NAA: J3117, 84

  • Page 1 of 67
Correspondence relating to the extradition of French escapees from New Caledonia and the deportation of prohibited immigrants - Escapees: Rabah ben Frikh, Jean Pierre Bonfils, Bouselsol Mahomed [Mohamed] ben Belkacem, Rahmain [Rahmani] ali ben Messaoud - Prohibited immigrants: Kasmie [Kamera] Caracas, Paul Fromont [Broman] [includes his actual dictation test, handwritten in French] and Lion Murchee
Contents range
1903 - 1904
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Correspondence relating to the extradition of French escapees from New Caledonia and the deportation of prohibited immigrants - Escapees: Rabah ben Frikh, Jean Pierre Bonfils, Bouselsol Mahomed [Mohamed] ben Belkacem, Rahmain [Rahmani] ali ben Messaoud - Prohibited immigrants: Kasmie [Kamera] Caracas, Paul Fromont [Broman] [includes his actual dictation test, handwritten in French] and Lion Murchee - Page 1 of 67