Agency number |
CA 52 |
Title |
Department of Works and Housing, Head Office |
Date range |
13 Jul 1945 - 04 Jun 1952 |
Series recorded by this agency |
Series |
Organisation controlling |
Location |
Victoria |
Agency status |
Department of State |
Function |
13 Jul 1945 - 04 Jun 1952 13 Jul 1945 - 21 Jun 1951 13 Jul 1945 - 04 Jun 1952
Agency note |
The Department of Works and Housing was established on 13 July 1945, replacing the Department of Works [II] which was abolished on that date (Commonwealth Gazette No 138, 13 July 1945, p 1536).
The functions of the new Department, as outlined in the Department of Works and Housing (Functions) Order made on 19 July 1945 (Commonwealth Gazette No 149, 2 August 1945, pp 1656-57, were:
(a) the design, estimate of cost, supervision and execution of
all architectural and engineering works (both capital and
maintenance) for the Commonwealth Government and such other
works as were requested by a State or an authority of the
Commonwealth or of a State;
(b) the inspection of all works and advice to the Department
concerned as to necessary maintenance and the estimated cost
of such maintenance;
(c) the formulation of proposals for the co-ordination of works
projects independently initiated by two or more Departments;
(d) the formulation of town planning proposals in areas
controlled by the Commonwealth in collaboration with other
responsible Departments;
(e) technical advice in relation to Commonwealth works
(f) the investigation, planning and development of such works of
national importance as were referred to the Department by
the Commonwealth government;
(g) technical advice to the Commonwealth in relation to works of
a State, or of an authority of a State, in which the
Commonwealth had a direct financial interest, and, if so
directed by the Commonwealth Government, the design or
execution of those works;
(h) collaboration with Commonwealth and State Departments and
authorities and local authorities on regional and town
planning insofar as it affected Commonwealth works;
(i) the submissions to the Defence Services of Works proposals
or work plans (other than Defence Works) for which the
Commonwealth was wholly or partially responsible, and which,
in the consideration of the Department, had strategic
importance; and
(j) collaboration in research carried out by Commonwealth and
State Departments or authorities in relation to works and
the circulation of relevant data to interested Departments
or authorities; and also the planning and conduct of such
further research as the Department considered necessary in
relation to matters affecting the planning, design and
execution of works.
A Directorate of Housing (CA 542) was formed within the Department on its creation. The Directorate was an amalgamation of sections concerned with housing matters previously located in the Departments of Labour and National Service (War Housing Division, to which had previously been added the War Housing Section of the Department of Post-War Reconstruction) and Post-War Reconstruction (Building Industry Division) the Prices Commission of the Department of Trade and Customs and the War Service Homes Commission. Functions specific to the Directorate were:
(a) administration of the Commonwealth - States Housing
(b) the issue of building permits;
(c) administration of Building Materials Orders (bricks, tiles,
fibrous plaster, stone, concrete pipes);
(d) administration of the National Security (Commonwealth War
Housing Trust) Regulations, pending the completion and
liquidation of the Trust's projects;
(e) administration of the National Security (Landlord and
Tenant) Regulations;
(f) responsibility for the inter-departmental Building Industry
Committee and its subsidiary committees in the States;
(g) any other matters necessarily associated with a Commonwealth
Housing Authority.
During 1947 the Directorate of Housing (CA 542) was redesignated Housing Division, Department of Works and Housing (CA 2006). The Acts administered by the Minister for Works and Housing as enumerated in the Administrative Arrangements Order issued on 12 March 1947 (Commonwealth Gazette, No 52, 14 March 1947, p 896) were:
Commonwealth - State Housing Agreement Act 1945
Defence (Transitional Provisions) Act 1946, insofar as it
related to the following Regulations and Order:
National Security (Landlord and Tenant) Regulations
National Security (Salvage) Regulations
Control of Essential Materials Order
Federal Aid Roads Act 1926
Federal Aid Road Act 1931
Federal Aid Roads Act 1936
Federal Aid Roads and Works Act 1937
Re-establishment and Employment Act 1945 (Part viii)
River Murray Waters Act 1915
River Murray Waters Act 1934
War Service Homes Act 1918
War Service Homes Agreement Act 1932
War Service Homes (South Australia) Agreement Act 1934
Responsibility for the River Murray Waters Commission (CA 246) passed to Works and Housing from the Department of the Interior [II] on 12 September 1945 (Commonwealth Gazette, No 176, 13 September 1945, p 1980).
