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Agency details for: CA 2749
Agency number
CA 2749
Department of Science and the Environment, Central Office
Date range
05 Dec 1978 - 03 Nov 1980
Series recorded by this agency
Organisation controlling
  • 05 Dec 1978 - 03 Nov 1980
Australian Capital Territory
Agency status
Department of State
Agency note
The Department of Science [II] (CA 1962) was renamed the Department of Science and the Environment on 5 December 1978, when its scope was widened to include matters relating to the environment and
conservation previously administered by the Department of the Environment, Housing and Community Development (CA 1954) (1).
In a press release on 30 November 1978, the Prime Minister said that greater impetus would be given to its policies if the Department of Environment, Housing and Community Development were ablolished and its diverse functions allocated to departments in which they fitted logically and naturally (2).
The new portfolio of Science and the Environment would enable the government's scientists and advisers on the environment to work closely together to give effect to the government's commitment to preserving and enhancing Australia's environment.
The Administrative Arrangements Orders of 5 December (1978) (3) set out the functions of the Department of Science and the Environment as follows:
. Science and technology, including research, support of research 
  and support of civil space research programs.
. Environment and conservation
. Meteorology
. Ionospheric Prediction Service
. Analytical laboratory Service
. Weights and measures.
The Acts administered by the minister were:
. Anglo-Australian Telescope Agreement Act 1970
. Antartic Treaty Act 1960
. Australian Antartic Territory Acceptance Act 1933
. Australian Antartic Territory Act 1954
. Australian Institute of Marine Science Act 1972
. Captains Flat (Abatement of Pollution) Agreement Act 1975
. Environment (Financial Assistance) Act 1977
. Environment Protection (Alligator Rivers Region) Act 1978
. Environment Protection (Impact of Proposals) Act 1974
. Environment Protection (Nuclear Codes) Act 1978
. Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Act 1975
. Heard Island and McDonald Islands Act 1953
. Meteorology Act 1955
. Metric Conversion Act 1970
. Mount Stromlo Observatory Act 1956
. National Parks and Wildlife Conservation Act 1975
. Science and Industry Endowment Act 1926
. Science and Industry Research Act 1949
. States Grants (Air Quality Monitoring) Act 1976
. States Grants (Nature Conservation) Act 1974
. States Grants (Research) Act 1965
. Weights and Measures (National Standards) Act 1960.
On the 3 November 1980, the Department of Science and the Environment was renamed the Department of Science and Technology (CA 3069) (7). In the Administrative Arrangements Orders of the same date, this renaming was accompanied by the transfer of the Environment function to the Department of Home Affairs and Environment (CA 3068) (8).
The Ministers for the Department of Science and the Environment were:  

 5 Dec 1978 -  8 Dec 1979   : Senator the Hon James Joseph Webster
                              (CP 217) (5)
 8 Dec 1979 -  3 Nov 1980   : Hon David Scott Thomson, MC, MP 
                              (CP 307) (6)  

Secretary to the Department was:
 5 Dec 1978 -  3 Nov 1980   : Dr J L Farrands.

1. Commonwealth of Australia Gazette, No S267, 5 December 1978, 
   pp 1-2 
2. Prime Minister's Press Release, `Ministerial Changes', 
   30 November 1978
3. Commonwealth of Australia Gazette, No S267, 5 December 1978, p 1 4. Ibid.
5. Commonwealth of Australia Gazette, No S268, 5 December 1978, p 1
6. Commonwealth of Australia Gazette, No S258, 8 December 1979, p 1
7. Commonwealth of Australia Gazette, No S247, 3 November 1980, p 1
8. Commonwealth of Australia Gazette, No S250, 3 November 1980, 
   pp 8-9, 13-14

Historical agency address

Scarborough House, Phillip ACT

Legislation administered

Creation: Commonwealth of Australia Gazette, No. S269, 5 December 1978 Abolition: Commonwealth of Australia Gazette, No. 250, 3 November 1980
Previous agency
  • 05 Dec 1978
    CA 1954, Department of Environment, Housing and Community Development, Central Office - For environment and conservation
  • 05 Dec 1978
    CA 1962, Department of Science [II], Central Office - For science and technology, including research, support of research, and support of civil space programs; meteorology; ionospheric prediction service; analytical laboratory service; weights and measures
Subsequent agency
  • 03 Nov 1980
    CA 3068, Department of Home Affairs and Environment, Central Office - For environment and conservation
  • 03 Nov 1980
    CA 3069, Department of Science and Technology, Central Office - For science and technology, meteorology, ionspheric production service, analytical laboratory service, weights and measures
Controlled agency
  • 05 Dec 1978 - 03 Nov 1980
    CA 1835, Bureau of Meteorology, Head Office
  • 05 Dec 1978 - 03 Nov 1980
    CA 1873, Australian Antarctic Division
  • 05 Dec 1978 - 03 Nov 1980
    CA 2072, Anglo-Australian Telescope Board
  • 05 Dec 1978 - 30 Nov 1980
    CA 2372, Australian Balloon Launching Station, Mildura [Victoria]
  • 05 Dec 1978 - 31 Dec 1979
    CA 2745, Redcliff Environmental Inquiry
  • 05 Dec 1978 - 03 Nov 1980
    CA 4388, Department of Science and the Environment, State Office, New South Wales
  • 05 Dec 1978 - 03 Nov 1980
    CA 8148, Australian Government Analytical Laboratories, Central Laboratory
  • 05 Dec 1978 - 03 Nov 1980
    CA 3897, Bureau of Meteorology, IPS Radio and Space Services
  • 05 Dec 1978 - 03 Nov 1980
    CA 2407, Australian Institute of Marine Science
  • 05 Dec 1978 - 03 Nov 1980
    CA 641, CSIRO, Head Office
Persons associated with agency
  • 05 Dec 1978 - 08 Dec 1979
    CP 217, Hon James Joseph WEBSTER - Minister
  • 08 Dec 1979 - 03 Nov 1980
    CP 307, Hon David Scott THOMSON MC, MID - Minister
Date registered
21 Nov 1980

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