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Item details for: A9301, 420109
ALEXANDER DAVID SYDNEY : Service Number - 420109 : Date of birth - 20 Apr 1922 : Place of birth - WAVERLEY NSW : Place of enlistment - SYDNEY : Next of Kin - ALEXANDER LENOLD
Contents date range
1939 - 1948
Series number
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Control symbol
NAA: A9301, 420109
Item ID
Access status
Date of decision
20 Apr 2010
Physical format
PAPER FILES AND DOCUMENTS (allocated at series level)
Item notes

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Descriptive note

This item appears to contain one folio relating to the service of ASHLEY ARTHUR ERNEST : Service Number – 413508.  It is actually a recycled file cover and this name appears on the inside of the cover.  Paper was a scarce commodity during WW II, when it was common practice to reuse the blank side of forms on someone else’s file.  The serviceman in question can be found in A9301 – Control symbol 413508 – Barcode 5535452.

Archival Description Help Desk

17 May 2010

Records authority class number
Date registered
28 Aug 2002

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