydney, Senate - Fellow
 ?    -1956: Royal Society of New South Wales - Councillor
by1935-1956: Institution of Engineers, Australia -? President (1935);
             Councillor and Member
      -    : Australian National Research Council -? Member
Date registered
30 Sep 1987

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