Summary heading
Agenda items
Descriptive note
Minutes of meeting of the Cabinet, Canberra, 18 August 1938 - Agenda Number 382: Importation of potatoes from New Zealand; Agenda Number 379: League of Nations Assembly, September 1938; Agenda Number 376: Commonwealth Forestry Scheme; Agenda Number [no number]: Exemption of profits from sale of crude petroleum from Commonwealth Income tax in Australia and Territories; Agenda Number [no number]: Physics and chemical laboratories; Agenda Numer 381: Commonwealth Actuary - appointment; Agenda Number [no number]: Appointment of Administrator of Nauru; Agenda Number [no number]: Search for oil in New Guinea; Agenda Number 393: Report on Royal Australian Air Force by Sir Edward Ellington; Agenda Number [no number]: Budget.
Archival Description
5 September 2014