Series details

Series details for: A6231
Series number
Positive prints of films in Exhibits 141 and 153 [CRS A6201]
Accumulation dates
circa 01 Sep 1982 - circa 30 Sep 1982
Contents dates
01 Sep 1982 -
Items in this series on RecordSearch

All items from this series are entered on RecordSearch.
Agency/person recording
  • 01 Sep 1982 - 30 Sep 1982
    CA 3196, Australian Archives, ACT Regional Office
Agency/person controlling
  • 27 Feb 1998 -
    CA 8550, National Archives of Australia, Canberra Office
Quantity and location
  • 0.54 metres held in ACT
System of arrangement/ control
single number
Range of control symbols
Predominant physical format
Series note

Summary heading

A6231 – Positive prints of negative films in Exhibits 141 and 153 [CRS A6201].

Function and purpose

This series consists of positive proof sheets and 8” x 10” black and white contact prints made from the rolls of negative film contained in A6201, Exhibits 141 and 153. The photographs are of Exhibits A to J – the documents supplied by Vladimir Petrov to the Australian Security Intelligence Organisation (ASIO) at the time of his defection. These were photographed by ASIO shortly after the defection, and later by the New South Wales Police.

The importance of the prints is that they provide a record of the Petrov papers both immediately after they were received by ASIO and shortly after they had been tendered to the Royal Commission on Espionage (RCE).

The then Australian Archives made these prints during conservation work on the original RCE exhibits in 1982. All the frames on each roll have been reproduced, and items in the series can also contain prints that were deemed to be an ‘unsatisfactory record’ of the originals.   

Using the series

All titles in the series have been constructed by the National Archives. The titles give the roll of film the prints come from, and their contents – in terms of frame numbers from the rolls.

Language of material

Exhibits A to J depicted in the prints are entirely in Russian. 

Physical characteristics

Each item is made up of a number of positive proofs and prints, measuring approximately 20.5 cm x 25.5 cm. These have been placed in protective plastic sleaves that have details of the roll of film and frame number recorded on them.   

System of arrangement and control

A single number system was imposed by the National Archives. Within each item, the prints are arranged in frame order. Where proofs have been included in an item, these have been placed at the front.  

Relationships with other records

Exhibits 141 and 153 form part of CRS A6201 – Exhibits, single number series. The originals of Exhibits A to J, which are depicted in the prints, are contained in CRS A6202 – Exhibits, single letter series. 

These prints are not the only photographic copies of Exhibits A to J in the National Archives collection. Another set, made in the late 1950s, is held as CRS A6208 – Photographic copy of Exhibits A – J.

Series history

This series, along with other records of the Royal Commission on Espionage, was transferred from the Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet to Archives in September 1984. The series was originally accessioned as AA1984/344. The then Australian Archives had undertaken considerable conservation work on the RCE records in 1982 (see Custodial History below).

Arrangement and description work on this series was undertaken in June 2005 as part of a Collection Development project involving multiple record series associated with the Royal Commission on Espionage. In relation to this series, this involved registering each item at item level in RecordSearch, and re-writing this series note.

Custodial history

The records of the Royal Commission on Espionage were transferred to the then Prime Minister’s Department when the RCE Secretariat was being wound up. Initially, they were stored securely in the Cabinet Secretariat. The RCE records were provided to the Royal Commission on Intelligence and Security (RCIS) between 1975 and 1977. After the records were returned to the Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet, an archivist from the CSIRO was employed to catalogue and index them. As a result of this work, the then Australian Archives was engaged to undertake conservation work on the records. In relation to Exhibits 141 and 153, this involved removing the rolls of negative film from their original packaging (preserved as part of CRS A6228) and making a set of positive prints for public access.

End notes


Related series
    A6228, Original packaging of Exhibits A-J [CRS A6202], 141 and 153 [CRS A6201] - Royal Commission on Espionage
    A6201, Exhibits, single number series
    A6229, Photographic record of Exhibits A-J (CRS A6202) before conservation work undertaken
    A6232, Photographic record of Exhibits 141 and 153 [CRS A6201] and CRS A6205 before conservation work undertaken
    A6234, Photomicrographs of films in Exhibits 141 and 153 [CRS A6201]
Visibility & availability indicator
  • 73 . All items from the series are on RecordSearch
  • 76 . Item charge: Photographic
Date registered
01 Jan 1800