Responsibility for the National Security (Landlord and Tenant) Regulations was transferred from the Department of Trade and Customs (Prices Commissioner) to Works and Housing on 16 October 1945.
As from 1 November 1945, responsibility for issuing building permits was taken over by the state governments.
The Department of Works and Housing was allotted a role in the
post-war field of materials supply and the residue of the wartime Commonwealth Timber Control (CA 536) was transferred from the Department of Munitions to Works and Housing. The changeover was effected administratively on 8 November 1945. The Government approved certain recommendations of the Timber Controller which led to the establishment within the Department of the Interior [II] of a permanent Forestry and Timber Bureau (CA 213) in April 1946. As the Bureau was to be a permanent timber planning authority, responsibility for Timber Control passed from Works and Housing to the Bureau within the Department of the Interior [II] as from 1 July 1946 (see CA 213, CA 1536).
In 1946, Works and Housing gained responsibility for the Commonwealth Salvage Commission (CA 226) from the Department of Home Security. On 31 January 1946 the control of the Commonwealth Experimental Building Station (CA 669) was transferred to Works and Housing from the Department of Post-War Reconstruction (see CA 669).
On 17 March 1950 the Housing Division (CA 2006) was transferred to the Department of National Development [I].
On 4 January 1951, the War Service Homes Division which was created to replace the War Service Homes Commission in 1947 was transferred from Works and Housing to the Department of Social Services (Commonwealth Gazette, No. 2, 5 January 1951, p 1).
On 21 June 1951 responsibility for the function 'Housing Finance' passed from Works and Housing to the Department of National Development [I] (Commonwealth Gazette, No 46, 2 July 1951, p 1664).
On 4 June 1952 the Department of Works and Housing was abolished and the Department of Works [III] (CA 61) created which assumed all functions previously carried out by the abolished Department. It was decided to change the title of the Department because there was very little left in the Department which had any direct bearing on "housing". The new title was felt to be a more appropriate description of the functions. The title "Works and Housing" was found to confuse the public by creating an impression that the Commonwealth was directly responsible for all housing activities, including those controlled by State Governments. (Commonwealth Public Service Board Bulletin, Vol 4, No 3, May-June 1952, p 14)
The Ministers for Works and Housing were:
13 Jul 1945 - 1 Nov 1946: Hubert Peter Lazzarini
1 Nov 1946 - 19 Dec 1949: Nelson Lemmon
19 Dec 1949 - 11 May 1951: Richard Gardiner Casey
11 May 1951 - 4 Jun 1952: Wilfred Selwyn Kent Hughes
Sir Louis F Loder, CBE, was Secretary to the Department during the seven years of its existence.
S J Butlin and C B Schedvin, War Economy, 1942-1945, Australian War Memorial, Canberra, 1977.
Joint Committee of Public Accounts Fourth Report. Department of National Development, p 6 in Commonwealth Parliamentary Papers Session 1951-52-53 Vol II, pp 531 ff.
Committee of Review - Civil Staffing of Wartime Activities. Report on the Department of Works and Housing, 14 November 1945, pp 2-3
Historical agency address
271 Collins Street, Melbourne, Vic
Legislation administered
Creation: Executive Council Meeting No. 42 (P.M.'s Minute No. 27) of 13 July 1945
Abolition: Executive Council Meeting No. 26 (P.M.'s Minute No. 21) of 4 June 1952
Subsequent agency unregistered
1945: State housing authorities (issue of building permits)
Previous agency |
