This series contains bundles 37 – 99. Each bundle represents a ship or aircraft arriving in Sydney on a specific date and contains personal documents of British Assisted Migrants. The documents include medical reports, application forms and other papers completed by the person applying for migration to Australia from Britain. The papers were collected from each ship or aircraft carrying the assisted migrants and are arranged chronologically. The first bundle is from Empire Brent arriving in Sydney on 24 November 1948 and the last bundle is from Ormonde arriving in Sydney on 26 December 1949. Some documents from individual passengers or families have been described and issued their own item barcode number; these are known as sub items of the bundle they belong to.
Administrative information
The following has been keyed from the paper documentation:
Form number: CA 11
Transferring department: Immigration, NSW Branch, British Assisted
Date of transfer: 22/04/1953
Archives file number: RWS28/1/10