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Agency details for: CA 1485
Agency number
CA 1485
Department of Overseas Trade, Central Office
Institution title
Department of Overseas Trade
Date range
19 Dec 1972 - 20 Dec 1977
Series recorded by this agency
Organisation controlling
  • 19 Dec 1972 - 20 Dec 1977
Australian Capital Territory
Agency status
Department of State
Agency note
On 19 December 1972, the new Australian Labor Party Government decided to abolish the Department of Trade and Industry (CA 66) and divide its functions between the Departments of Overseas Trade, Primary Industry [I], Secondary Industry and Prime Minister and Cabinet (Commonwealth of Australia Gazette, No 131, 20 December 1972). The functions of the Department of Overseas Trade were:
. Trade and Commerce with other countries, including trade promotion . Trade agreements and export services.
At its establishment the Department administered the following Acts:  
 Customs Tariff (New Zealand Preference) Agreement Act 1933
 Export Payments Insurance Corporation Act 1956-1973
 International Sugar Agreement Act 1969
 International Tin Agreement Act 1971
 International Wheat Agreement Act 1971
 Trade Agreement Acts
 Trade Commissioner's Act 1933-1973
A press release was issued by the Prime Minister in December 1972 concerning the functions of the new department.
 "The Government believes it is desirable to separate the important  
 activity of overseas trade from the Departments responsible for
 primary and secondary industry.
 "The new Department of Trade will be able to concentrate on export
 promotion, the negotiation of international agreements with a view
 to greater stability in world trade and encouragement of the trade
 of the less developed countries.
 "The new department will be free to concentrate on trade matters and
 to develop policies on them in co-operation with, but independently
 of, the Departments of Primary Industry and Secondary Industry.
 "Administration of the Tariff Board Act, except to the extent to
 which it is administered by the Minister for Customs and Excise,
 will be transferred to the Prime Minister. This is to ensure that
 there is full co-ordination of Government policy before references
 are made to the Tariff Board and when its reports are being
 (From Press Release: New Departments: Summary of Main function and
  brief notes.)
In October 1974, the administration of the Australian Industry Development Corporation Act 1970-1973 was passed to Overseas Trade from the Department of Secondary Industry (CA 1487) and responsibility for the International Sugar Agreement was passed to the Department of Northern Development (CA 1483). On 11 December 1974 the Australian Industry Development Corporation Act was transferred to the Department of the Treasury [I] (CA 11) following the appointment of Dr Cairns as Treasurer, and the responsibility for adjustment assistance to industry passed to the Department of Manufacturing Industry (CA 1770) (Commonwealth Gazette, No 100D, 11 Decmeber 1974).  Responsibility for the International Sugar Agreement Act 1969 was transferred to the Department of Overseas Trade from the Department of Northern Australia (CA 1889) by the Administrative Arrangements Order of 22 December 1975 (Commonwealth Gazette, No S262, 22 December 1975, p 12).  

The Department of Overseas Trade was abolished on 20 December 1977, (Commonwealth Gazette, No S289, 20 December 1977).  All of its functions were assumed by the Department of Trade and Resources (CA 2477) which was created on that date.

The Ministers for Overseas Trade were:
19 Dec 1972 - 11 Dec 1974   : Hon Dr J Cairns (CP 95)
11 Dec 1974 - 22 Dec 1975   : Hon F Crean (CP 97)
22 Dec 1975 - 20 Dec 1977   : Hon J D Anthony (CP 55)
The Secretary to the Department was D H McKay, OBE.

Historical agency address

1972-1974: Administrative Building, King Edward Terrace, Parkes ACT 1974-1977: Trade Group Offices, Barton ACT

