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Agency details for: CA 1952
Agency number
CA 1952
Department of Construction, Head Office, Melbourne and Canberra
Date range
22 Dec 1975 - 05 Dec 1978
Series recorded by this agency
Organisation controlling
  • 22 Dec 1975 - 05 Dec 1978
Australian Capital Territory, Victoria
Agency status
Department of State
Agency note
On the abolition of the Department of Housing and Construction [I] (CA 1543), the Australian Government works functions became the responsibility of the new Department of Construction. The functions as set out in the Administrative Arrangements Order of 22 December 1975 were:

 Planning, execution and maintenance of Australian Government works 
 Design, provision and maintenance of furniture furnishings and 
 fittings for the Australian Government.

The only act administered by the Department at its creation was the Snowy Mountains Engineering Corporation Act 1970-1973 (Australian Government Gazette, No S262, 22 December 1975, p 7)

Under the Administrative Arrangements Order of 5 October 1976 (Australian Government Gazette, No S175, 5 October 1976, p 5), "provision" was removed from the function "design, provision and maintenance of furniture", furnishings and fittings for the Australian Government", and transferred to the Department of Administrative Services [II] (CA 1964).

During the life of the Department components of the Central Office located in Melbourne commenced moving to Canberra. In the Guide to Commonwealth Government Departments and Authorities, 1976 (p 20) and the Commonwealth Directory, 1977 (pp 81-82) the Central Office of the Department is shown as being located in Melbourne; with the Bank and Special Projects Branch, Overseas Works Branch and Experimental Building Station being located in Sydney.

In the February 1978 Commonwealth Government Directory (pp 89-90) the following are shown as being located in Canberra:
 Secretary to the Department and Director-General of Works
 Architecture Division
 Major Projects Division No 2
 Major Projects Division No 3
 Operations and General Works Division
 Management Division (part-Assistant Secretary Management Services)  
 Resources Division (part Chief Architect Medical and Scientific; 
 Assistant Secretary, Overseas Works)

and the following as being located in Melbourne:

 Deputy Secretary
 Engineering Division
 Major Projects Division No 1
 Management Division (major part)
 Resources Division (major part)
 Technology Division

Further research is required to determine when Divisions or parts of divisions moved to Canberra and the effect this had on record-keeping systems.

Under the Administrative Arrangements Order of 5 December 1978, administration of housing and the building industry was transferred to Construction from the Department of Environment, Housing and Community Development (CA 1954), when the latter department was abolished. Accordingly, the Department of Construction was renamed the Department of Housing and Construction [II] (CA 2747) (Commonwealth Gazette, Nos S267 and S269, 5 December 1978).

The Minister for Construction throughout its existence was:

22 Dec 1975 -  5 Dec 1978: Hon John Eldon McLeay (CP 191)  

Secretaries of the Department were:

22 Dec 1975 - 20 Apr 1976: A J Reiher
20 Apr 1976 -  5 Dec 1978: G N Warwick Smith (CP 319)

Historical agency address

1975-1978: 17 Yarra Street, Hawthorn, Victoria by1978 : John Curtin House, 22 Brisbane Avenue, Barton ACT

Legislation administered

Creation: Executive Council Meeting No. 119 (Public Service Board Minute No 1975/58, 22 December 1975) Abolition: Executive Council Meeting No. (Public Service Board Minute No 1978/56, 5 December 1978)
Previous agency
  • 22 Dec 1975
    CA 1543, Department of Housing and Construction [I], Policy Headquarters - for construction
  • 22 Dec 1975
    CA 1875, Department of Housing and Construction [I], Head Office, Melbourne (by 1975 also known as Operational Headquarters)
Subsequent agency
  • 05 Oct 1976
    CA 1964, Department of Administrative Services [II], Central Office - for purchase, storage and distribution of furniture
  • 01 Jul 1978
    CA 2667, [Northern Territory] Department of Transport and Works - for government building design, construction and maintenance; water supply and sewerage; roads - design, construction and maintenance (through CA 2387, Director of Construction, Northern Territory)
  • 05 Dec 1978
    CA 2747, Department of Housing and Construction [II], Central Office - For works, furniture and fittings
Controlled agency
  • 22 Dec 1975 - 05 Dec 1978
    CA 2055, Director of Construction, Victoria-Tasmania Region
  • 22 Dec 1975 - 05 Dec 1978
    CA 2077, Director of Construction, Australian Capital Territory
  • 22 Dec 1975 - 05 Dec 1978
    CA 2382, Director of Construction, Queensland
  • 22 Dec 1975 - 05 Dec 1978
    CA 2383, Director of Construction, South Australia
  • 22 Dec 1975 - 05 Dec 1978
    CA 2384, Director of Construction, Western Australia
  • 22 Dec 1975 - 05 Dec 1978
    CA 2385, Director of Construction, New South Wales
  • 22 Dec 1975 - 05 Dec 1978
    CA 2387, Director of Construction, Northern Territory
  • 22 Dec 1975 - 05 Dec 1978
    CA 4325, Bank and Special Projects Branch [of Department of Works and successors]
  • 22 Dec 1975 - 05 Dec 1978
    CA 6054, Scientific Services Laboratory
  • 22 Dec 1975 - 05 Dec 1978
    CA 669, Commonwealth Experimental Building Station/ (from 1974) Experimental Building Station
Persons associated with agency
  • 22 Dec 1975 - 26 Aug 1977
    CP 132, Richard Minchin URE OBE - First Assistant Secretary, Architectural Division
  • 22 Dec 1975 - 05 Dec 1978
    CP 191, Hon John Elden MCLEAY - Minister
  • 20 Apr 1976 - 05 Dec 1978
    CP 319, George Henry WARWICK SMITH CBE - Secretary and Director General of Works
Date registered
23 Apr 1979

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