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Agency details for: CA 1480
Agency number
CA 1480
Department of Labour, Central Office
Institution title
Department of Labour
Date range
19 Dec 1972 - 12 Jun 1974
Series recorded by this agency
Organisation controlling
  • 19 Dec 1972 - 12 Jun 1974
Agency status
Department of State
Agency note
The Department of Labour was created on 19 December 1972, by Executive Council Minute (Public Service Board Minute, No.47, 19 December 1972) (Commonwealth of Australia Gazette, No 129A, 19 December 1972).  

Functions of the Department were listed as:
 Industrial relations, including conciliation and arbitration in
  relation to industrial disputes
 Commonwealth Employment Service
 Re-instatement in civil employment of national servicemen, members
  of the Reserve Forces and members of the Citizen Forces.
 (Administrative Arrangements Order, Gazette, No 131, 20 December
  1972, p 6)
Acts administered were:
 Coal Industry Act 1946-1966, Part V
 Coal Industry Act 1951-1956
 Coal Industry ACT 1957
 Conciliation and Arbitration Act 1904-1972, except to the extent to
  which that Act is administered by the Attorney-General
 Defence Act 1903-1970, sections 40A, 61, 61A, 61B, 61C and 118A   
 Defence (Re-establishment Act) 1965-1968, Parts I, II and VII except
  to the extent that Section 59 relates to Parts III, IV, V and VI 
 National Service Act 1951-1971
 Public Service Arbitration Act 1920-1972
 Re-establishment and Employment Act 1945-1966, Divisions, 1, 2, 3,
  (excluding section 43 and section 44 in relation to section 43e,
  and 5 of Part II; Part III in relation to industrial and
  professional training (other than university, university-type and
  rural training); Division I of Part XI, insofar as it extends to
  foregoing; Division 2 of Part XI; and Part XII to the extent to
  which it applies or may be applied in relation to the foregoing.
 States Grants (Coal Mining Industry Long Service Leave) Act 1949-
 Stevedoring Industry Act 1956-1971
 Stevedoring Industry Act 1965
 Stevedoring Industry (Temporary Provisions) Act 1967-1972
 Tradesmen's Rights Regulation Act 1946-1966
A press statement released at the time of the creation of the Department said:
 "The new name for the Department reflects the decision of the
  Government to end National Service.
 The Minister and Department will, however, remain responsible for  
 ensuring that former national servicemen are effectively re
 -integrated into civilian life. The new leadership will enable the
 Minister and his Department to implement the policies of the
 Australian Labor Party for the improvement of industrial relations;
 the achievement of full employment and the attainment of real
 economic justice.
 It is intended, as soon as the necessary machinery arrangements can
 be completed, to transfer responsibility for the Australian
 Stevedoring Industry Authority to the Minister and Department of
In the press statement mentioned above it was stated that responsibility for the Australian Stevedoring Industry Authority would be transferred to the Department of Transport. However, by the end of the Department of Labour's existence it appears that the transfer had not been carried out.  

Following the double dissolution of the Parliament and the elections of 18 May 1974, the name of the Department of Labour was changed to the Department of Labor and Immigration.
(Australian Government Gazette, No 48B, 12 June 1974, p 1) Executive Council Minute Public Service Board Minute No 39, 12 June 1974).
Minister for the Department of Labour was:
19 Dec 1972 - 12 Jun 1974   : Hon Clyde Robert Cameron (CP 96)
Secretaries to the Department were:
19 Dec 1972 - 20 Dec 1972   : M Kangan (Acting)
20 Dec 1972 - 12 Jun 1974   : I G Sharp

Historical agency address

Century Building, 125 Swanston Street, Melbourne, Vic

Legislation administered

Creation: Executive Council Minute (Public Service Board minute No.47, 19 Dec. 1972). Abolition: Executive Council Minute (Public Service Board minute No. 39, 12 June 1974).
Previous agency
  • 19 Dec 1972
    CA 31, Department of the Interior [II], Central Office - For industrial relations
  • 19 Dec 1972
    CA 40, Department of Labour and National Service, Central Secretariat/ (by 1947 known as Central Office) - For industrial relations, Commonwealth Employment Service
Subsequent agency
  • 12 Jun 1974
    CA 1769, Department of Labor and Immigration, Central Office - For all functions
Controlled agency
  • 19 Dec 1972 - 12 Jun 1974
    CA 1582, Department of Labour, Regional Administration, Tasmania
  • 19 Dec 1972 - 12 Jun 1974
    CA 1680, Department of Labour, Regional Administration, New South Wales
  • 19 Dec 1972 - 12 Jun 1974
    CA 1760, Department of Labour, Regional Administration, Western Australia
  • 19 Dec 1972 - 12 Jun 1974
    CA 1810, Australian Apprenticeship Advisory Committee/ (from 1978) Commonwealth-State Apprenticeship Committee
  • 19 Dec 1972 - 12 Jun 1974
    CA 2150, Department of Labour, Regional Administration, Queensland
  • 19 Dec 1972 - 12 Jun 1974
    CA 2324, Department of Labour, Regional Administration, South Australia
  • 19 Dec 1972 - 12 Jun 1974
    CA 2424, Department of Labour, Victorian Regional Office
  • 19 Dec 1972 - 12 Jun 1974
    CA 521, Ministry of Labour Advisory Council/ (by 1970) National Labour Advisory Council
  • 19 Dec 1972 - 12 Jun 1974
    CA 78, Australian Stevedoring Industry Authority, Head Office
  • 01 Jan 1973 - 12 Jun 1974
    CA 1826, National Training Council
  • 03 Dec 1973 - 23 May 1974
    CA 1811, Committee of Inquiry into Labour Market Training
  • 01 Mar 1974 - 12 Jun 1974
    CA 1827, Interim Committee of the National Council for Trade Union Training
Persons associated with agency
  • 19 Dec 1972 - 12 Jun 1974
    CP 96, Hon Clyde Robert CAMERON AO - Minister
Date registered
30 Sep 1987

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