Legislation administered

Creation: Executive Council Meeting No.55 (PSB Minute No.1972/48) of 19 December 1972 Abolition: Executive Council Meeting No.104 (PSB Minute No.1977/79) of 20 December 1977
Previous agency
  • 19 Dec 1972
    CA 66, Department of Trade and Industry, Central Office
  • 30 Nov 1973
    CA 1284, Department of External Territories [II], Central Office - For trade functions
  • 12 Jun 1974
    CA 1487, Department of Secondary Industry, Central Office - Australian Industry Development Corporation Act
  • 22 Dec 1975
    CA 1889, Department of Northern Australia, Central Office - International Sugar Agreement Act
Subsequent agency
  • 20 Dec 1972
    CA 1483, Department of Northern Development, Central Office - International Sugar Agreement Act 1969
  • 11 Dec 1974
    CA 1770, Department of Manufacturing Industry, Central Office - For adjustment assistance to industry
  • 11 Dec 1974
    CA 11, Department of the Treasury [I], Central Office - for Australian Industry Development Corporation Act 1970-1973
  • 17 Jul 1977
    CA 2361, Department of the Special Trade Negotiator - for special International trade negotiations - subject to research
  • 20 Dec 1977
    CA 2477, Department of Trade and Resources, Central Office - Trade and commerce with other countries
Controlled agency
  • 19 Dec 1972 - 20 Dec 1977
    CA 1551, Department of Overseas Trade, Regional Office, Tasmania (also Secondary Industry, Manufacturing Industry and Industry and Commerce Regional Office Tasmania)
  • 19 Dec 1972 - 20 Dec 1977
    CA 1639, Trade Commissioner Services Section (a) Department of Trade and Industry (to 1972) (b) Department of Overseas Trade (to 1977) (c) Department of Trade and Resources (to 1983) (d) Department of Trade [II] - Trade Commissioner Branch
  • 19 Dec 1972 - 20 Dec 1977
    CA 1640, (1) Department of Overseas Trade, Regional Office, New South Wales, 1972-1977 [also (2) Department of Secondary Industry, Regional Office, New South Wales, 1972-1974]
  • 19 Dec 1972 - 01 Feb 1975
    CA 1641, Export Payments Insurance Corporation, Head Office
  • 19 Dec 1972 - 20 Dec 1977
    CA 1797, (1) Department of Overseas Trade, State Branch, Victoria [also (2) Department of Secondary Industry, State Branch, Victoria, 1972-1974]
  • 19 Dec 1972 - 20 Dec 1977
    CA 2628, (1) Department of Overseas Trade, Regional Office, South Australia, 1972-1977 [also (2) Department of Secondary Industry, Regional Office, South Australia, 1972-1974]
  • 19 Dec 1972 - 20 Dec 1977
    CA 2631, (1) Department of Overseas Trade, Regional Office, Western Australia, 1972-1977 [also (2) Department of Secondary Industry, Regional Office, Western Australia, 1972-1974]
  • 19 Dec 1972 - 20 Dec 1977
    CA 3558, Trade Publicity Directorate/ (from 1964) Trade Publicity Branch
  • 19 Dec 1972 - 20 Dec 1977
    CA 2093, Australian Embassy, Brussels [Belgium]
  • 19 Dec 1972 - 20 Dec 1977
    CA 2231, (1) Department of Overseas Trade, Regional Office, Queensland, 1972-1977 [also (2) Department of Secondary Industry, Office, Queensland, 1972-1974]
  • 19 Dec 1972 - 01 Feb 1975
    CA 4038, Export Payments Insurance Corporation, State Office, Western Australia
  • 19 Dec 1972 - 20 Dec 1977
    CA 4040, Export Development Council/ (by 1973) Trade Development Council/ (from 1993) Trade Policy Advisory Council
  • 16 Jan 1973 - 20 Dec 1977
    CA 4035, Special Trade Representative
  • 01 Jun 1973 - 31 Dec 1975
    CA 2505, Northern Development Council
  • 12 Jun 1974 - 11 Dec 1974
    CA 1895, Australian Industry Development Corporation (Principal Office)
  • 01 Feb 1975 - 20 Dec 1977
    CA 1885, Export Finance and Insurance Corporation, Head Office
  • 01 Jul 1976 - 20 Dec 1977
    CA 4443, Australian Consulate-General, Milan [Italy]
Persons associated with agency
  • 19 Dec 1972 - 11 Dec 1974
    CP 95, Hon Dr James Ford CAIRNS - Minister
  • 19 Dec 1972 - 01 Jul 1973
    CP 412, Robert Alton DALY - Commodity Policy Division - Senior Officer
  • 01 Jan 1973 - 31 Dec 1975
    CP 415, Emeritus Professor Stuart Francis HARRIS AO - Deputy Secretary
  • 11 Dec 1974 - 11 Nov 1975
    CP 97, Hon Francis Daniel CREAN - Minister
  • 12 Nov 1975 - 20 Dec 1977
    CP 55, The Rt Hon John Douglas ANTHONY AC, CH - Minister
Date registered
30 Sep 1987

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