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Agency details for: CA 5990
Agency number
CA 5990
Department of Primary Industries and Energy, Central Office
Date range
24 Jul 1987 - 21 Oct 1998
Series recorded by this agency
Organisation controlling
  • 24 Jul 1987 - 21 Oct 1998
Australian Capital Territory
Agency status
Department of State
Agency note


The Department of Primary Industries and Energy was established on 24 July 1987 as part of the re-organisation of Commonwealth Departments. It was one of the super-ministries and was essentially an amalgamation of the abolished Departments of Primary Industry [II] (CA 1960) and Resources and Energy (CA 3496) and some elements of the Departments of Trade [II] (CA 3500) and Science [III] (CA 4136).


The department was abolished in the Administrative Arrangements Order of 21 October 1998, with most functions transferred to the new Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry, CA 8610.

Functions and Legislation

At its inception the Department dealt with the following principal matters:

Agricultural, pastoral, fishing, forest, mineral and energy industries, and electricity
Water and other natural resources
Primary industries inspection and quarantine
Primary industries and energy science and research, including geoscience
Commodity marketing, including export promotion
Commodity-specific international organisations and activities 
Administration of international commodity agreements
Administration of export controls on primary industries and energy products
Radioactive waste management.

The Department was given the responsibility of administering the following legislation:

