Commonwealth of Australia Ordinance No. 18 of 1928, National Memorials Ordinance 1928
(under the powers conferred by the Seat of Government Acceptance Act 1909 and the Seat
of Government (Administration) Act 1910)
Functions and activities
The Committee was established to deal with the character and location of national
memorials and the nomenclature of divisions of and public places in the Australian
Capital Territory.
The Committee consists of the Prime Minister of the Commonwealth, the Minister
responsible, the Leader of the Government in the Senate, the Leader of the Opposition
in the Senate, the Leader of the Opposition in the House of Representatives, the
Secretary of the Department responsible, an officer appointed by the Minister and two
other members appointed by the Governor-General from amongst persons who are residents
of the ACT (originally, these persons only had to be recognised as authorities on
Australian history, but by 1959, this provision was removed and replaced with ACT
residency). The Prime Minister is the Chairman of the Committee and meetings are
summoned by the Secretary of the Department responsible, at which three committee
members constitute a quorum.
No mention of the Canberra National Memorials Committee is made in the Government
Directories until 1957, though in 1937 a reprint of the National Memorials Ordinance
1928 mentions the Department of the Interior. The agencies controlling the Committee
between 1928 and 1957 have therefore been based on the portfolio responsible for
administering Canberra.
With the passing of the Australian Capital Territory (Self Government) Act 1988 and the
consequent establishment of the ACT Government, this committee retained responsibility
for national memorials in the ACT, and for nomenclature of public places on designated
National Land within the ACT. Responsibility for the nomenclature of land not so
designated, ie Territory Land, passed to the ACT Government, and became regulated by
the Public Place Names Act 1989 (ACT).
By 25 February 1994, the National Capital Planning Authority (CA 7054) provided, and
continues to provide, secretariat services for this committee. By the time this committee
was placed under the portfolio of Transport and Regional Services (CA 8618) in October
1998, the National Capital Authority (rather than the 'parent' portfolio department) had
become fully responsible for the management and administration of this committee.
Historical agency address
by1957-by1959: Administrative Building, Canberra
by1959-by1973: Civic Offices, Canberra City
by1973-by1977: Akuna House, Canberra City
by1977- ? : 2nd Floor, South Building, Civic Offices, Canberra
by1988- 1993: Tobruk House, Canberra City
1994- : (refer CA 7054, National Capital Authority)
National Memorials Ordinance 1928-1959
National Memorials Ordinance 1930-1937
National Memorials Ordinance 1928 (1928-1989, reprinted as at 31 July 1991)
Public Place Names Act 1989 (ACT) (reprinted as at 31 July 1991)
Commonwealth Government Directories, 1982 to 1999
National Capital Authority Education Portal - Secondary Education Kit: Reflections of a
Nation. 2006.
'Unit 4 - Your National Capital. Public place names in the National Capital.' accessed 13 October 2006
'Unit 5 - The Central National Area. Commemorative works in the National Capital.' accessed 13 October 2006