On 9 November 1960, the Legation in Tel Aviv was raised to the status of an Embassy, having operated as a Legation since 19 December 1949.
The first Australian Ambassador to Israel was Mr J M McMillan.
The Australian Embassy, Tel Aviv is concerned with political
relations between Israel and Australia, the supply of information on political, economic and social developments to the Australian government and the protection of Australian interests and
Australian citizens in Israel.
All communications between Australia and the Embassy are channelled through the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade (previously through the Departments of Foreign Affairs & External Affairs).
The Department of Immigration & Ethnic Affairs (previously the Department of Immigration, Local Government & Ethnic Affairs) did not have any personnel located at Tel Aviv and day-to-day immigration work was handled by the Embassy.
The Australian Migration Office, Athens (CA 1336) is regionally responsible for immigration work done by the Embassy. This responsibility has included, since 1964, the sending of an immigration team to Tel Aviv to conduct interviews at regular intervals.
Since 1975, there has been an Australian Government Trade Commissioner (CA 4105) posted at the Tel Aviv Embassy.
Australian Envoys:
1949-1954 : O C W Fuhrman
1955-1959 : B C Ballard
1960-1961 : J M McMillan
1962-1963 : J Hoyle (Charge d'Affairs)
1964 : J D L Hood
1965-1971 : W G A Landale
1972 : M L Johnston
1973-1976 : F R Dalrymple
1977-1978 : R J Smith
1979-1980 : W P J Handmer
1981-1983 : D C Goss
1984-1986 : Dr R S Merrillees
1987-1990 : J B Campbell
1991-1993 : F W Fisher
1994- : P W Rodgers
The Federal Guide, years 1949-1961
Commonwealth Government Directory, years 1962-1996
Historical agency address
1949-1957 : 7 Levontin Street
1958-1961 : 23 Arlosoroff Street
1962-1978 : 145 Hayarkon Street
1979-1986 : 185 Hayarkon Street
1987- : Beit Europa, 4th Floor, 37 Shaul Hamelech Blvd