Aluminium Industry Act 1960
Apple and Pear Export Charge Act 1976
Apple and Pear Export Charge Collection Act 1976
Apple and Pear Export Underwriting Act 1981
Apple and Pear Levy Act 1976
Apple and Pear Levy Collection Act 1976
Atomic Energy Act 1953
Australian Apple and Pear Corporation Act 1973
Australian Dried Fruits Corporation Act 1978
Australian Institute of Marine Science Act 1972
Australian Meat and Live-stock Corporation Act 1977
Australian Meat and Live-stock Industry Policy Council Act 1984 
Australian Meat and Live-stock Legislation (Consequential Amendments and Transitional Provisions) Act 1985
Australian Meat and Live-stock Research and Development Corporation Act 1985
Australian Wine and Brandy Corporation Act 1980
Barley Research Levy Act 1980
Barley Research Levy Collection Act 1980
Bass Strait Freight Adjustment Levy Act 1984
Bass Strait Freight Adjustment Trust Fund Act 1984
Beef Industry (Incentive Payments) Act 1977
Biological Control Act 1984
Blowering Water Storage Works Agreement Act 1963
Brigalow Lands Agreement Act 1962
Canned Fruits Levy Act 1979
Canned Fruits Levy Collection Act 1979
Canned Fruits Marketing Act 1979
Certain Corporations Selection Committee Act 1984
Coal Industry Act 1946, except Part V
Coal Production (War -time) Act Repeal Act 1948
Coal Research Assistance Act 1977
Commonwealth Functions (Statutes Review) Act 1981, Part IV
Continental Shelf (Living Natural Resources) Act 1968
Cotton Levy Act 1982
Cotton Levy Collection Act 1982
Dairy Adjustment Act 1974
Dairy Industry Stabilisation Act 1977
Dairy Industry Stabilisation Levy Act 1977
Dairy Industry Stabilisation Levy (Termination of Levy) Act 1986
Dairy Legislation (Transitional Provisions and Consequential Amendments) Act 1986
Dairy Produce Acts
Dairy Produce Levy Acts
Dairy Products (Export Inspection Charge) Act 1982
Dairy Products (Export Inspection Charge) Collection Act 1982 
Dairying Industry Research and Promotion Levy Act 1972
Dairying Industry Research and Promotion Levy Collection Acts
Dairying Industry Research and Promotion Levy (Termination of Levy) Act 1986
Derby Jetty Agreement Act 1962
Dried Fruit (Export Inspection Charge) Act 1981
Dried Fruit (Export Inspection Charge) Collection Act 1981
Dried Fruits Export Charges Act 1924
Dried Fruits Levy Act 1971
Dried Fruits Levy Collection Act 1971
Dried Sultana Poduction Underwriting Act 1982
Dried Vine Fruits Equalisation Act 1978
Dried Vine Fruits Equalisation Levy Act 1978
Drought Assistance (Primary Producers) Act 1982
Egg Export Legislation Repeal Act 1984
Egg Industry Research (Hen Quota) Levy Act 1987
Egg Industry Research (Hen Quota) Levy Collection Act 1987
Eggs (Export Inspection Charge) Act 1982
Eggs (Export Inspection Charge) Collection Act 1982
Export Control Act 1982
Export Control (Miscellaneous Amendments) Act 1982
Export Inspection Charges Collection Act 1985
Export Inspection (Establishment Registration Charge) Act 1985
Export Inspection (Quantity Charge) Act 1985
Export Inspection (Service Charge) Act 1985
Fish (Export Inspection Charge) Act 1981
Fish (Export Inspection Charge) Collection Act 1981
Fisheries Act 1952
Fisheries Agreements (Payments) Act 1981
Fisheries Levy Act 1984
Fishing Industry Act 1956
Fishing Industry Research Act 1969
Foreign Fishing Boats Levy Act 1981
Forestry and Timber Bureau Act 1930
Gladstone Power Station Agreement Act 1970
Grain (Export Inspection Charge) Act 1979
Grain (Export Inspection Charge) Collection Act 1979
Grain Legumes Levy Act 1985
Grain Legumes Levy Collection Act 1985
Grape Research Levy Act 1986
Grape Research Levy Collection Act 1986
Honey Export Charge Act 1973
Honey Export Charge Collection Act 1973
Honey Industry Act 1962
Honey Levy Acts
Honey Levy Collection Act 1962
Income Equalisation Deposits (Interest Adjustment) Act 1984
International Sugar Agreement Act 1978
Liquid Fuel Emergency Act 1984
Livestock Diseases Act 1978
Livestock Export Charge Act 1977
Livestock Export Charge Collection Act 1977
Livestock Slaughter (Export Inspection Charge) Act 1979
Livestock Slaughter (Export Inspection Charge) Collection Act 1979 
Livestock Slaughter (Export Inspection Charge) Validation Act 1984
Livestock Slaughter Levy Act 1964
Livestock Slaughter Levy Collection Act 1964
Loan (Income Equalisation Deposits) Act 1976
Meat Chicken Levy Act 1969
Meat Chicken Levy Collection Act 1969
Meat Export Charge Act 1984
Meat Export Charge Collection Act 1984
Meat Inspection Act 1983
Meat Inspection Arrangements Act 1964
Meat Research Act 1960
Minerals (Submerged Lands) Act 1981
Minerals (Submerged Lands)(Exploration Permit Fees) Act 1981
Minerals (Submerged Lands)(Production Licence Fees) Act 1981
Minerals (Submerged Lands)(Registration Fees) Act 1981
Minerals (Submerged Lands)(Royalty) Act 1981
Minerals (Submerged Lands)(Works Authority Fees) Act 1981
National Water Resources (Financial Assistance) Act 1978
New South Wales Grant (Leeton Co-operative Cannery Limited) Act 1971 
Northern Prawn Fishery Voluntary Adjustment Scheme Loan Guarantee Act 1985
Nuclear Non-Proliferation (Safeguards) Act 1987
Oil Companies (Stock Loss) Reimbursement Act 1986
Oilseeds Levy Act 1977
Oilseeds Levy Collection Act 1977
Petroleum Revenue Act 1985
Petroleum Search Subsidy Act 1959
Petroleum (Submerged Lands) Act 1967
Petroleum (Submerged Lands) (Exploration Permit Fees) Act 1967
Petroleum (Submerged Lands) (Pipeline Licence Fees) Act 1967 
Petroleum (Submerged Lands) (Production Licence Fees) Act 1967 
Petroleum (Submerged Lands) (Registration Fees) Act 1967
Petroleum (Submerged Lands) (Retention Lease Fees) Act 1985
Petroleum (Submerged Lands) (Royalty) Act 1967
Pig Industry Act 1986
Pig Industry (Transitional Provisions) Act 1986
Pig Slaughter Levy Act 1971
Pig Slaughter Levy Collection Act 1971
Pipeline Authority Act 1973
Pipeline Construction (Dalton to Canberra) Act 1980
Pipeline Construction (Young to Wagga Wagga) Act 1980
Plant Variety Rights Act 1987
Pork Promotion Act 1975
Poultry Industry Assistance Act 1965
Poultry Industry Levy Act 1965
Poultry Industry Levy Collection Act 1965
Quarantine Act 1908, in relation to animal, plant and general quarantine Quarantine (Validation of Fees) Act 1985, in relation to animal, plant and general quarantine
Queensland Grant (Proserpine Floor Mitigation) Act 1976
Re-establishment and Employment Act 1945, Part III in relation to rural training: Division 1 of Part IX insofar as it extends the foregoing; and Part XII, insofar as it applies or may be applied in relation to the foregoing
River Murray Waters Act 1983
Rural Industries Research Act 1985
Rural Industries Research (Transitional Provisions and Consequential Amendments) Act 1985
Seas and Submerged Lands Act 1973
Sewerage Agreements Acts
Snowy Mountains Hydro-electric Power Act 1949
Softwood Forestry Agreements Acts
Soil Conservation (Financial Assistance) Act 1985
South Australian Grant (Fruit Canneries) Act 1971
States and Northern Territory Grants (Bluetongue Virus Control) Act 1978
States and Northern Territory Grants (Rural Adjustment) Acts
States Grants (Beef Industry) Act 1975
States Grants (Fruit Canneries) Act 1976
States Grants (Fruit-growing Reconstruction) Acts
States Grants (Rural Adjustment) Act 1976
States Grants (Rural Reconstruction) Acts
States Grants (War Service Land Settlement) Act 1952
Sugar Agreement Act 1985
Sugar Cane Levy Act 1987
Sugar Cane Levy Collection Act 1987
Tasmanian Native Forestry Agreement Acts
Tobacco Marketing Act 1965
Torres Strait Fisheries Act 1984
Victoria Grant (Shepparton Preserving Company Limited) Act 1971
Weipa Development Agreement Act 1965
Western Australia Agreement (Ord River Irrigation) Acts
Western Australia (Northern Development) Agreement Act 1963
Wheat Industry Stabilisation Fund (Disposal) Act 1962
Wheat Marketing Act 1984
Wheat Tax Acts
Wheat Tax (Permit) Act 1984
Wheat Tax (Permit) Collection Act 1984
Wine Grapes Levy Act 1979
Wine Grapes Levy Collection Act 1979
Wine Research Act 1955
Wine Research Repeal Act 1986
Wool Marketing Act 1987

Also under the umbrella of the Department of Primary Industries and Energy was the Minister of Resources, Hon Peter Morris. In September 1987 the administration of the Department's functions was organised into the following Divisions:

Corporate Services and Co-ordination
Livestock and Pastoral
Natural Resource and Management
Policy development
Coal and Nuclear
Mineral Commodities
Energy Programs.

