This series consists of 13 volumes of Minutes taken at Executive Committee Meetings of the Good Neighbour Council of Victoria.
There are 7 volumes with typed or duplicated Minutes held in ring binders. In 2 volumes the Minutes have been pasted in or attached with adhesive tape and in 4 volumes the Minutes are pasted onto sheets held between black covers with metal screws.
The last volume contains Executive Minutes to June 1979 and then Minutes of the Winding Down Committee to December 5, 1979. The final item is a Note signed by the Chairman of the Committee and dated 5 May 1980 concerning the assignment of lease of the premises at 575 Elizabeth Street to the Migrant Resource Centre.
In most cases Minutes are preceded by copies of the agenda for the Meeting and in some cases lists of signatures of those present are also attached.
This series has been intellectually converted to M1112, M1113 and M1114. Until physical conversion occurs these records should be sought in M690.