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Agency details for: CA 8801
Agency number
CA 8801
Constitutional Convention 1998
Date range
02 Feb 1998 - 13 Feb 1998
Series recorded by this agency
Organisation controlling
  • 02 Feb 1998 - 13 Feb 1998
Australian Capital Territory
Agency status
Head Office
Agency note

Summary heading


The Constitutional Convention was held from 2 to 13 February 1998 at Old Parliament House in Canberra in response to the Government's proposal for a convention to discuss whether or not Australia should become a republic.

Half of the 152 delegates were elected in a voluntary postal ballot conducted by the Australian Electoral Commission. The other 76 delegates were appointed by the Government.

The Convention was chaired by the Right Hon Ian Sinclair MP, and the Deputy Chairman was Hon Barry Jones AO MP.

Arrangements for the Constitutional Convention were handled by the Convention Secretariat, established within the Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet. The Secretariat operated from February 1997 to February 1998.


The Convention was closed on 13 February 1998.

Following the Convention, the Convention Secretariat became part of the Constitutional Projects Section within the Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet and began preparations for a referendum in 1999.

Functions and activities

At the Prime Minister's invitation, the purpose of the Convention was to consider three questions:

  • Whether or not Australia should become a republic;
  • Which republican model should be put to the voters to consider against the current system of government; and
  • In what timeframe and under what circumstances might any change be considered.

The out come of the Convention was a resolution that a 'bi-partisan appointment of the president' republican model should be put to the Australian people at a referendum.

Legislation administered

Administrative structure

Historical agency address

Old Parliament House

Canberra ACT

State/regional structure

Records created by the agency

Additional information

End notes


Superior agency
  • 02 Feb 1998 - 13 Feb 1998
    CA 1401, Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet
Persons associated with agency
  • 02 Feb 1998 - 13 Feb 1998
    CP 394, Hon Barry Owen JONES AO - Deputy Chairman
  • 02 Feb 1998 - 13 Feb 1998
    CP 426, The Rt Hon Ian McCahon SINCLAIR AC - Chairman
  • 02 Feb 1998 - 13 Feb 1998
    CP 949, Hon Jocelyn Margaret NEWMAN AO - Parliamentary Delegate
  • 02 Feb 1998 - 13 Feb 1998
    CP 337, Hon Kim Christian BEAZLEY AC - Parliamentary Delegate
  • 02 Feb 1998 - 13 Feb 1998
    CP 685, Hon Daryl Robert WILLIAMS AM, QC - Parliamentary Delegate
  • 02 Feb 1998 - 13 Feb 1998
    CP 566, Hon Christine Ann GALLUS - Parliamentary Delegate
  • 02 Feb 1998 - 13 Feb 1998
    CP 197, The Hon John Winston HOWARD AC, OM - Parliamentary Delegate
  • 02 Feb 1998 - 13 Feb 1998
    CP 972, Hon John Duncan ANDERSON AO - Parliamentary Delegate
  • 02 Feb 1998 - 13 Feb 1998
    CP 976, The Rt Rev Dr Peter John HOLLINGWORTH AC, OBE - Appointed Delegate (non-Parliamentary)
  • 02 Feb 1998 - 13 Feb 1998
    CP 368, Hon Robert Murray HILL - Parliamentary Delegate
  • 02 Feb 1998 - 13 Feb 1998
    CP 661, Hon John Philip FAULKNER - Parliamentary Delegate
Date registered
09 Nov 1999

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