It also had two Services:

Australian Fisheries
Australian Quarantine and Inspection.

The Central Office was responsible for regional offices in each State and the Northern Territory and it had a Northern Fisheries Unit in Cairns and on Thursday Island. It had overseas representation in Belgium, Italy, Japan, Singapore, the United Kingdom and the United States of America.

In the Administrative Arrangement Order of 3 March 1988 (Commonwealth of Australia Gazette No S64, 4 March 1988) the following Acts were repealed by the (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 1987:

Dairy Products (Export Inspection Charge) Act 1982
Dairy Products (Export Inspection Charge) Collection Act 1982
Dried Fruit (Export Inspection Charge) Act 1981
Dried Fruit (Export Inspection Charge) Collection Act 1981
Egg Export Legislation Repeal Act 1984
Eggs (Export Inspection Charge) Act 1982
Eggs (Export Inspection Charge) Collection Act 1982
Fish (Export Inspection Charge) Act 1981
Fish (Export Inspection Charge) Collection Act 1981
Grain (Export Inspection Charge) Act 1979
Grain (Export Inspection Charge) Collection Act 1979

The Department also gained the following new enactments:

Australian Horticultural Corporation Act 1987
Australian Horticultural Coproration (Transitional Provisions and Consequentional Amendments) Acts 1987
Fishing Industry Research and Development Act 1987
Horticultural Levy Act 1987
Horticultural Levy Collection Act 1987
Horticultural Policy Council Act 1987
Horticultural Research and Development Corporation Act 1987
Petroleum Excise (Prices) Act 1987
Wheat Tax Regulations (Validation) Act 1987.

The Department also lost the Australian Institute of Marine Science Act 1972 to CA 4132, Department of Industry, Technology and Commerce. 

In the Administrative Arrangments Order of 13 March 1989 (Commonwealth of Australia Gazette No,S87, 13 March 1989) the following new Acts were enacted:

Agricultural and Veterinary Chemicals Act 1988
Honey Marketing Act 1988
Laying Chicken Levy Act 1988
Laying Chicken Levy Collection Act 1988
Primary Industries (Recovery of Levy Collection Expenses) Act 1988
Triticale Industry Research Levy Act 1988
Triticale Industry Research Levy Collection Act 1988.

The following Acts were not mentioned in the previous AAOs; and the Australian Meat and Live-stock Industry Selection Committee Act 1984 was gained, and the Certain Corporations Selection Committee Act 1984 was lost (omitted in 1989 AAO).

The Canned Fruits Levy Act 1979, the Canned Fruits Levy Collection Act 1979, Canned Fruits Marketing Act 1979 were repealed by the Primary Industries and Energy Legislation Amendment Act 1988.

The River Murray Waters Act 1983 was amended by the River Murray Waters Amendment Act 1987, and is now cited as the Murray-Darling Basin Act 1983.

During 1988/89 the Department underwent a program of management reform with the result being a new seven group structure and a devolved system of management. The seven groups were:

. Agriculture and Forestry Group
. Australian Bureau of Agricultural and Resource Economics
. Australian Quarantine and Inspection Service
. Bureau of Mineral Resources, Geology and Geophysics
. Bureau of Rural Resources
. Headquarters Group
. Minerals and Fisheries Group.

In the Administrative Arrangements Order of 27 June 1990 (Commonwealth of Australia Gazette No S182, 3 July 1990) the following new Acts were enacted:

Exotic Animal Disease Control Act 1989
Goat Fibre Levy Act 1989
Goat Fibre Levy Collection Act 1989
Pasture Seed Levy Act 1989
Petroleum (Australia-Indonesia Zone of Cooperation) Act 1990
Petroleum (Australia-Indonesia Zone of Cooperation)(Consequential Provisions) Act 1990
Primary Industries and Energy Research and Development Act 1989
Wheat Industry Fund Levy Act 1989
Wheat Industry Fund Levy Collection Act 1989
Wheat Marketing Act 1989
Wheat (Termination of Permit Tax) Act 1989
Wheat (Termination of Tax) Acts.

The following Acts were repealed by the Primary Industries and Energy Amendment Act (No 2) 1989:

Derby Jetty Agreement Act 1962
Oil Companies (Stock loss) Reimbursement Act 1986
Pipeline Construction (Dalton to Canberra) Act 1980
Pipeline Construction (Young to Wagga Wagga) Act 1980
South Australia Grant (Fruit Canneries) Act 1971
States and Northern Territories Grants (Bluetongue Virus Control) Act 1978
States Grants (Fruit Canneries) Act 1976
States Grants (Fruit Growing Recontruction) Acts
Victoria Grant (Shepparton Preserving Company Limited) Act 1971
Wheat Industry Stabilization Fund (Disposal) Act 1962.

The following Acts were repealed by the Primary Industries and Energy Amendment Act (No 3) 1989:

Bass Strait Freight Adjustment Levy Act 1984
Bass Strait Freight Adjustment Trust Fund Act 1984.

