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Agency details for: CA 147
Agency number
CA 147
Salvage Board (also known as Commonwealth Marine Salvage Board)
Date range
14 Mar 1942 - 01 Jan 1946
Series recorded by this agency
Organisation controlling
  • 14 Mar 1942 - 01 Jan 1946
New South Wales
Agency status
Regional or State Office
Agency note
The Salvage Board was constituted under the National Security (Salvage Board) Regulations on 14 March 1942.

The Board's functions were to:
(a) inquire into and ascertain the nature, whereabouts, ownership and  practical usefulness of vessels, gear, equipment and facilities  suitable for salvage operations on or from the Australian coast; 
(b) arrange in advance for the availability and the prompt and efficient employment of such vessels, gear, equipment and facilities in the event of a marine casualty;
(c) determine what terms and conditions shall govern the use and  employment of such vessels, gear, and equipment for salvage operations, and in particular in what manner and at what rates  compensation or remuneration shall be determined and payable; 
(d) appoint persons or authorities at such ports or places as the Board thinks fit to represent the Board and to exercise any powers and functions delegated by the Board;
(e) arrange for the prompt communication to those persons or authorities in the event of marine casualties; and
(f) arrange in advance for proper coordination among persons and  authorities able to give salvage assistance, and, in particular, for  the taking of immediate measures and for the obtaining of advice and  instructions through any control or local authorities set up by the  Board.

The Board could make orders and give directions on the extent to which owners, shipowners and underwriters could act on their own responsibility and on the establishment of a proper liaison with the Royal Australian Navy and the Royal Australian Air Force. The Board could purchase, hire construct or otherwise acquire, and maintain and operate, such vessels, boats, gear or equipment for the purpose of salvage operations, as the Board thought fit.

The members of the Board were appointed on 4 June 1942 and were:- His Honour Judge Thomas Stuart Clyne - Chairman of Shipping Control Board (Chairman), John P. Williams (Chief Salvage Officer) and Lieutenant-Commander J.F. Dixon, RN (Nominee of the Naval Board). (Commonwealth of Australian Gazette, No.159 of 5 June 1942, p.1391) Salvage Officers were appointed in each State and a Divers' Training School was established by the Board in Melbourne to ensure a sufficiency of divers.

The Board was abolished on 1 January 1946 when the Australian Shipping Board (CA 130) was established, one of the functions of the latter being marine salvage.

Historical agency address

1942-1943: Subject to research 1943: Kurrajong House, 175-177 Collins St, Melbourne, Victoria 1944: Scottish House, 17 Bridge St, Sydney, NSW 1945-1946: Subject to research

Legislation administered

Creation: National Security (Salvage Board) Regulations, Statutory Rules 1942, No.129 Abolition: National Security (Shipping Co-ordination) Regulations, Statutory Rules, 1945, No.204

Agency controlled unregistered

Salvage Officers appointed in each state  
Divers' Training School established in Melbourne
Subject to further research
Subsequent agency
  • 01 Jan 1946
    CA 130, Australian Shipping Board
Superior agency
  • 14 Mar 1942 - 22 Dec 1942
    CA 28, Department of Commerce, Central Office
  • 23 Dec 1942 - 01 Jan 1946
    CA 47, Department of Supply and Shipping, Central Office
Controlled agency
  • 14 Mar 1942 - 01 Jan 1946
    CA 6582, Salvage Board (also known as Commonwealth Marine Salvage Board), South Australian Branch
Date registered
20 Dec 1976

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