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Agency details for: CA 1284
Agency number
CA 1284
Department of External Territories [II], Central Office
Institution title
Department of External Territories
Date range
28 Feb 1968 - 30 Nov 1973
Series recorded by this agency
Organisation controlling
  • 28 Feb 1968 - 30 Nov 1973
Australian Capital Territory
Agency status
Department of State
Agency note
The Department of External Territories [II] was created by Executive Council Minute (Prime Minister's Department Minute Number 4) on 28 February 1968 (Commonwealth of Australia Gazette, No 18A, 28 February 1968, p 1116A)
The first Minister of the Department was the Honourable Charles Edward Barnes and the first Secretary, Mr George Warwick Smith, CBE
The principle matters dealt with by the Department were:
 Territories under the authority of the Commonwealth, other than the 
 Australian Capital Territory, the Jervis Bay Territory, the  
 Northern Territory of Australia, the Territory of Ashmore and 
 Cartier Islands, the Australian Antarctic Territory and the
 Territory of Heard Island and McDonald Island".
 (Administrative Arrangements, Commonwealth Gazette, No 18A, 28 
 February 1968, p 1116A)
In detail this included:
 - all aspects of government of Norfolk Island, Papua and New
   Guinea, Cocos (Keeling) Islands, and Christmas Island (except
   defence and civil aviation)
 - develop the external territories
 - recruit staff for territorial public services and other
   territorial organizations
 - administer territorial superannuation schemes and the New Guinea 
   Civilian War Pension Scheme
 - procure and ship stores and supplies for territorial
 - administer matters connected with
   . CA 651, Australian School of Pacific Administration
   . CA 244, British Phosphate Commission
   . CA 281, Christmas Island Phosphate Commission
   . expropriated properties in Papua and New Guinea
   . matters relating to the United Nations Trusteeship Agreement
     for New Guinea
   . South Pacific Commission
The Acts administered by the Minister were:
 Christmas Island Act 1958-1966
 Christmas Island Agreement Act 1958
 Cocos (Keeling) Islands Act 1955-1966
 Native Members of the Forces Benefits Act 1957-1966, in relation to
  native members of the Forces who are or were Aboriginal natives of
  the Territory of Papua or the Territory of New Guinea or of an
  island in the Pacific Ocean and their dependants
 Nauru Independence Act 1967
 Nauru Island Agreement Acts
 New Guinea Timber Agreement Act 1952-1953
 Norfolk Island Act 1957-1966
 Norfolk Island Ordinances Act 1957
 Papua and New Guinea Act 1949-1966
 Papua and New Guinea (Validation of Appointments) Act 1953
 Removal of Prisoners (Territories) Act 1923-1962, in relation to 
  prisoners sentenced in the Territory of Papua, the Territory of 
  Christmas Island, the Territory of Cocos (Keeling) Islands or 
  Norfolk Island
 Treaty of Peace (Germany) Act 1919-1966, in relation to regulations
  concerning Papua and New Guinea (Treaty of Peace Regulations, 
  Act II)
 (Administrative Arrangements, Commonwealth Gazette, No 18A, 28
  February 1968, p 1116B)
In 1970 the administration of the Petroleum (Submerged Lands) Acts insofar as they related to matters concerning the area adjacent to the Territory of Papua and the Territory of New Guinea was transferred from the Department of National Development to the Department of External Territories (Commonwealth Gazette, No 30, April 1970, pp 2538-2539).  

The following administrative changes occurred on 19 December 1972 following the coming to power of the new Australian Labour Party Government:
 - Norfolk Island, Coral Sea Islands Territory to CA 1477,
   Department  of the Capital Territory
 - Education in Norfolk Island to CA 1478, Department of Education  
 - Health Services in Norfolk Island to CA 17, Department of Health  
 - Police forces of Norfolk Island to CA 5, Attorney-General's 
 (Commonwealth Gazette, No 131, 20 December 1972, pp 1-6)
With the granting of internal self-government to CO 53, Papua New Guinea on 1 December 1973 came the abolition of the Department of External Territories (Public Service Board Minute 1973/78) (Commonwealth Gazette, No 183, 30 November 1973). 
The last Minister of External Territories, the Honourable
W L Morrison became the "Minister Assisting the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Papua New Guinea Matters."
The following Departments inherited functions from the Department of External Territories [II]:
Attorney-General's Department (CA 5):
 - Justice Section functions [Papua New Guinea Act, Pat VI, and 
   Removal of Prisoners (Territories) Act (in relation to Papua New
Department of Foreign Affairs (CA 1382):
 - Administration of aid to Papua New Guinea [administered by the 
   Australian Development Assistance Agency]
 - Papua New Guinea functions [including maintenance of channel of
   communication between Australian and Papua New Guinea Governments
   except in the area of foreign affairs and statutory matters which
   are the responsibility of other Australian ministers; and
   completion of constitutional steps necessary to bring independence
   to Papua New Guinea. (administered by the Papua New Guinea
 - Australian School of Pacific Administration
 - Australian Office in Papua New Guinea
Department of Overseas Trade (CA 1485):
 - Trade functions
Repatriation Department (CA 16):
 - Further sections of the Native Members of the Forces Benefits Act  
Department of Services and Property (CA 1488):
 - Acquisition or continued occupation of land for Australian
   purposes in Papua New Guinea and Australian Government prooperty \
   in Papua New Guinea.
Department of the Special Minister of State (CA 1490):
 - Administration of matters related to the Cocos (Keeling) and 
   Christmas Islands (including the Phosphate Commissions)
Department of the Treasury (CA 11):
 - Custodian of Expropriated Property.
Ministers of the Department of External Territories were:
28 Feb 1968 -  2 Feb 1972   : Hon Charles Edward Barnes (CP 64)   
 2 Feb 1972 -  5 Dec 1972   : Hon Andrew Sharp Peacock (CP 234)  
 5 Dec 1972 - 19 Dec 1972   : Hon Edward Gough Whitlam (CP 99)  
19 Dec 1972 - 30 Nov 1973   : Hon William Lawrence Morrison  

