This series, created and maintained by the Central Registry of the Australian Broadcasting Commission, documents all areas of the ABC's early responsibilities. The series is arranged in subject groupings according to the central Registries original filing system.
In order, the subject groupings used by the Central Registry to order this series are: Regional stations and new transmitters; Personal files of artists and staff; Concerts and overseas artists' management; Reports, minutes, articles, press statements and speeches; Talk programs; News; Permanent units; Artists' employment and management; Sport; Essential services; Music; Education; Drama and features; Religious; Rural; Program planning and administration; Entertainment; Legal; Overseas relations and shortwave services; Administration; Publicity and public relations; Wartime; Papua New Guinea; Technical; Committees and Enquiry; and Publications.
Within this collection, many records exist for prominent Australian and international performers who were contracted to the ABC. Records documenting the administration of the various departments of the ABC, such as the Talks Department and the Drama and Features Department, are also contained within the collection. Covering these and the other areas listed above, this series forms a consolidated collection documenting much of the history of the early years of the ABC.
Administrative information
Archives file number: RWS50/3/40