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Series details for: SP1202/2
Series number
Film of visit of the Deputy Prime Minister (Hon Francis Michael Forde) to London and the United Nations Conference, San Francisco
Accumulation dates
circa 01 Apr 1945 - circa 30 Jun 1945
Contents dates
circa 01 Apr 1945 - circa 30 Jun 1945
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Agency/person recording
  • 01 Apr 1945 - 30 Jun 1945
    CA 1670, Film Division (also known as Commonwealth Film Unit), (a) Department of Information (to 1950) (b) Australian News and Information Bureau
Agency/person controlling
  • 18 Sep 2013 -
    CA 5987, Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade, Central Office - External Affairs, including - public diplomacy, including information and cultural programmes
System of arrangement/ control
Reel 1, 2, 3.
Range of control symbols
Predominant physical format
Series note
This series consists of three reels of film covering the visit of Francis Michael Forde, then Deputy Prime Minister, to the United States and England in 1945. Prime Minister John Curtin had chosen Forde and Dr H V Evatt to lead the Australian delegation to the United Nations Conference on International Organisation (UNCIO) in San Francisco that year. The film footage mainly covers this part of Forde's overseas visit, but also includes scenes of London (where he attended the Commonwealth Ministers' Conference), Washington and Hawaii. Forde was accompanied by his wife, Mrs Vera Forde, and some scenes include her and other members of the official party.

The original reels are 16mm, acetate-based cinematographic film, two in colour and one in black and white, duration 28:14 minutes. The series includes 35mm VHS video duplicating and reference copies of the film.

This series description was revised as part of the Prime Ministers Papers' Project (June 2002).

This series contains audiovisual formats. As audiovisual formats are either redundant or susceptible to deterioration, some items in this series have been copied to ensure their preservation. Preservation copying involves the creation of preservation, duplicating and reference copies. These copies can be found in the following series:

Preservation copies: C5300, Video preservation copies of SP1202/2, Film of visit of the Deputy Prime Minister (Hon Francis Michael Forde) to London and the United Nations Conference, San Francisco

Duplicating copies: C5301, Video duplicating copies of SP1202/2, Film of visit of the Deputy Prime Minister (Hon Francis Michael Forde) to London and the United Nations Conference, San Francisco

Reference copies: C5302, Video reference copies of SP1202/2, Film of visit of the Deputy Prime Minister (Hon Francis Michael Forde) to London and the United Nations Conference, San Francisco

Grattan, Michelle, ed, Australian Prime Ministers (Sydney, New Holland, 2000), p243

Administrative information
The following data was keyed from the paper documentation:
Form number:              CA 17
Transferring department:  Prime Minister and Cabinet, Sydney Office
Archives file number:     RWS2/4/2

Visibility & availability indicator
  • 79 . Wholly Audiovisual Series
Date registered
21 Sep 1990

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