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Agency details for: CA 8
Agency number
CA 8
Department of Home Affairs [I], Central Office
Date range
01 Jan 1901 - 14 Nov 1916
Series recorded by this agency
Organisation controlling
  • 01 Jan 1901 - 14 Nov 1916
Agency status
Department of State
Agency note
The Department of Home Affairs was established on 1 January 1901 (Commonwealth of Australia Gazette No 1 of 1 January 1901, p.4). It was one of the first seven Departments of State to be established when Australia became a Commonwealth.

The functions of the Department, as outlined in the first Administrative Arrangements Order on 3 February 1905, were:
Old-age pensions
People of special races
Acquisition of property
Acquisition of railways with State consent
Control of railways with State consent
Census and Statistics
Public Works
Federal Capital
Inter-State Commissions
Public Service
The Acts administered by the Department were:
Property for Public Purposes Acquisitions Act, 1901
Commonwealth Public Service Act 1902
Commonwealth Franchise Act 1902
Commonwealth Electoral Act 1902
Senate Elections Act 1903
Electoral Divisions Act 1903
Seat of Government Act 1904
Representation Act 1905
Census and Statistics Act 1905
Governor-General's Residences Act 1906
Referendum(Constitution Alteration) Act 1906
Electoral Validating Act 1906
Lands Acquisitions Act 1906
Constitution Alteration (Senate Elections) Act 1906
Kalgoorlie to Port Augusta Railway Survey Act 1907
Dispute of Elections and Qualifications Act 1907
Meteorology Act 1906
Seat of Government Act 1908
Seat of Government Acceptance Act 1909
Seat of Government(Administration) Act 1910
Kalgoorlie to Port Augusta Railway Act 1911
Pine Creek to Katherine River Railway Survey Act 1912
Pine Creek to Katherine River Railway Act 1913
Jervis Bay Territory Acceptance Act 1915
War Census Act 1915
Compulsory Voting Act 1915
River Murray Waters Act 1915
Representation Act 1916
Military Service Referendum Act 1916
The Central Office of the Department was in Melbourne. The first Minister was the Honourable Sir William John Lyne, KCMG who was appointed by the Governor General on 1 January 1901 (Commonwealth of Australia Gazette No 1 of 1 January 1901, p.4) Walter David Bingle was appointed Senior Clerk and Secretary to the Minister on 5 April 1901 and promoted to the position of Chief Clerk on 1 July 1901 (Commonwealth of Australia Gazette No 62 of 6 December 1901, p.250).
The following were Ministers for the Department of Home Affairs [I]: 

 1 Jan 1901 -  6 Aug 1903  : Sir William J Lyne
 7 Aug 1903 - 26 Apr 1904  : Sir John Forrest
26 Apr 1904 - 17 Aug 1904  : Hon E L Batchelor
17 Aug 1904 -  4 Jul 1905  : Hon Duglad Thomson
 4 Jul 1905 - 11 Oct 1906  : Hon L E Groom
11 Oct 1906 - 23 Jan 1907  : Hon T T Ewing
23 Jan 1907 - 12 Nov 1908  : Senator Hon J H Keating
12 Nov 1908 - 12 Jun 1909  : Hon Hugh Mahon
12 Jun 1909 - 29 Apr 1910  : Hon G W Fuller
29 Apr 1910 - 20 May 1913  : Hon King O'Malley
20 May 1913 - 14 Sep 1914  : Hon Joseph Cook
17 Sep 1914 - 27 Oct 1915  : Hon W O Archibald
27 Oct 1915 - 14 Nov 1916  : Hon King O'Malley
Secretary to the Department was:
19 Nov 1901 - 14 Nov 1916  : D Miller
The function of controlling the Public Service, after coming from the Department of External Affairs [I] (CA 7) in 1902, went to the Prime Minister's Department (CA 12) in 1912. When the Department of Home Affairs [I] was abolished on 14 November 1916 by Executive Council Minute No.8 of 1917 (Commonwealth of Australia Gazette No.30 of 22 February 1917, p.353) its functions went to the newly created Department of Home and Territories (CA 15); functions dealing with public Works, railways and rivers were transferred to the newly created Department of Works and Railways (CA 14). 

