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Agency details for: CA 4558
Agency number
CA 4558
CSIRO, Division of Chemical and Wood Technology, Melbourne
Date range
01 Jul 1983 -
Series recorded by this agency
Organisation controlling
  • 01 Jul 1983 -
Agency status
Local Office
Agency note
The Division is concerned with the application of chemical technology engineering and biotechnology. Research areas include wood science; forest conversion engineering; wood preservation; fibre separation and pulping; the development of pulpwood and resources and cellulose based composite materials; the use of chemical and biological systems for converting lignocellulose to animal feed, chemicals and energy; the development of agroindustrial systems; and technologies for purifying and recycling water. The main interest in agricultural engineering are in grain storage and disinfestation of stores grain by physical processes. In addition to the Melbourne establishments the division controls the Agroindustrial Systems Program in Canberra.

It appears that the agency was established after a review of the CSIRO's capabilities in wood science technology in 1980. The review recommended amalgamation of research groups working on wood science, which were then operating under more than one Division. It was proposed to set up a division of Cellulose Research but there is no published evidence to hand of this having been done. It is therefore likely that the renaming of the Division of Chemical Technology was a reflection of the reorganisation of wood science research functions. (CSIRO Annual Reports 1980-81, 1981-82).

The Division's Melbourne establishment consists of a headquarters in Clayton and Laboratories in Highett and Lower Plenty. The Division did not appear in the Directory of 1982, however there is an entry in that of July 1983.

Historical agency address

Bayview Avenue, Clayton, Vic
Superior agency
  • 01 Jul 1983 -
    CA 641, CSIRO, Head Office
Date registered
01 Oct 1987

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