The Reconstruction Training Committee (known as the Central
Reconstruction Training Committee by 1945 and sometimes referred to as the Commonwealth Reconstruction Training Committee) was a standing executive and advisory committee within the Ministry of Post-War Reconstruction and was created for the purpose of organising and directing all aspects of the Commonwealth Reconstruction Training Scheme which commenced on a partial basis in February 1944. The Committee was set up initially by War Cabinet Minute 2679 of 2 March 1943. It met for the first time on 16 March 1943.
The Reconstruction Training Committee was one of three committees set up by direction of War Cabinet in 1943 to cover the three phases of re-establishing a service population of nearly one million. The three phases of re-establishment under which planning and administrative organisation took shape were - the actual demobilisation of the members of the Forces; provision of training for certain categories of ex-service personnel; and the planning for the placement in employment of ex-service men and women. The three Committees, all established under the Minister for Post-War Reconstruction were:
- Reconstruction Demobilisation Committee/(by 1945) Central
Demobilisation Committee (CA 314)
- Reconstruction Training Committee/(by 1945) Central Reconstruction
Training Committee (CA 357)
- Reconstruction Re-employment Committee/(by 1945) Central
Re-establishment and Re-employment Committee (CA 392).
The Committee was formally established under the Re-establishment and Employment Act 1945 (Part III) which came into force on 27 August 1945. Section 51 of the Act stated that the number of members of the Committee and their terms of office should be determined by the Minister. Section 52 empowered the Minister, on the recommendation of the Central Reconstruction Training Committee, to establish such Regional Training Committees, Industrial Training Committees and Professional Committees as he thought fit.
On 11 January 1950 the administration of the Reconstruction training scheme was passed from the Department of Post-War Reconstruction to the Repatriation Department (Commonwealth Gazette, No. 3, 12 Jan. 1950, p.105). Accordingly that Department became responsible for
administration of the Re-establishment and Employment Act 1945 (Part 1,; 11,; Div. 4; 111.; V.; XI).
Membership of the Committee comprised (with the original members in brackets) a representative of:
- Ministry of Post-War Reconstruction in the position of Chairman
(Drs H.C. Coombs and P.W.E. Curtin)
- Repatriation Commission (Cyril Smith, Esq.)
- Universities Commission (Prof. R.C. Mills)
- Department of Labour and National Service - Industrial Training
Division (E.P. Eltham, Esq. and D.J. Gilbert, Esq.)
- Employer's Organisations (from 1944)
- Employees' Organisations (from 1944)
- Ex-Servicemen's Association (from 1944)
with one co-opted member from:
- Department of the Navy (Commander J.A. Walsh)
- Department of the Army (Lieut-Col. R.B. Madgwick)
- Department of Air (Squadron-Leader C.E.S. Gordon)
- Treasury (Mr Nelson),
and later from the Commonwealth Employment Service.
The Central Committee was empowered to:
(i) provide, at the direction of the Minister for Post-War
Reconstruction, for the training after discharge (including
training after discharge during the war) of members of the
Forces according to conditions of eligibility and selection
(ii) provide, at the direction of the Minister for Post-War
Reconstruction, for the training of other members of the
Forces and civilians required to be trained or retrained for
reconstruction purposes;
(iii) advise Cabinet on preliminary professional and vocational
training for members of the Forces before discharge.
Thus the Committee had a two-fold function: first, to advise on training given under the Services Education Schemes before discharge; and second, to arrange post-discharge training. The Universities Commission (CA 274) was responsible for arranging training of University type, including Teachers' Colleges, Barristers' Boards, Dentists' Boards, Pharmacy Colleges, Theological Colleges, Conservatoriums of Music and similar institutions. The Department of Labour and National Service (CA 40) was invested with responsibility for arranging professional training at Technical Colleges or similar institutions and approved industrial establishments for vocations other than the professions. The Repatriation Commission (CA 225) provided for training not possible by normal methods for war-blinded and other members incapacitated to a high degree because of their war service. The Rural Reconstruction Training Authority was responsible for rural training in conjunction with the appropriate State Authorities in selected institutions and farms, etc.
The administration of the Training Scheme was decentralised. In each State Capital, Regional Committees advised on and assisted in the organisation and administration of training in conformity with the Training Scheme, under the general direction of the Central Committee. Regional Committees operated under the executive direction of the Deputy Director of the Re-establishment Division, Post-War Reconstruction in each State and had the same basis of representation as the Central Committee.
Apart from their advisory and administrative responsibilities the Regional Committees had the following main functions:
- To take final responsibility for all matters relating to the
selection for training of applicants.
- To hear and determine appeals against rejection for training.
- To supervise the functioning and work of all industrial and
professional committees, and to advise the Central Committee of
training quotas established in that State.
After the initial period of varying venues the Central Committee's meetings became centralised in Melbourne and were held monthly. Industrial and Professional Sub-Committees were also set up to afford advice upon training generally in specific trades in which training was being carried on and in the various faculty and other professional courses. These Committees which were both advisory and executive met once a month and membership consisted of an equal representation of the employers' and employees' organisations in the trade or calling concerned, under the Chairmanship of the Deputy Director of Industrial Training.
The Central Reconstruction Training Committee's work was also supplemented by five sub-committees:
the Eligibility and Appeals Sub-Committee;
the Finance and Administration Sub-Committee;
the Approved Institutions and Courses Sub-Committee;
the Industrial Sub-Committee;
the Minutes Sub-Committee.
Eventually the Committee was disbanded late 1963/early 1964 as it became apparent that the Scheme had fulfilled its purpose and there remained very little business to handle.
'War Cabinet Agendum No. 166/1943
Australian Archives: A2670
War Cabinet Secretariat 'War Cabinet Minutes'
Book: 'War Cabinet Minutes', 2660-3116, 1943.
Australian Archives: CRS A2673, Vol. X111, Minute No. 2755.
'Ministry of Post-War Reconstruction',
Australian Archives: CP 84/1.
Federal Guides 1944 (p.100), 1947 (p.132), 1951 (p.114)
Commonwealth of Australia Acts, No. 11 of 1945, Re-establishment and Employment Act 1945.
Commonwealth Gazette No. 3, 12 January 1950, p.105; No. 28,
7 May 1959, p.1633.
Year Book of the Commonwealth of Australia, No. 38, 1951, p.258. Commonwealth Gazette, No. 164, 27 August 1945 p.1859.
S.J. Butlin and C.J. Schedvin, 'War Economy 1942-1945', Australian War Memorial Press, Canberra 1977.
Commonwealth Gazette No. 28, 7 May 1959, p.1633.
Historical agency address
? -? : Hotel Acton, Canberra
? - 1950: Saxon House, 450 Little Collins Street, Melbourne
1950-? 1963: St Kilda Road, MelbourneLegislation administered
Creation: War Cabinet Minute No. 2679 of 2 Mar. 1943; Commonwealth of Australia Act, No. 11 of 1945, Re-establishment and Employment Act 1945, Section 51
Agency controlled unregistered
Reconstruction Training Scheme, Regional Committee, New South Wales
Reconstruction Training Scheme, Regional Committee, Tasmania
Reconstruction Training Scheme, Regional Committee, Queensland
Reconstruction Training Scheme, Regional Committee, South Australia
Reconstruction Training Scheme, Regional Committee, Western Australia
Reconstruction Training Scheme, Regional Committee, Port Moresby, New Guinea