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Series details for: SP551/1
Series number
Log books of HMC [Her Majesty's Colonial], HM [His/Her Majesty's] and HMA [Her Majesty's Australian] Ships
Accumulation dates
20 Oct 1855 - 31 Dec 1956
Contents dates
01 Jan 1855 - 31 Dec 1957
Items in this series on RecordSearch

All items from this series are entered on RecordSearch.
Agency/person recording
  • 01 Oct 1920 - 31 Dec 1956
    CA 582, RAN Hydrographic Service, Hydrographic Office
Agency/person controlling
  • 01 Jul 1997 -
    CA 3912, RAN Fleet Headquarters (FHQ)
Quantity and location
  • 380.25 metres held in NSW
System of arrangement/ control
The series is in four groups (gaps occur within the groups) - a main Alphabetical series of ships from 1855 to 31/12/1956 and a small group from 1/1/1957 to 31/12/1957. Bundles 1-707 and 763-786 represent a series of Small Ships, Patrol Boats, Minelayers, Bundles 708-744, and Submarines 745-762.
Range of control symbols
Predominant physical format
Series note
Description of series:
Bound ships' log books varying in size and shape according to period (generally 15" x 10"), from the earliest date of Royal Navy ships stationed in Australian waters and showing information pertaining to hourly happenings on board ship.

History Prior/Subsequent to Transfer:
Prior to transfer: The Navy Hydrographic Office was created in Sydney in 1920 to be responsible for mapping, charting, sounding, and supply of material to HMA Ships and for receipt of all Ships' Logs and their maintenance. Ships' Captains were responsible for compilation, maintenance, and handing-over of Logs to that Office. Up to approximately 1911 all logs were handed in at "Sydney Station". In 1911 the Navy Office, Melbourne, took over the logs from Sydney. When the Hydrographic Officer was appointed to Sydney in 1920 the logs were transferred back to Sydney. The logs were stored by the Hydrographic Office as they were received.

During the 1939-45 War the volume of logs caused storage problems and they were cased without regard to order and stored at Naval Stores, Randwick in approximately 1943. In 1958 they were transferred from Randwick to Rydalmere and stored in dank and poorly constructed sheds where boats were housed. Water treatment to these boats for their preservation caused dampness to case bottoms and consequently deterioration to some logs.

These logs refer to ships of the Royal Navy and Royal Australian Navy in Australian service from 1855 and include Colonial ships, Queensland, Victoria, and South Australian Naval units. This series is incomplete.  Log books are not held for every ship and there is not always a full set of log books for the entire period of a ship's operation.

Information received from Department of the Navy indicates that the logs comprise books surrendered in Australian Ports or Stations. Some titles of Logs of the sloop "Victoria" are shown for reference, viz.: Outside title of Log, 1856 - Her Majesty's Colonial Steam Sloop Victoria Log Book, Inside title of Log, 1856 - Log Book of Her Majesty's Colonial War Steamer Victoria. Inside title of Log, 1859 - Log Book of HMC Steam Sloop Victoria, Outside title of Log, 1886 - Log Book of Her Majesty's Victorian Ship Victoria. Inside title of Log, 1886 - Log Book of the Victorian Gunboat Victoria.

Subsequent to transfer: The Logs were transferred in scrambled order from the Navy. Representations resulted in the Navy resorting the whole set into its present order.

Administrative information

The following data was keyed from the paper documentation:
Form number:              CA 17
Creating department:      , Navy, Flag Officer in Charge Eastern
                          Australia Area, Hydrographic Service 
Transferring department:  , Navy, Flag Officer in Charge,
                          Eastern Australia Area, Hydrographic
Date of transfer:         07/02/1962
Archives file number:     RWS31/3/3
Description of series:
Bound ships' log books varying in size and shape according to period (generally 15" x 10"), from the earliest date of Royal Navy ships stationed in Australian waters and showing information pertaining to hourly happenings on board ship.

History Prior/Subsequent to Transfer:
Prior to transfer: The Navy Hydrographic Office was created in Sydney in 1920 to be responsible for mapping, charting, sounding, and supply of material to  ...... 
Subsequent series
  • 20 Oct 1855
    SP1683/1, Log books of various HMA [Her Majesty's Australian] Ships
Controlling series
  • 01 Jan 1920 - 31 Dec 1956
    C2215, Alphabetical index cards to HMA Ships' log books
  • 01 Jan 1955 - 31 Dec 1956
    C1310, Hydrographic Office disposal lists for ships' logs
Related series
  • 29 Jul 1886 - 20 Dec 1944
    SP1119/1, Logbooks of HM [His/Her Majesty's], HMV [Her Majesty's Victorian] and HMA [His/Her Majesty's Australian] Ships
Visibility & availability indicator
  • 28 . Refer to Preservation Services for advice
  • 73 . All items from the series are on RecordSearch
Date registered
07 Feb 1962

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