The Corporation was established by the Australian Meat and Live-stock Corporation Act of 1977. Although the Act was assented to on 16 June 1977 it was not until 1 December 1977, with the appointment of members, that the Corporation (AMLC) came into formal existence.
The functions given to the Corporation were to encourage, assist, promote, and control the export of meat and livestock from Australia; to promote the sale of meat in Australia; and a range of other activities aimed at improving the production of meat and livestock for the general benefit of the industry.
Major reforms to meat marketing occurred in 1984, with new legislative arrangements taking effect from 1 July. Along with changes to the AMLC, legislation also established the Australian Meat and Live-stock Industry Policy Council (AMLIPC), the Inspection Policy Council and the Australian Meat and Live-stock Research and Development Corporation (CA 4395). The rationale for the creation of this organisational structure was to allow the AMLC to concentrate on, and confine its efforts to, commercial services associated with market development and protection, improved marketing methods and the promotion of meat and livestock sales. Consequently, responsibility for general policy advice was removed from the AMLC's functions.
The 1984 amendments also introduced a strong corporate/commercial focus to AMLC operations with requirements for it to prepare corporate and operational plans and hold annual general meetings. Further amendments in 1986 reduced AMLC's requirement for detailed Ministerial approvals and replaced this with provisions allowing the Minister to give it general directions with respect to the performance of its functions or exercise of its powers.
In December 1994 the Government announced major changes to statutory arrangements for the meat and livestock industries. The most significant of these was the establishment of a new statutory body, the Meat Industry Council (MIC) to take over from the AMLIPC as the peak policy body. Under the Meat and Livestock Industry Act 1995, which came into effect on 1 July 1995, the MIC's functions included formulation of policy, and evaluation of AMLC and Meat Research Corporation (MRC) programs. The Government's stated intention was to phase out of the statutory arrangements, 'through a staged approach of transferring greater responsibility for industry decision making to itself, and eventually moving to a non-statutory environment'. Accordingly the legislation included a sunset clause to the statutory structures of 30 June 1998. In addition some significant functions and powers were removed from the AMLC. These were:
. funding of bodies for consultation purposes;
. the power to trade in meat and livestock; and
. the power to set conditions on the shipping of meat and
livestock from Australia.
The Government also stated its intention for a further review commencing not later than 1 July 1997.
This review was brought forward by the incoming Coalition Government which established the Meat and Livestock Industry Reform Steering Committee and Task Force in May 1996. This body was asked to:
. review the meat and livestock industry's current operational arrangements, including the costs and delivery efficiency of services provided by the AMLC, MRC, and MIC;
. develop options for future structures; and
. propose key meat and livestock industry policy and program actions to facilitate a more internationally competitive red meat industry in Australia.
The Committee's report 'Australian Meat and Livestock Reform for the Future' was presented to the Minister in October 1996. The major changes proposed were the separation of regulatory and industry service functions and the move to a non-statutory structure, with corporations limited by guarantee under Commonwealth Corporations Law. Another significant feature of the report was the proposal that under the corporate model, answerability for levies and taxes would shift from specific statutory provisions to a combination of provisions in the Appropriation Act, Corporations Law, a Deed of Agreement between the Commonwealth and the relevant corporation, and the provisions of the Memorandum of Association and Articles of Association.
Following debate on the report within the industry the Government announced a restructure of the Australian red meat industry's statutory organisations in March 1997. A Memorandum of Understanding providing the basis for partnership, consultation and co-operation between all industry sectors was signed on 27 April 1997.
On 1 October 1997 the Australian Meat and Live-stock Industry Bill 1997 was introduced into Parliament. The Bill formed part of a package of 17 Bills restructuring the regulatory framework of the industry. The major provisions of the Bill provided:
. for the continuation of existing licensing, quota, and enforcement provisions under the administration of the Department of Primary Industries and Energy, rather than the Australian Meat and Live-stock Corporation;
. the Minister with power to declare a body to be either the industry marketing or research body for the purposes of receipt of levy/charge amounts or eligible to receive Commonwealth matching research and development funds.
Under the legislation, passed in December 1997 and coming into effect on 1 July 1998, three new companies were formed:
. Meat and Livestock Australia (MLA) Limited.
This replaced the Australian Meat and Livestock Corporation and the Meat Research Corporation. MLA will undertake marketing, promotion, and research and development on behalf of the beef, sheepmeat and goatmeat industries. It will also provide agreed services for processors and livestock exporters.
. Australian Meat Processor Corporation (AMPC), and
. Australian Livestock Exporter Corporation.
Other bodies established under the restructuring process included:
. Red Meat Advisory Council, comprising the Peak Council Chairmen, and which oversees whole-of-industry affairs and co-ordinates an integrated industry plan, based on plans developed for each sector by the Peak Councils. The Council is the custodian of the Memorandum of Understanding and the Meat industry Strategic Plan, as well as industry financial reserves. The Council also provides the Minister with advice on industry matters.
. AUS-MEAT, which has been privatised and operates as a joint venture company funded equally by MLA and AMPC.
. Safemeat, with membership including Federal and State agriculture and meat authorities, the presidents of the six industry Peak Councils, and the Commonwealth Chief Veterinary Officer.
Media release, John Anderson, Minister for Primary Industries and Energy, DPIE 97/169A, 4 December 1997
MLA Limited, Industry News 1998,
Historical agency address
1977-?1979: 5 Elizabeth Street, Sydney?1979-1997: Aetna Life Tower/(from 1991) Prudential Building, 219-227 Elizabeth Street, Sydney 1997-1998: 165 Walker Street, North Sydney
Legislation administered
Creation: Commonwealth of Australia Acts No. 67, 1977, Australian Meat and Livestock Corporation Act 1977 Australian Meat and Live-stock (Quotas) Act 1990Abolition: Australian Meat and Live-stock Industry (Repeal and Consequential Provisions) Act 1997
Subsequent agency unregistered
1998: Meat and Livestock Australia Limited