The following Acts were repealed by the Primary Industries and Energy Legislation Amendment Act 1989:

Live-stock Slaughter (Export Inspection Charge) Act 1979
Live-stock Slaughter (Export Inspection Charge) Collection Act 1979
Live-stock Slaughter (Export Inspection Charge) Validation Act 1984
Meat Research Act 1960
Sugar Agreement Act 1985.

The Australian Apple and Pear Corporation Act 1973 was repealed by the Australian Horiticultural Corporation (Transitional Provisions and Consequential Amendments) Act 1987, the Honey Industry Act 1962 was repealed by the Honey Marketing Act 1988, the Pork Promotion Act 1975 was repealed (cited as Pig Meat Promotion Act 1975) by the Pig Industry (Transitional Provisions) Act 1986, and the Sea and Submerged Lands Act 1973 was transferred to CA 5, Attorney-General's Department. The Triticale Levy Act 1988 and Triticale Levy Collection Act 1988 were renamed the Triticale Industry Research Levy Act 1988 and Triticale Industry Research Levy Collection Act 1988 respectively. 

In the Administrative Arrangements Order of 31 January 1992 (Commonwealth of Australia Gazette, No S37, 5 February 1992) the following Acts were repealed by the Primary Industries Levies and Charges Collection (Consequential Provisions) Act 1991:

Apple and Pear Export Charge Collection Act 1976
Apple and Pear Levy Collection Act 1976
Australian Dried Fruits Corporation Act 1978
Barley Research Levy Collection Act 1980
Egg Industry Research (Hen Quota) Levy Collection Act 1987
Goat Fibre Levy Collection Act 1989
Grain Legumes Levy Collection Act 1985
Grape Research Levy Collection Act 1986
Honey Export Charge Collection Act 1987
Honey Levy Collection Act 1962
Horticultural Export Charge Collection Act 1987
Horticultural Levy Collection Act 1987
Laying Chicken Levy Collection Act 1988
Live-stock Export Charge Collection Act 1977
Live-stock Slaughter Levy Collection Act 1964
Meat Chicken Levy Collection Act 1969
Oilseeds Levy Collection Act 1977
Pasture Seed Levy Collection Act 1989
Pig Slaughter Levy Collection Act 1971
Poultry Industry Levy Collection Act 1965
Sugar Cane Levy Collection Act 1987
Triticale Levy Collection Act 1988
Wheat Industry Fund Levy Collection Act 1989
Wine Grapes Levy Collection Act 1979.
The following new Acts became the responsibility of the Department: 

Australian Meat and Live-stock Quotas Act 1990
Australian Wool Corporation Act 1991
Australian Wool Industry Council Act 1991
Australian Wool Realisation Commission Act 1991
Beef Production Levy Act 1990
Cattle Export Charge Act 1990
Cattle Industry Legislation (Consequential Provisions) Act 1990 
Cattle Transaction Levy Act 1990
Fisheries Administration Act 1990
Fisheries Agreements (Payments) Act 1991
Fisheries Legislation (Consequential Provisions) Act 1991
Fisheries Management Act 1991
Fishing Levy Act 1991
Foreign Fishing Licences Levy Act 1991
Primary Industries Levy and Charges Collection Act 1991
Primary Industries Levy and Charges Collection (Consequential Provisions) Act 1991
Rice Levy Act 1991.

As of 1 November 1992 The Department's Archive function was devolved to five groups within the Department. These five groups were:
. Headquarters Group (HQ) (CA 5990)
. Australian Quarantine and Inspection Service (AQIS)  (CA 7480)
. Minerals and Fisheries Group (MINFISH)  (CA 7748)
. Agriculture and Forests Group  (AGFOR)  (CA 7734)
. Bureau of Resource Sciences (BRS)  (CA 7607).

In the Administrative Arrangements Order of 24 March 1993 (Commonwealth of Australia Gazette, No S91, 24 March 1993) the Barley Research Levy Act 1980 and the Triticale Levy Act 1988 were repealed by the Coarse Grains Levy (Consequential Provisions) Act 1992. The Dairying Industry Research and Promotion Levy Act 1972 was repealed by the Primary Industries Levies and Charges Collection (Consequential Provisions) Act 1991. The Dried Fruits Export Charges Act 1924 was repealed by the Australian Horticultural Corporation Amendment Act 1991. The Fisheries Agreements (Payments) Act 1981 was repealed by the Fisheries Legislation (Consequential Provisions) Act 1991. The Honey Marketing Act 1988 was repealed by the Honey Legislation (Repeal and Amendment) Act 1992. The Fisheries Agreements (Payments) Act 1991 was replaced by a new multiple listing, the Fisheries Agreements (Payments) Acts.

In the same Administrative Arrangements Order the Department gained the following new legislation:

Agricultural and Veterinary Chemicals (Administration) Act 1992  
Coarse Grains Levy Act 1992
Coarse Grains Levy (Consequential Provisions) Act 1992
Deer Export Charge Act 1992
Deer Slaughter Levy Act 1992
Deer Velvet Export Charge Act 1992
Deer Velvet Levy Act 1992
Farm Household Support Act 1992
Fisheries Agreements (Payments) Acts
Honey Legislation (Repeal and Amendment) Act 1992
Imported Food Control Act 1992
National Residue Survey Administration Act 1992
National Residue Survey Levy Acts
National Residue Survey (Consequential Provisions) Act 1992
Natural Resources Management (Financial Assistance) Act 1992
Primary Industry Council Act 1991
Rural Adjustment Act 1992
Statutory Fishing Rights Act 1991.

