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Agency details for: CA 9437
Agency number
CA 9437
Department of Industry [II], Central Office
Institution title
Department of Industry [II]
Date range
18 Sep 2013 - 23 Dec 2014
Series recorded by this agency
Organisation controlling
  • 18 Sep 2013 - 23 Dec 2014
Australian Capital Territory
Agency status
Department of State
Agency note

Summary heading

Industry, Central Office


The Department of Industry [II] was established under the Administrative Arrangements Orders of 18 September 2013 signed by the Governor General, Quentin Bryce.


The Department of Industry [II] was abolished unsder the Administrative Arrangement Orders of 23 December 2014 signed by the Governor General, Sir Peter Cosgrove. All functions were transferred to the new Department of Industry and Science (CA 9515) with the exception of vocational education and training which moved to the Department of Education and Training (CA 9514).

Functions and activities

On establishment the department dealt with the following matters:


Manufacturing and commerce including industry and market development

Industry innovation policy and technology diffusion

Promotion of industrial research and development, and commercialisation

Biotechnology, excluding gene technology regulation

Marketing of manufactures and services

Enterprise improvement

Construction industry, excluding workplace relations

Small business programmes

Business entry point management

Provision of B2G and G2G authentication services

Facilitation of the development of service industries generally

Trade marks, plant breeders’ rights and patents of inventions and designs

Country of origin labelling

Weights and measures standards

Civil space issues

Analytical laboratory services

Science policy

Science engagement and awareness

Promotion of collaborative research in science and technology

Co-ordination of research policy

Creation and development of research infrastructure

Commercialisation and utilisation of public sector research relating to portfolio programmes and agencies

Research grants and fellowships

Information and communications technology industry development

Food processing industry policy

Skills and vocational education policy regulation and programmes

Training, including apprenticeships and training and skills assessment services

Foundation skills for adults

Support for introduction of a national occupation licensing system

Energy policy

Mineral and energy industries, including oil and gas, and electricity

National energy market

Energy-specific international organisations and activities

Administration of export controls on rough diamonds, uranium and thorium

Minerals and energy resources research, science and technology

Geoscience research and information services including geodesy, mapping, remote sensing, groundwater and spatial data co-ordination

Radioactive waste management

Renewable energy technology development

Low emissions fossil fuel energy

Industrial energy efficiency

Energy efficiency

Tourism industry (domestic)  


Legislation administered

On creation the department administered the following legislation:


ACIS Administration Act 1999

ACIS (Unearned Credit Liability) Act 1999

Advance Australia Logo Protection Act 1984

Atomic Energy Act 1953

Australian Energy Market Act 2004

Australian Renewable Energy Agency Act 2011

Australian Renewable Energy Agency (Consequential Amendments and Transitional Provisions) Act 2011

Australian Astronomical Observatory Act 2010

Australian Astronomical Observatory (Transitional Provisions) Act 2010

Australian Institute of Marine Science Act 1972

Australian National Registry of Emissions Units Act 2011

Australian Nuclear Science and Technology Organisation Act 1987

Australian Nuclear Science and Technology Organisation (Transitional Provisions) Act 1987

Australian Research Council Act 2001

Australian Research Council (Consequential and Transitional Provisions) Act 2001

Australian Workforce and Productivity Agency Act 2008

Automotive Transformation Scheme Act 2009

Building Energy Efficiency Disclosure Act 2010

Coal Industry Repeal Act 2001

Coal Industry Repeal (Validation of Proclamation) Act 2002

Coal Research Assistance Act 1977

Competition and Consumer Act 2010, Part 5-3

Commonwealth Radioactive Waste Management (Related Amendments) Act 2005

Customs Tariff (Anti-Dumping) Act 1975

Designs Act 2003

Energy Efficiency Opportunities Act 2006

Greater Sunrise Unitisation Agreement Implementation Act 2004

Greenhouse and Energy Minimum Standards Act 2012

Greenhouse and Energy Minimum Standards (Registration Fees) Act 2012

Liquid Fuel Emergency Act 1984

Foreign Corporations (Application of Laws) Act 1989

Industry Research and Development Act 1986

Mutual Recognition Act 1992

National Measurement Act 1960

National Vocational Education and Training Regulator Act 2011

National Vocational Education and Training Regulator (Charges) Act 2012

National Vocational Education and Training Regulator (Transitional Provisions) Act 2011

Moomba-Sydney Pipeline System Sale Act 1994

National Radioactive Waste Management Act 2012

Offshore Minerals Act 1994

Offshore Minerals (Exploration Licence Fees) Act 1981

Offshore Minerals (Mining Licence Fees) Act 1981

Offshore Minerals (Retention Licence Fees) Act 1994

Offshore Minerals (Registration Fees) Act 1981

Offshore Minerals (Royalty) Act 1981

Offshore Minerals (Works Licence Fees) Act 1981

Offshore Petroleum and Greenhouse Gas Storage Act 2006

Offshore Petroleum and Greenhouse Gas Storage Amendment (Compliance Measures) Act 2013

