Summary heading
Agenda items
Descriptive note
Minutes of meeting of the Cabinet, Canberra, 9 March 1937 - Agenda Number 1492: Referendum; Agenda Number 2042: B O'Reilly testimonial; Agenda Number 2023: Wheat position in Western Australia; Agenda Number 2043: Tree planting - Launceston to Hobart road; Agenda Number 1963: Empire Agricultural Council; Agenda Number 2044: Intellectual Conference - Law Conference; Agenda Number 2045: By-law admission of white maize for the manufacture of cornflakes; Agenda Number 1832: Memorial to Dampier; Agenda Number 1368: Yampi Sound iron deposits; Agenda Number 1734: Australian authors in literature by Professor E Morris Miller; Agenda Number 2047: Visit of State Premiers to Hitler, Mussolini etc; Agenda Number 2030: Return of Colonies to Germany; Agenda Number 1901: Sugar Conference; Agenda Number 2034: Re-appointment of War Pensions Entitlements Appeal Tribunals; Agenda Number 2033: Extension of powers of Repatriation Commission to include periodical examinations and treatment of close contacts of TB [tuberculosis] soldiers.
Archival Description
10 October 2014