Also the Australian Meat and Live-stock Research and Development Act 1985 appears with the Meat Research Corporation Act 1985 and research indicates that the latter legislation should substitute for the former. The Department also gained the Dartmouth Reservoir Agreement Act 1970 from the Department of Finance (CA 2140).

In the Administrative Arrangements Order of 1 June 1994 (Commonwealth Gazette, No S199, 6 June 1994) the following Acts were repealed:

Australian Wool Corporation Act 1991
Australian Wool Industry Council Act 1991
Australian Wool Realisation Commission Act 1991
Dairy Produce Levy Acts
Dairy Industry Research and Promotion Levy Collection Acts
Dairy Industry Research and Promotion Levy (Termination of Levy Act 1986)
Wool Marketing Act 1987.

The Continental Shelf (Living Natural Resource) Act 1968 was repealed by Fisheries Legislation (Consequential Provisions) Act 1991 and the Murray-Darling Basin Act 1983 was repealed by Murray-Darling Basin Act 1993.

The Nuclear Non-Proliferation (Safeguards) Act 1987 was transferred to the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade (CA 5987). The Australian Meat and Livestock Research and Development Corporation Act 1985 now appears as Meat Research Corporation Act 1985 and the Dairy Produce Acts were replaced by a single entry, Dairy Produce Act 1986.

In the same Administrative Arrangements Order the following Acts were enacted:

Australian Wool Research and Promotion Organisation Act 1993
Domestic Meat Premises Charge Act 1993
Export Inspection Charges Laws Amendment Act 1993
Forest Industries Research Export Charge Act 1993
Forest Industries Research Import Charge Act 1993
Forest Industries Research Levy Act 1993
Wool International Act 1993
Wool Legislation (Repeals and Consequential Provisions) Act 1993.

Also, the Fisheries Act 1952 was amended to include reference to Part IV.

In the Administrative Arrangements Order of 11 March 1996 (Commonwealth of Australia Gazette No. S93, 11 March 1996) the Department gained the Rural adjustment and drought issues function, and three other matters were reworded thus:  'Agricultural, pastoral, fishing, forest, mineral and energy industries, and electricity' now reads 'Agricultural, pastoral, fishing, forest, mineral and energy industries, including gas and petroleum, and electricity'.  'Water and other natural resources' now becomes ' Water, soils and other natural resources', and 'Commodity marketing, including export promotion' now becomes 'Commodity marketing, including export promotion and agribusiness'.

The following pieces of legislation were lost:

  Australian Meat and Live-stock Corporation Act 1977 - repealed
  Australian Meat and Live-stock Industry Policy Council Act 1984 - repealed
  Australian Meat and Live-stock Industry Selection Committee Act 1984 - repealed
  Australian Meat and Live-stock Legislation (Consequential Amendments and Transitional Provisions) Act 1985
  Dairy Industry Stabilization Act 1977
  Dairy Industry Stabilization Levy Act 1977
  Dairy Industry Stabilization Levy (Termination of Levy) Act 1986
  Fisheries Act 1952, Part IV
  Livestock Diseases Act 1978 - repealed
  Meat Research Corporation Act 1985
  Minerals (Submerged Lands) Act 1981
  Minerals (Submerged Lands)(Exploration Permit Fees) Act 1981
  Minerals (Submerged Lands)(Production Licence Fees) Act 1981
  Minerals (Submerged Lands)(Registration Fees) Act 1981
  Minerals (Submerged Lands)(Royalty) Act 1981
  Minerals (Submerged Lands)(Works Authority Fees) Act 1981
  Petroleum (Submerged Lands)(Exploration Permit Fees) Act 1967
  Petroleum (Submerged Lands)(Pipeline Licence Fees) Act 1967
  Petroleum (Submerged Lands)(Production Licence Fees) Act 1967
  Petroleum (Submerged Lands)(Retention Lease Fees) Act 1985
The Agricultural and Veterinary Chemicals Act 1988 was updated to 1994, the Cattle Transaction Levy Act 1990 was updated to 1995, and the Export Inspection Charges Collection Act 1985 became known as the Export Inspection and Meat Charges Collection Act 1985.

In the same administrative change, the Department gained responsibility for the following new legislation:

  Agricultural and Veterinary Chemical Products (Collection of Interim Levy) Act 1994
  Agricultural and Veterinary Chemical Products (Collection of Levy) Act 1994
  Agricultural and Veterinary Chemical Products Interim Levy Imposition (Customs) Act 1994
  Agricultural and Veterinary Chemical Products Interim Levy Imposition (Excise) Act 1994
  Agricultural and Veterinary Chemical Products Interim Levy Imposition (General) Act 1994
  Agricultural and Veterinary Chemical Products Levy Imposition (Customs) Act 1994
  Agricultural and Veterinary Chemical Products Levy Imposition (Excise) Act 1994
  Agricultural and Veterinary Chemical Products Levy Imposition (General) Act 1994
  Agricultural and Veterinary Chemicals Code Act 1994
  Dairy Produce Levy (No. 1) Act 1995
  Dairy Produce Levy (No. 2) Act 1995
  Meat and Live-stock Industry Act 1995
  Meat and Live-stock Industry Legislation Repeal Act 1995
  Moomba-Sydney Pipeline System Sale Act 1994, except to the extent administered by the Treasurer
  Petroleum (Submerged Lands) (Fees) Act 1994
  Prawn Boat Levy Act 1995
  Prawn Export Charge Act 1995

and the following legislation was inherited:

  Offshore Minerals (Exploration Licence Fees) Act 1981
  Offshore Minerals (Mining Licence Fees) Act 1981
  Offshore Minerals (Registration Fees) Act 1981
  Offshore Minerals (Royalty) Act 1981
  Offshore Minerals (Works Licence Fees) Act 1981
  Petroleum (Australia-Indonesia Zone of Co-operation) Act 1990
  Snowy Mountains Hydro-electric Authority Act 1960.