Historical agency address

1901-1916: Melbourne, Victoria

Legislation administered

Creation: Executive Council Minute No 1 of 1901 Abolition: Executive Council Minute No 8 of 1917, Prime Minister's Minute Paper No 23 of 1917

Previous agency unregistered

1901: [Colonial predecessors - subject to research]
Previous agency
  • 01 Jan 1902
    CA 7, Department of External Affairs [I], Melbourne - For Public Service
  • 01 Jun 1907
    CA 9, Postmaster-General's Department, Central Administration - for meteorology
Subsequent agency
  • CA 601, Federal Capital Office
  • 01 Jan 1904
    CA 783, Public Works Branch, Central Office, Melbourne
  • 01 May 1906
    CA 212, Commonwealth Bureau of Census and Statistics
  • 01 Jun 1906
    CA 9, Postmaster-General's Department, Central Administration - for meteorology
  • 01 Jul 1912
    CA 12, Prime Minister's Department - for the Public Service
  • 03 Oct 1912
    CA 741, Federal Capital Territory Administrative Offices, Canberra
  • 01 Jan 1913
    CA 783, Public Works Branch, Central Office, Melbourne - for Federal Capital works
  • 14 Nov 1916
    CA 14, Department of Works and Railways, (Central Office) - Public works, railways, rivers
  • 14 Nov 1916
    CA 15, Department of Home and Territories, Central Office - All functions except railways: public works: rivers
Controlled agency
  • 01 Jan 1901 - 14 Nov 1916
    CA 558, Chief Electoral Office
  • 01 Jan 1902 - 31 Dec 1912
    CA 597, Public Service Commissioner's Office
  • 01 Jan 1904 - 14 Nov 1916
    CA 783, Public Works Branch, Central Office, Melbourne
  • 01 May 1906 - 14 Nov 1916
    CA 212, Commonwealth Bureau of Census and Statistics
  • 01 Jan 1907 - 31 Dec 1916
    CA 215, Meteorological Branch/Bureau, Central Office
  • 01 Jan 1909 - 31 Dec 1916
    CA 109, Commonwealth Fire Board [I]
  • 01 Jan 1911 - 14 Nov 1916
    CA 737, Lands and Survey Branch
  • 30 Jan 1911 - 14 Nov 1916
    CA 1404, Hall Public School, then Hall Primary School - Building and Finance
  • 03 Oct 1912 - 31 Dec 1916
    CA 741, Federal Capital Territory Administrative Offices, Canberra
  • 01 Jan 1913 - 14 Nov 1916
    CA 2106, Engineer-in-Chief and from April 1915, Acting Commissioner, Commonwealth Railways
  • 01 Jan 1913 - 31 Dec 1916
    CA 601, Federal Capital Office
  • 27 May 1914 - 14 Nov 1916
    CA 2674, Canberra Government Hospital
  • 01 Sep 1914 - 14 Nov 1916
    CA 1398, Duntroon Public School - Buildings and Finance
Persons associated with agency
  • 19 Nov 1901 - 06 Jan 1916
    CP 278, Brigadier-General David MILLER CMG, ISO, VD - Secretary
  • 01 Jan 1903 - 01 Apr 1905
    CP 26, Henry Maitland ROLLAND OBE - Temporary Architectural Draughtsman
  • 1904 - 1914
    CP 965, John Smith MURDOCH CMG
  • 01 Apr 1905 -
    CP 8, Charles Studdy DALEY OBE - Public Works Branch - Clerk, Senior Clerk
  • 01 Jan 1910 - 31 Dec 1911
    CP 33, Charles Robert SCRIVENER ISO
  • 01 Jul 1910 - 14 Nov 1916
    CP 53, Percy Lampriere SHEAFFE - Surveyor
  • 01 Jan 1912 - 11 Feb 1913
    CP 214, Thomas Gordon MARSHALL - Clerk
  • 01 Aug 1912 - 30 Jun 1916
    CP 26, Henry Maitland ROLLAND OBE - Supervising Architect, Federal Capital Territory
  • 24 Jun 1913 - 17 Sep 1914
    CP 611, The Rt Hon Sir Joseph COOK GCMG - Minister
  • 17 Sep 1914 - 27 Oct 1915
    CP 548, Hon William Oliver ARCHIBALD - Minister
Date registered
11 Mar 1977

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