The Bureau was established in 1987 following the amalgamation of the former Bureau of Agricultural Economics and the former Bureau of Resource Economics, and is the economic research unit for the Department. It provides independent, objective and professional economic analyses of issues affecting Australia's agricultural, forestry, fishing, resource and energy industries. ABARE surveys some 1800 farmers throughout Australia each year and uses the data from the surveys as the basis for much of its forecasting and research work and policy advice. The Bureau's executive is headed by the Director who is responsible to the Minister for Primary
Industries and Energy, and to the Secretary of the Department for the Bureau's overall performance. The Bureau is structured into six branches, reflecting its major programs on research and ongoing analytical work.
Source:- Australian Bureau of Agricultural and Resource Economics Corporate Plan 1988-89.
Department of Primary Industries and Energy Annual Report
Historical agency address
1987-1992: Macarthur House, Macarthur Avenue, Lyneham ACT
1992- : Edmund Barton Building, Broughton Street, Barton ACT