In the Amending Administrative Arrangements Order of 23 April 1996 the Department gained the following legislation:

  Offshore Minerals Act 1994.

In the Administrative Arrangements Order of 18 June 1998 (Commonwealth of Australia Gazette No GN 25, 24 June 1998) the department gained the following new legislation:

Australian Animal Health Council (Live-stock Industries) Funding Act 1996
Australian Meat and Live-stock Industry Act 1997
Australian Meat and Live-stock Industry (Repeals and Consequential Provisions) Act 1997
Ballast Water Research and Development Funding Levy Act 1998
Buffalo Export Charge Act 1997
Buffalo Slaughter Levy Act 1997
Cattle (Exporters) Export Charge Act 1997
Cattle (Producers) Export Charges Act 1997
Cattle Transactions Levy Act 1997
Dairy Industry Research and Promotion Levy Collection Acts
Dairy Produce Levy Acts
Dried Vine Fruits Stabilization Legislation (Repeal) Act 1981
Fisheries Act 1952 (has reappeared after an absence)
Fisheries Agreements (Payments) Act 1991
Live-stock (Exporters) Export Charge Act 1997
Live-stock (Producers) Export Charges Act 1997
Live-stock Slaughter (Processors) Levy Act 1997
Live-stock Transactions Levy Act 1997
Offshore Minerals (Retention Licence Fees) Act 1994
Plant Breeder's Rights Act 1994
Snowy Hydro Corporatisation Act 1997
Snowy Hydro Corporatisation (Consequential Amendments) Act 1997
States Grants (Rural Adjustment) Acts
Wine Export Charge Act 1997.

The States Grants (Rural Adjustment) Act 1976 became the States Grants (Rural Adjustment) Acts.

The following acts were repealed:

Apple and Pear Export Underwriting Act 1981
Beef Industry (Incentive Payments) Act 1977
Cattle Industry Legislation(Consequential Provisions) Act 1990
Coal Production (War-time) Act Repeal Act 1948
Commonwealth Functions (Statutes Review) Act 1981, Part IV
Drought Assistance (Primary Producers) Act 1982
Egg Industry Research (Hen Quota) Levy Act 1987
Export Control (Miscellaneous Amendments) Act 1982
Export Inspection Charges Laws Amendment Act 1993
Fishing Industry Act 1956
Fishing Industry Research Act 1969
Fishing Industry Research and Development Act 1987
International Sugar Agreement Act 1978
National Water Resources (Financial Assistance) Act 1978
Petroleum (Australia-Indonesia Zone of Cooperation)(Consequential Amendments) Act 1990
Plant Variety Rights Act 1987
Poultry Industry Assistance Act 1965
Poultry Industry Levy Act 1965
Primary Industries (Recovery of Levy Collection Expenses) Act 1988
Rural Industries Research Act 1985
Rural Industries Research (Transitional Provisions and Consequential Amendments) Act 1985
Soil Conservation (Financial Assistance) Act 1985
Tobacco Marketing Act 1965
Wheat Tax Acts
Wheat Tax (Permit) Act 1984
Wheat Tax (Permit) Collection Act 1984
Wheat Tax Regulations (Validation) Act 1987
Wheat (Termination of Permit Tax) Act 1989
Wheat (Termination of Tax) Acts.

Administrative arrangements

Ministers to the Department were:

24 Jul 1987 -  7 Jun 1991  : Hon. John Charles Kerin
7 Jun 1991 - 23 Dec 1993  : Hon. Simon Crean
23 Dec 1993 - 11 Mar 1996  : Sen the Hon. Bob Collins
11 Mar 1996 - 21 Oct 1998  : Hon. John Anderson
Secretaries to the Department have been:

24 Jul 1987 - 31 Aug 1988   : G C Evans
1 Sep 1988 - 24 Mar 1993   : G L Miller
24 Mar 1993 - 11 Mar 1996   : G F Taylor
11 Mar 1996 -  5 Feb 1998   : P. Barratt
5 Feb 1998 - 21 Oct 1998   : K H Matthews


Commonwealth of Australia Gazette No. S183, 24 July 1987
Commonwealth of Australia Gazette No. S64, 4 March 1988
Commonwealth of Australia Gazette No. S182, 3 July 1990
Commonwealth of Australia Gazette No. S37, 5 February 1992
Commonwealth of Australia Gazette No. S91, 24 March 1993
Commonwealth of Australia Gazette No. S199, 6 June 1994
Commonwealth of Australia Gazette No. S93, 11 March 1996
Amending Administrative Arrangements Order, 23 April 1996
Commonwealth of Australia Gazette No. PS 2, 15 January 1998