13 Jul 1945 CA 40, Department of Labour and National Service, Central Secretariat/ (by 1947 known as Central Office) - For War Housing Division 13 Jul 1945 CA 45, Department of War Organisation of Industry (Central Office) - For Building Division 13 Jul 1945 CA 49, Department of Post-War Reconstruction, Central Office - Building industry division 13 Jul 1945 CA 50, Department of Works [II], Central Office - All functions 19 Jul 1945 CA 16, Repatriation Department [I] - War Service Homes legislation 12 Sep 1945 CA 31, Department of the Interior [II], Central Office - for River Murray Waters Commission 16 Oct 1945 CA 287, Commonwealth Prices Commissioner - for National Security (Landlord and Tenant) Regulations 16 Oct 1945 CA 10, Department of Trade and Customs, Central Office - for landlord and tenant regulations 07 Nov 1945 CA 3476, Directorate of Materials Supply/ (from 1945) Materials Supply Branch, Department of Munitions 08 Nov 1945 CA 39, Department of Munitions, Central Administration - for control of materials, manufacture of industrial chemicals and timber 01 Jan 1946 CA 3719, Directorate of Timber Control, Department of Munitions 31 Jan 1946 CA 49, Department of Post-War Reconstruction, Central Office - Experimental building station 01 Feb 1946 CA 43, Department of Home Security - for Commonwealth Salvage Commission 03 Oct 1950 CA 56, Department of National Development [I], Central Office - for experimental building station
Subsequent agency |
01 Feb 1946 CA 31, Department of the Interior [II], Central Office - for Commonwealth Timber Control 01 Jul 1946 CA 31, Department of the Interior [II], Central Office - Commonwealth timber control 01 Jan 1947 CA 49, Department of Post-War Reconstruction, Central Office - For essential materials order - to Secondary Industries Division 12 Mar 1947 CA 44, Department of Transport [II], Central Office - for financial assistance to states for road works 16 Mar 1950 CA 56, Department of National Development [I], Central Office - For Housing Division and Commonwealth experimental building station 04 Jan 1951 CA 32, Department of Social Services [I], Central Office - for provision of homes for Australian soldiers, their female dependants and other eligible persons 21 Jun 1951 CA 56, Department of National Development [I], Central Office - For housing finance 04 Jun 1952 CA 61, Department of Works [III], Central Office - all functions
Controlled agency |
13 Jul 1945 - 14 Jul 1947 CA 247, War Service Homes Commission 13 Jul 1945 - 04 Jun 1952 CA 4325, Bank and Special Projects Branch [of Department of Works and successors] 13 Jul 1945 - 31 Dec 1947 CA 441, Building Industry Committee 13 Jul 1945 - 23 Jan 1947 CA 542, Housing Directorate, Department of Works and Housing 13 Jul 1945 - 04 Jun 1952 CA 6054, Scientific Services Laboratory 13 Jul 1945 - 09 May 1946 CA 965, Works and Services Branch, New South Wales 13 Jul 1945 - 04 Jul 1946 CA 966, Works and Services Branch, Northern Territory 13 Jul 1945 - 09 May 1946 CA 967, Works and Services Branch, Queensland 13 Jul 1945 - 09 May 1946 CA 968, Works and Services Branch, South Australia 13 Jul 1945 - 09 May 1946 CA 970, Works and Services Branch, Victoria 13 Jul 1945 - 09 May 1946 CA 971, Works and Services Branch, Western Australia 12 Sep 1945 - 04 Jun 1952 CA 246, The River Murray Commission 08 Nov 1945 - 01 Jul 1946 CA 1536, Commonwealth Timber Control 08 Nov 1945 - 01 Jul 1946 CA 678, Central Timber Advisory Panel 31 Jan 1946 - 04 Jun 1952 CA 669, Commonwealth Experimental Building Station/ (from 1974) Experimental Building Station 01 Feb 1946 - 31 Mar 1946 CA 266, Commonwealth Salvage Commission - Minister's office 01 Apr 1946 - 31 May 1950 CA 2000, Commonwealth Salvage Control 09 May 1946 - 04 Jun 1952 CA 1029, Director of Works, New South Wales 09 May 1946 - 04 Jun 1952 CA 2914, Director of Works, Queensland 09 May 1946 - 04 Jun 1952 CA 2915, Director of Works, South Australia 09 May 1946 - 04 Jun 1952 CA 2916, Director of Works, Western Australia 30 Oct 1946 - 04 Jun 1952 CA 3160, Commonwealth Fire Board [II] (from 1973-1975 Australian Fire Board) 23 Jan 1947 - 17 Mar 1950 CA 2006, Housing Division, Head Office
(a) Department of Works and Housing (to 1950)
(b) Department of National Development [I] 14 Jul 1947 - 31 Dec 1951 CA 828, War Service Homes Division 01 Aug 1949 - 16 Mar 1950 CA 75, Snowy Hydro, Head Office
Persons associated with agency |
13 Jul 1945 - 16 May 1946 CP 26, Henry Maitland ROLLAND OBE - Works Director 01 Jan 1946 - 15 Jun 1950 CP 132, Richard Minchin URE OBE - Architect Grade 3 19 Dec 1949 - 11 May 1951 CP 24, The Rt Hon Richard Gardiner CASEY Baron Of Berwick, Victoria, KG, GCMG, CH, DSO, MC - Minister 15 Jun 1950 - 04 Jun 1952 CP 132, Richard Minchin URE OBE - Designing Architect
Date registered |
23 Sep 1987 |