Agency details

Agency details for: CA 2074
Agency number
CA 2074
Interim Australian Science and Technology Council
Date range
18 May 1975 - 19 Apr 1977
Series recorded by this agency
Organisation controlling
  • 18 May 1975 - 19 Apr 1977
Australian Capital Territory
Agency status
Head Office
Agency note
A Cabinet Decison in January 1975 forecast the formation of the Interim Australian Science and Technology Council.
The then Minister for Science, the Hon W Morrison, announced the membership of the Australian Science and Technology Council on 18 May 1975. (Only 11 out of 12 members were announced). However, the Council was initially set up as an interim body pending legislation to establish it as a statutory body.  Draft legislation was prepared but had not been approved before the change of Government in
November 1975.
The function of the Council was to advise the government on the role of science and technology. The Council's advice on any matter, whether tendered at the Government's request or on its own initiative, was considered by a ministerial committee under the chairmanship of the Prime Minister or his nominee.
In the Commonwealth Government Directory 1977 (p.221), the functions of the Interim Australian Science and Technology Council (CA 2074) were quoted as :
 "The Interim Council advises the Government on science and
 technology matters within its administration, and on the relations
 between the Government, universities and industry.  It was
 reconstituted in April 1976 to report to the Prime Minister on the
 role and structure of a permanent Science and Technology Council."
The position of chairman was expected to be a full-time appointment for a term of up to five years.  Other members would serve part-time for terms of up to two years.  The members announced were:-
   Dr I.A.L. Matheson; (Chairman)
   Professor S. Encel;
   Professor S.F. Harris;
   Mr I.A. Newstead;
   Professor G.J.V. Nossal;
   Professor J.A. Passmore;
   Mr P.I. Rosenbloom;
   Professor R.O. Slatyer;
   Mr K.C. Stone;
   Professor R. Street;
   Dr D.A.J. Swinkels.
On 9 February 1976, the Prime Minister announced that an Advisory Group had been formed to report to him on the role of and terms of reference for a Science and Technology Council.  As a result of this report, the Interim Australian Science and Technology Council was formed [reconstituted] on 29 April 1976, with the principal charter of reporting to the Prime Minister on arrangements for a permanent Council before the end of 1976.
On 29 March 1977 Cabinet agreed to the formation of a permanent Australian Science and Technology Council (ASTEC) to advise the Government on science and technology policy.  This decision brought to an end the operations of the Interim ASTEC.  The Prime Minister announced the Government's decision in Parliament on 19 April 1977.  

Commonwealth Government Directory 1977 (P.221)
Report of the Interim Australian Science and Technology Council   for the period 29 April 1976 to 29 March 1977

Historical agency address

Block C, Hotel Kurrajong, National Circuit, Barton ACT

Legislation administered

Creation : Cabinet Decision in January 1975 with Membership announced by the Minister for Science on 18 May 1975.
Subsequent agency
  • 19 Apr 1977
    CA 2423, Australian Science, Technology and Engineering Council (ASTEC)
Superior agency
  • 18 May 1975 - 06 Jun 1975
    CA 1486, Department of Science [I], Central Office
  • 06 Jun 1975 - 22 Dec 1975
    CA 1888, Department of Science and Consumer Affairs, Central Office
  • 22 Dec 1975 - 19 Apr 1977
    CA 1962, Department of Science [II], Central Office
Persons associated with agency
  • 18 May 1975 - 31 Dec 1976
    CP 415, Emeritus Professor Stuart Francis HARRIS AO - Member
Date registered
02 Jun 1976