Offshore Petroleum and Greenhouse Gas Storage (Registration Fees) Act 2006

Offshore Petroleum (Royalty) Act 2006

Offshore Petroleum and Greenhouse Gas Storage (Regulatory Levies) Act 2003

Olympic Insignia Protection Act 1987

Patents Act 1990

Petroleum Revenue Act 1985

Petroleum (Timor Sea Treaty) Act 2003

Plant Breeder’s Rights Act 1994

Pooled Development Funds Act 1992

Science and Industry Endowment Act 1926

Science and Industry Research Act 1949

Skilling Australia’s Workforce Act 2005

Skilling Australia’s Workforce (Repeal and Transitional Provisions) Act 2005

Snowy Hydro Corporatisation Act 1997

Snowy Hydro Corporatisation (Consequential Amendments) Act 1997

Snowy Mountains Engineering Corporation Act 1970

Snowy Mountains Engineering Corporation (Conversion into Public Company) Act 1989

Snowy Mountains Engineering Corporation Limited Sale Act 1993

Space Activities Act 1998

Steel Transformation Plan Act 2011

Textile, Clothing and Footwear Investment and Innovation Programs Act 1999

Tourism Australia Act 2004

Tourism Australia (Repeal and Transitional Provisions) Act 2004

Trade Marks Act 1995

Tradespersons’ Rights Regulation Act 1946

Tradex Scheme Act 1999

Tradex Duty Imposition (Customs) Act 1999

Tradex Duty Imposition (General) Act 1999

Tradex Duty Imposition (Excise) Act 1999

Trans-Tasman Mutual Recognition Act 1997

Venture Capital Act 2002

Uranium Royalty (Northern Territory) Act 2009

Administrative structure

18 Sep 2013 - 23 Dec 2014 : Ian Macfarlane


18 Sep 2013 - 23 Dec 2014 : Glenys Beauchamp

Historical agency address

Industry House, 10 Binara Street, ACT 2600

State/regional structure

 The Department consists of a Central Office. Offices in the States are registered as Austrade rather than being part of the Department.

Previous agency
  • 18 Sep 2013
    CA 9415, Department of Industry, Innovation, Climate Change, Science, Research and Tertiary Education, Central Office
  • 18 Sep 2013
    CA 9195, Department of Resources, Energy and Tourism, Central Office - Resources and energy functions
Subsequent agency
  • 23 Dec 2014
    CA 9514, Department of Education and Training, Central Office - Vocational education and training only
  • 23 Dec 2014
    CA 9515, Department of Industry and Science, Central Office
Controlled agency
  • 18 Sep 2013 - 23 Dec 2014
    CA 9439, Prime Minister's Science, Engineering and Innovation Council - Science and engineering matters
  • 18 Sep 2013 - 23 Dec 2014
    CA 9141, Advisory Council on Intellectual Property
  • 18 Sep 2013 - 23 Dec 2014
    CA 2407, Australian Institute of Marine Science
  • 18 Sep 2013 - 23 Dec 2014
    CA 6329, Australian Nuclear Science and Technology Organisation
  • 18 Sep 2013 - 23 Dec 2014
    CA 641, CSIRO, Head Office
  • 18 Sep 2013 - 23 Dec 2014
    CA 7605, Geoscience Australia
  • 18 Sep 2013 - 23 Dec 2014
    CA 8995, National Offshore Petroleum Safety and Environmental Management Authority, Head Office, Western Australia
  • 18 Sep 2013 - 23 Dec 2014
    CA 81, Professional Standards Board for Patent and Trade Mark Attorneys
  • 18 Sep 2013 - 23 Dec 2014
    CA 9223, AusIndustry, New South Wales State Office
  • 18 Sep 2013 - 23 Dec 2014
    CA 9231, AusIndustry, Victoria State Office
  • 18 Sep 2013 - 23 Dec 2014
    CA 9337, Ausindustry, Northern Territory Regional Office
  • 18 Sep 2013 - 23 Dec 2014
    CA 9355, AusIndustry, South Australia State Office
  • 18 Sep 2013 - 23 Dec 2014
    CA 9254, AusIndustry, Queensland State Office
  • 18 Sep 2013 - 23 Dec 2014
    CA 9363, AusIndustry, Tasmania State Office
  • 18 Sep 2013 - 23 Dec 2014
    CA 9263, AusIndustry, Western Australia State Office
  • 18 Sep 2013 - 23 Dec 2014
    CA 75, Snowy Hydro, Head Office
  • 18 Sep 2013 - 23 Dec 2014
    CA 4499, Innovation Australia
  • 18 Sep 2013 - 23 Dec 2014
    CA 9502, Australian Renewable Energy Agency (ARENA)
  • 18 Sep 2013 - 23 Dec 2014
    CA 9005, National Measurement Institute - Weights and measures standards
  • 18 Sep 2013 - 23 Dec 2014
    CA 8551, Intellectual Property Australia, Central Office
Date registered
30 Oct 2013

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