The Calf Lymph Depot of the State of Victoria which was set up in 1881 was transferred to the Commonwealth in October 1911 and was then designated the Commonwealth Vaccine Depot. It was under the control of the Director of Quarantine.
The outbreak of war in 1914 and Australia's insolation pointed out the need for Australia to be self-sufficient in serum. In 1916 the Depot became the Commonwealth Serum Laboratories. At first they were situated at the old Royal Melbourne Hospital but in 1918 moved to expanded premises at Royal Park where the Jennerian Building of the old Depot still stood.
Dr W J Penfold came from England to become the first Chief Officer from 1916 to 1927. The Subsequent Chief Officers were Dr F G
Morgan (1927-1956) and Dr P L Bazeley (1956-1961)
The influenza epidemic of 1918-1919 saw a dramatic expansion in services when vaccine was supplied free to all health authorities in Australia. 3 1/2 million doses of vaccine had to be prepared. In the first year the Laboratories produced fourteen vaccines for sale but by 1930 the annual Catalogue had grown to 101 pages covering a wide range of preparations. Special products were also manufactured to the orders of doctors.
In March 1923, only months after insulin was discovered in Canada, the Laboratories made insulin available to Australian diabetics.
Commonwealth Serum Laboratories products in the 1920s came to replace European and American products in Australia and New Zealand because they were fresh and fully potent.
In 1925 the Laboratories pioneered the use of human blood products by processing for therapeutic purposes blood donated by people who had recovered from poliomyelitis, measles and scarlet fever. These methods were used on a large scale in World War Two. World War Two also hastened the development of penicillin. By 1944 the Laboratories were able to supply the penicillin requirements of Australia's armed forces. Shortly afterwards Australia became the first country to make available regular supplies of penicillin to civilians.
In 1930 Tiger Snake Antivenene was made available. This was the first of a number of snake antivenenes.
In 1954 the Laboratories' functions were listed as :
1. The manufacture and distribution of products for use in
human and veterinary medicine.
2. Provide training facilities of CSL and Health Laboratories
3. Research into diseases of humans and animals, and the study
of their diagnosis, possible treatment and prevention under
Australian conditions, (a research section was established
in 1935).
The Laboratories served as a National Centre for the maintenance in Australia of the International Standards of the Permanent Commission on Biological Standards (World Health Organisation), and acted as the regional reference centre for WHO in collating reports of
infectious diseases in Australia.
The work of the Laboratories was continued and expanded by the Commonwealth Serum Laboratories Commission (CA 2576) established in 1961.
Official Year Book of the Commonwealth of Australia, No. 10,
1901-1916, p. 1029-1030
Official Year Book of the Commonwealth of Australia, No. 11,
1901-1917, p. 1071
Fifty Years of Health 1921-1971 (AGPS, Canberra 1973) p.16
Who's Who in Australia 1959, p.574 (F G Morgan)
Who's Who in Australia 1962, p. 72 (P L Bazeley)
Historical agency address
1916-1918: Old Royal Melbourne Hospital, Lonsdale Street, Melbourne
1918-1961: 45 Poplar Road, Parkville, Melbourne (When the
Laboratories were transferred to the Commonwealth in 1916,
there was no street number and that area of Parkville was
[and is] known as Royal Park.)
Previous agency unregistered
1916:Commonwealth Vaccine Depot, 1911-1916
Superior agency unregistered
Quarantine Branch/Service