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Item details for: A10463, 801/13/11/1 PART 20
Jakarta - Portuguese Timor
Contents date range
21 Jan 1976 - 28 Feb 1976
Series number
Click to see which government agency or person created this item.
Control symbol
801/13/11/1 PART 20
NAA: A10463, 801/13/11/1 PART 20
Item ID
Access status
Open with exception
Reason for restriction
Date of decision
04 Nov 2010
Physical format
PAPER FILES AND DOCUMENTS (allocated at series level)
Item notes

Summary heading

Accelerated release

Descriptive note

Material dated between 25 April 1974 and 17 July 1976 has been released by the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade under accelerated access provisions at s.56 (1) of the Archives Act 1983. Decision not appealable until record reaches open period.

Visibility and availability indicators
8. Subject to destruction freeze
Date registered
10 Aug 2000

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