Agency details

Agency details for: CA 2966
Agency number
CA 2966
Colombo Plan Supplies Directorate/ (from 1963) External Aid Procurement Directorate
Date range
01 Jan 1952 - 09 Dec 1974
Series recorded by this agency
Organisation controlling
Agency status
Local Office
Agency note
When the Australian Government became a contributor to the Colombo Plan it was considered necessary to modify the existing
administrative machinery to cope with specific Colombo Plan projects and the supply of non-food items.
The Colombo Plan Supplies Directorate was set up in 1952 on a temporary basis to investigate feasibility, procurement, shipment and end use activity.
Following a review by the Public Service Board in 1959/60, the Directorate was placed on a permanent basis. By the early 1960's two other major schemes apart from the Colombo Plan were being
administered by the Directorate - the Special Commonwealth African Assistance Scheme (S.C.A.A.P.) and programs under the South East Asian Treaty Organisation (S.E.A.T.O)  Consequently it was decided to change the name of the Directorate to the External Aid Procurement
Directorate to reflect its wider activity.
The staff of the Directorate originally consisted of J.B. Todd, Director of Colombo Plan Supplies, J. Goodwin, a permanent officer of the Department of Commerce and Agriculture temporarily seconded to External Affairs and a stenographer. A.B. Millard later became the Director and by 1964 the Directorate's staff had increased to include six clerks.
In December 1974, the Australian Development Assistant Agency (A.D.A.A) was formally established under the Australian Development Assistance Agency Act 1974, to integrate under the one authority all aspects of, Australia's aid programme previously administered by the Departments of Foreign Affairs, External Affairs, Labor, the Treasury and Education, Consequently, the Directorate was absorbed into the new agency structure and became the Procurement and Emergency Aid Section of A.D.A.A. Central Office.

Historical agency address

1952-1957: Reliance House, 301 Flinders Lane, Melbourne 1957-1958: Queen's Gate, 83A Queens Road, Melbourne 1958-1963: 358 Lonsdalde Street, Melbourne 1963-1967: 568 St Kilda Road, Melbourne
Subsequent agency
  • CA 2581, Australian Development Assistance Agency, Melbourne Office - Procurement and Emergency Aid Section
Superior agency
  • 01 Jan 1952 - 06 Nov 1970
    CA 18, Department of External Affairs [II], Central Office
  • 06 Nov 1970 - 10 Dec 1974
    CA 1382, Department of Foreign Affairs, Central Office
Date registered
30 Sep 1987