Historical agency address

24 Jul 1987-21 Oct 1998 : Jolimont Building, Northbourne Avenue, Canberra
24 Jul 1987-21 Oct 1998 : Edmund Barton Building, Broughton Street, Barton ACT

Previous agency
  • 24 Jul 1987
    CA 3496, Department of Resources and Energy, Central Office - All functions except the mapping and survey function
  • 24 Jul 1987
    CA 3500, Department of Trade [II], Central Office - Sugar legislation and commodity marketing/administration functions
  • 24 Jul 1987
    CA 4136, Department of Science [III], Central Office - For the Australian Institute of Marine Science Act 1972
  • 24 Jul 1987
    CA 1960, Department of Primary Industry [II], Central Office - All functions and legislative responsibilities
  • 03 Oct 1989
    CA 3149, Australian Canned Fruits Industry Advisory Committee
  • 03 Oct 1989
    CA 3150, Australian Canned Fruits Corporation
  • 01 Nov 1992
    CA 6344, Department of Primary Industries and Energy, Regional Office, New South Wales
Subsequent agency
  • 04 Mar 1988
    CA 4132, Department of Industry, Technology and Commerce, Central Office - Australian Institute of Marine Science Act 1972
  • 02 Jul 1990
    CA 8549, Energy Research and Development Corporation
  • 01 Jan 1994
    CA 9202, Forest and Wood Products Research and Development Corporation [FWPRDC]
  • 21 Oct 1998
    CA 8610, Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry [I], Central Office - for most matters except those relating to resources and energy
  • 21 Oct 1998
    CA 8617, Department of Industry, Science and Resources, Central Office - for matters relating to resources and energy
Controlled agency
  • 24 Jul 1987 - 21 Oct 1998
    CA 113, Australian Wheat Board [II]
  • 24 Jul 1987 - 21 Oct 1998
    CA 154, Joint Coal Board
  • 24 Jul 1987 - 31 Dec 1992
    CA 1598, Australian Honey Board
  • 24 Jul 1987 - 03 Jul 1995
    CA 1900, Australian Tobacco Marketing Advisory Committee
  • 24 Jul 1987 - 01 Aug 1988
    CA 1922, Australian Apple and Pear Corporation
  • 24 Jul 1987 - 30 Jun 1991
    CA 2004, Australian Wool Corporation [I], Head Office
  • 24 Jul 1987 - 13 Aug 1996
    CA 2076, Pipeline Authority
  • 24 Jul 1987 - 03 Feb 1992
    CA 2104, Fisheries Division (a) Post-War Reconstruction (to 1946) (b) Commerce and Agriculture (to 1956) (c) Primary Industry [I] (to 1974) (d) Agriculture (to 1975) (e) Primary Industry [II] (to 1987) (f) Primary Industries and Energy
  • 24 Jul 1987 - 13 Aug 1992
    CA 218, Bureau of Mineral Resources, Geology and Geophysics
  • 24 Jul 1987 - 21 Oct 1998
    CA 2338, Australian Dairy Corporation
  • 24 Jul 1987 - 01 Jan 1988
    CA 246, The River Murray Commission
  • 24 Jul 1987 - 30 Jun 1998
    CA 2517, Australian Meat and Livestock Corporation
  • 24 Jul 1987 - 21 Oct 1998
    CA 2997, Australian Fisheries Council
  • 24 Jul 1987 - 31 Dec 1990
    CA 3106, Australian Dried Fruits Corporation
  • 24 Jul 1987 - 03 Oct 1989
    CA 3150, Australian Canned Fruits Corporation
  • 24 Jul 1987 - 21 Oct 1998
    CA 3171, Wine Australia Corporation
  • 24 Jul 1987 - 30 Jun 1989
    CA 336, Export Sugar Committee
  • 24 Jul 1987 - 26 Dec 1987
    CA 3790, Fishing Industry Research Committee
  • 24 Jul 1987 - 02 Jul 1990
    CA 3805, Pig Research Council
  • 24 Jul 1987 - 08 Jun 1994
    CA 3994, Safeguards Office/ (by 1976) Australian Safeguards Office (ASO)
  • 24 Jul 1987 - 30 Jun 1998
    CA 4395, Australian Meat and Livestock Research and Development Corporation/(from July 1991) Meat Research Corporation
  • 24 Jul 1987 - 21 Oct 1998
    CA 479, Agriculture and Resource Management Council of Australia and New Zealand
  • 24 Jul 1987 - 21 Oct 1998
    CA 5180, Wine Australia Corporation Selection Committtee
  • 24 Jul 1987 - 21 Oct 1998
    CA 524, Snowy Mountains Council
  • 24 Jul 1987 - 21 Oct 1998
    CA 553, The Australian Wine Research Institute, South Australia - Minister's Office
  • 24 Jul 1987 - 21 Oct 1998
    CA 5861, Department of Agriculture [II], Brisbane (North East Region), Queensland
  • 24 Jul 1987 - 01 Nov 1992
    CA 6344, Department of Primary Industries and Energy, Regional Office, New South Wales
  • 24 Jul 1987 - 21 Oct 1998
