The Electronics Research Laboratory (ERL), Defence Science and Technology Organisation, Salisbury, South Australia was created on 1 December 1987 as a result of the restructuring of the Defence Science and Technology Organisation. The present Laboratory is a blend of the old and new as it has retained the functions of communications and electronic warfare from the previous agency (CA 5199) and added a new activity, information technology. The Electronics Research Laboratory has three divisions - Communications, Electronics and Information Technology. ERL objectives are to -a) develop and maintain a base skill and knowledge in defence science and technology and foster scientific and technological expertise in industry and tertiary institutions, concentrating on areas relevant to Australian strategic and natural environment;b) provide scientific and technical advice on defence policy matters and in particular, advice on the selection and acquisition of new equipment and systems and their suitability for operation in the Australian environment;c) contribute to the solution of scientific and technological problems of the Australian Defence Force, the Department of Defence, other defence agencies and relevant Australian industries, including those arising from the operational use, maintenance, local productions and extension of life of equipment and systems.d) conceive new devices, equipment and systems of potential value to Australian defence and in accordance with delegated approvals, manage or undertake successive stages of development; ande) assist appropriate non-Defence bodies where the DSTO has skills or facilities not available elsewhere in Australia; contribute to fostering a viable and active defence industry; and contribute where appropriate to the development of overall Australian industrial capability. The activities of the three divisions are:Communications Division - conducts research and development in the fields of communications systems and signals intelligence. The Division undertakes research which focuses on the Defence aspects of terrestrial, satellite, radio and trunk communications systems and on the location, interception and exploitation of signals. The Division also seeks to maintain liaison with the many tertiary education institutions and government, semi-government and private industry organisations active in the communications field. Electronic Warfare Division - provides support to the Australian Defence Force in tactical, non-communication Electronic Warfare (EW) activities, covering the electronic spectrum from radio to optical frequencies. Other significant activities are the provision of technical support for EW equipment on major ADF platforms such as the F111c, F/A-18, P-3C and capital ships. The Division supports Defence Industry Development Division in the maintenance of the EW Cell in industry which is responsible for the transfer of new EW concepts from the Government Laboratories to industry. Information Technology Division - this is a new division formed as a result of the December 1987 restructuring of the DSTO. The Division will conduct a programme of research and development in Information Technology, concentrating particularly on areas applicable to support the acquisition, development and enhancement of Command Support Systems for the Australian Defence Force. The Division will also carry the responsibility of providing a centralised computing and network service to the DSTO Laboratories.The Division will initially focus its research in four main areas: Trusted or secure systems Computer architectures Software, particularly the ADA language, and Information systemsFour discipline based groups are being established around these areas and a fifth systems group will develop expertise in the specification, analysis and testing of Command Support Systems. The Division will be undertaking a major recruitment campaign and plans to expand its professional scientific and engineering staff by approximately 65 over the next four to five years. The first Director of ERL was Mr J. Scot Allison. From 1 July 1993 Aeronautical Research Laboratory ceased to exist and its functions were absorbed by ERL. SOURCEElectronics Research Laboratory, Organisation and Information, May 1988.Historical agency address
Defence Research Centre, Salisbury, SA
This unit was not listed on the Department of Defence – DSTO website ( in April 2012 and has been closed.
Superior agency unregistered
1987 - : Chief Defence Scientist, Defence Science and Technology Organisation