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Item details for: A2694, 409
    Request copy
Minutes of meeting of the Cabinet, Canberra, 18 August 1938
Contents date range
1938 - 1938
Series number
Click to see which government agency or person created this item.
Control symbol
NAA: A2694, 409
Item ID
Access status
Date of decision
24 Dec 2014
Physical format
PAPER FILES AND DOCUMENTS (allocated at series level)
Item notes

Summary heading

Agenda items

Descriptive note

Minutes of meeting of the Cabinet, Canberra, 18 August 1938 - Agenda Number 382: Importation of potatoes from New Zealand; Agenda Number 379: League of Nations Assembly, September 1938; Agenda Number 376: Commonwealth Forestry Scheme; Agenda Number [no number]: Exemption of profits from sale of crude petroleum from Commonwealth Income tax in Australia and Territories; Agenda Number [no number]: Physics and chemical laboratories; Agenda Numer 381: Commonwealth Actuary - appointment; Agenda Number [no number]: Appointment of Administrator of Nauru; Agenda Number [no number]: Search for oil in New Guinea; Agenda Number 393: Report on Royal Australian Air Force by Sir Edward Ellington; Agenda Number [no number]: Budget.


Archival Description

5 September 2014

Visibility and availability indicators
26. No issue outside the Archives - age related
28. Refer to Preservation Services for advice
26 folios
Records authority class number
Date registered
29 Aug 2014

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