    CA 6592, Department of Primary Industries and Energy, Regional Office, South Australia
  • 24 Jul 1987 - 21 Oct 1998
    CA 6661, Department of Primary Industries and Energy, Regional Office, Western Australia
  • 24 Jul 1987 - 21 Oct 1998
    CA 6722, Department of Primary Industries and Energy, Victorian Region
  • 24 Jul 1987 - 21 Oct 1998
    CA 6736, Department of Primary Industries and Energy, Regional Office, Northern Territory [Darwin]
  • 24 Jul 1987 - 01 Oct 1991
    CA 6938, Department of Primary Industries and Energy, Regional Office, Tasmania
  • 24 Jul 1987 - 21 Oct 1998
    CA 696, Standing Committee on Agriculture and Resource Management - provides Secretariat
  • 24 Jul 1987 - 21 Oct 1998
    CA 6994, Australian Bureau of Agricultural and Resource Economics
  • 24 Jul 1987 - 21 Oct 1998
    CA 75, Snowy Hydro, Head Office
  • 24 Jul 1987 - 21 Oct 1998
    CA 7480, Australian Quarantine and Inspection Service, Central Office [Australian Capital Territory]
  • 24 Jul 1987 - 21 Oct 1998
    CA 3295, Dried Fruits Research and Development Council
  • 24 Jul 1987 - 01 Oct 1990
    CA 517, Wheat Industry Research Council/ (from 1985) Wheat Research Council
  • 24 Jul 1987 - 01 Jan 1994
    CA 3799, Australian Forestry Council
  • 01 Jan 1988 - 21 Oct 1998
    CA 6971, Murray-Darling Basin Commission
  • 01 Aug 1988 - 21 Oct 1998
    CA 6939, Horticulture Innovation Australia
  • 01 Jul 1990 - 21 Oct 1998
    CA 8176, Rural Industries Research and Development Corporation (trading as AgriFutures Australia)
  • 02 Jul 1990 - 21 Oct 1998
    CA 8549, Energy Research and Development Corporation
  • 03 Jul 1990 - 21 Oct 1998
    CA 7584, Land and Water Resources Research and Development Corporation
  • 01 Oct 1990 - 21 Oct 1998
    CA 7627, Grains Research and Development Corporation (GRDC)
  • 01 Oct 1990 - 21 Oct 1998
    CA 9423, Sugar Research Australia
  • 01 Jul 1991 - 01 Dec 1993
    CA 7370, Australian Wool Corporation [II]
  • 01 Jul 1991 - 01 Dec 1993
    CA 7371, Australian Wool Realisation Commission
  • 01 Jul 1991 - 01 Dec 1993
    CA 7372, Wool Research and Development Corporation
  • 02 Jul 1991 - 21 Oct 1998
    CA 7841, Grape and Wine Research and Development Corporation, Head Office
  • 02 Jul 1991 - 21 Oct 1998
    CA 8058, Fisheries Research and Development Corporation
  • 03 Feb 1992 - 21 Oct 1998
    CA 7486, Australian Fisheries Management Authority
  • 13 Aug 1992 - 21 Oct 1998
    CA 7605, Geoscience Australia
  • 21 Oct 1992 - 21 Oct 1998
    CA 7607, Bureau of Rural Sciences (BRS)
  • 01 Nov 1992 - 21 Oct 1998
    CA 7734, Agriculture and Forestry Group [AGFOR]
  • 01 Nov 1992 - 21 Oct 1998
    CA 7748, Resources and Energy Group
  • 15 Jun 1993 - 21 Oct 1998
    CA 7842, Australian Pesticides and Veterinary Medicines Authority (APVMA)
  • 01 Dec 1993 - 21 Oct 1998
    CA 8416, Wool International
  • 17 Dec 1993 - 31 Dec 1996
    CA 8415, Clean Food Marketing Australia Limited
  • 01 Jan 1994 - 21 Oct 1998
    CA 9202, Forest and Wood Products Research and Development Corporation [FWPRDC]
Persons associated with agency
  • 24 Jul 1987 - 19 Jan 1988
    CP 436, Hon Peter Frederick MORRIS - Minister for Resources
  • 24 Jul 1987 - 04 Jun 1991
    CP 627, Hon John Charles KERIN AM - Minister
  • 19 Jan 1988 - 04 Apr 1990
    CP 432, Hon Peter Francis Salmon COOK - Minister for Resources
  • 04 Apr 1990 - 27 Dec 1991
    CP 373, Hon Neal BLEWETT AC - Minister Assisting the Minister for Primary Industries and Energy
  • 04 Apr 1990 - 24 Mar 1993
    CP 483, Hon Alan Gordon GRIFFITHS - Minister for Resources
  • 04 Jun 1991 - 23 Dec 1993
    CP 1041, The Hon Simon Findlay CREAN - Minister for Primary Industries and Energy
  • 24 Mar 1993 - 23 Dec 1993
    CP 1026, Hon Michael John LEE - Minister for Resources
  • 23 Dec 1993 - 11 Mar 1996
    CP 495, Hon David Peter BEDDALL - Minister for Resources
  • 23 Dec 1993 - 11 Mar 1996
    CP 628, Hon Robert Lindsay COLLINS AO - Minister
  • 11 Mar 1996 - 21 Oct 1998
    CP 701, Hon Warwick Raymond PARER - Minister for Resources and Energy
  • 11 Mar 1996 - 21 Oct 1998
    CP 972, Hon John Duncan ANDERSON AO - Minister
Date registered
16 Oct 1987

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