Secretaries to the Department were:
28 Feb 1968 - 22 Jul 1970   : G H Warwick Smith (CP 319)
22 Jul 1970 - 30 Nov 1973   : D O Hay

Historical agency address

Derwent House, Hobart Place, Canberra City ACT

Legislation administered

Creation: Executive Council Minute, 28 February 1968 Abolition: [subject to further research]
Previous agency
  • 28 Feb 1968
    CA 60, Department of Territories [I], Central Office - All other functions
  • 16 Apr 1970
    CA 56, Department of National Development [I], Central Office - For administration of the Petroleum (Submerged Lands) Act insofar as they related to matters concerning the area adjacent to the Territories of Papua and New Guinea.
Subsequent agency
  • 01 Jan 1972
    CA 1901, Commonwealth Office, Port Moresby (also known as Department of External Territories, Regional Office, Port Moresby)
  • 19 Dec 1972
    CA 5, Attorney-General's Department, Central Office - for Police Forces of Norfolk Island
  • 19 Dec 1972
    CA 17, Department of Health, Central Office - for health services in Norfolk Island
  • 19 Dec 1972
    CA 1477, Department of the Capital Territory, Central Office - For Norfolk Island, Coral Sea Islands Territory
  • 19 Dec 1972
    CA 1478, Department of Education [I], Central Office - For Norfolk Island education
  • 30 Nov 1973
    CA 1485, Department of Overseas Trade, Central Office - For trade functions
  • 30 Nov 1973
    CA 1488, Department of Services and Property, Central Office - For acquisition of continued occupation of land for Australian purposes in Papua New Guinea
  • 30 Nov 1973
    CA 1490, Department of the Special Minister of State [I], Central Office - For Cocos (Keeling) and Christmas Islands
  • 30 Nov 1973
    CA 1579, Papua New Guinea Office - For the transition from Self-Government to full independence of Papua New Guinea
  • 30 Nov 1973
    CA 1580, Office of Australian Development Assistance Agency/ (from 1974) Australian Development Assistance Agency, Central Office - For all aid functions including Papua New Guinea
  • 30 Nov 1973
    CA 16, Repatriation Department [I] - For sections of the Native Members of the Forces Benefits Act
  • 30 Nov 1973
    CA 5, Attorney-General's Department, Central Office - for Papua New Guinea Act 1949-1973; Part VI, and for Removals of Prisoners (Territories) Act 1923-1968 in relation to prisoners sentenced in Papua New Guinea
  • 30 Nov 1973
    CA 11, Department of the Treasury [I], Central Office - for Custodian of Expropriated Property
  • 30 Nov 1973
    CA 1382, Department of Foreign Affairs, Central Office - For residual responsibilities relating to Papua New Guinea
Controlled agency
  • 28 Feb 1968 - 30 Apr 1968
    CA 1325, Official Representative, Christmas Island
  • 28 Feb 1968 - 30 Nov 1973
    CA 1654, Department of External Territories [II], Office of the Official Representative, Sydney
  • 28 Feb 1968 - 30 Nov 1973
    CA 1868, Administrator (a) Territory of Papua and New Guinea, 1949-1971 (b) Papua New Guinea, 1971-1973
  • 28 Feb 1968 - 30 Nov 1973
    CA 3802, Cocos (Keeling) Islands Administration
  • 01 May 1968 - 30 Nov 1973
    CA 1326, Christmas Island Administration
  • 01 Feb 1972 - 30 Nov 1973
    CA 1901, Commonwealth Office, Port Moresby (also known as Department of External Territories, Regional Office, Port Moresby)
Persons associated with agency
  • 28 Feb 1968 - 31 Jul 1973
    CP 241, Kenneth Richard MCKINNON AO - Director of Education
  • 28 Feb 1968 - 31 Dec 1972
    CP 296, Hugh Vincent CLARKE - Director of Information and Publicity
  • 28 Feb 1968 - 22 Jul 1970
    CP 319, George Henry WARWICK SMITH CBE - Secretary
  • 28 Feb 1968 - 31 Dec 1969
    CP 338, Patrick John GALVIN AM - OIC International Relations
  • 28 Feb 1968 - 25 Jan 1972
    CP 64, Hon Charles Edward BARNES - Minister
  • 28 Feb 1968 - 30 Nov 1973
    CP 973, Alan Gardner KERR AM - Assistant Secretary, Government and Legal Division
  • 1969 - 30 Nov 1973
    CP 1000, John Henry GREENWELL - First Assistant Secretary, Government and Legal Affairs Division
  • 01 Jan 1970 - 31 Dec 1972
    CP 338, Patrick John GALVIN AM - Assistant Secretary
  • 23 Jul 1970 - 30 Nov 1973
    CP 413, Sir David Osborne HAY KT, CBE, DSO - Secretary
  • 02 Feb 1972 - 05 Dec 1972
    CP 234, Hon Andrew Sharp PEACOCK AC - Minister
  • 05 Dec 1972 - 19 Dec 1972
    CP 99, The Hon Edward Gough WHITLAM AC - Minister
Date registered
31 Jan 1974

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