Summary heading
Conversion of AA1984/25 item 1950 to CRS A5460 901
[Part 2]
Descriptive note
Files accessioned by Archives as
AA1984/25 were erroneously ascribed control symbols based on the year stamped
on the file cover. Research into the
origins and providence of these files indicate that they are part of the file
series now known as CRS A5460. Evidence from the files themselves clearly
indicates items 1950 to 1951 Part 5 in AA1984/25 are subsequent parts to item
901 Part 1 in A5460, and were controlled by the Embassy under the control
symbol 901. It is not clear under which control symbol the Embassy controlled
the files that later became known as AA1984/25 items 1951A and 1951B, although
they also relate to the Japanese Peace Treaty.
Reflecting this, the National
Archives incorporated the files from AA1984/25 into CRS A5460 in August 2003,
imposing the following control symbols:
Old Control Symbol
in AA1984/25
New Control Symbol
in A5460
901 [PART 2]
1951 Part 1
901 [PART 3]
1951 Part 2
901 [PART 4]
1951 Part 3
901 [PART 5]
1951 Part 4
901 [PART 6]
1951 Part 5
901 [PART 7]
1951 A
1951 B