This large series is comprised of three separate sets of publicity material forwarded to or compiled by the Australian Broadcasting Corporation (ABC). The three sets were maintained by the ABC's Publicity Department between 1940 and 1968.
The first of the sets contains publicity material relating to television programmes produced overseas and broadcast in Australia on the ABC. The records in this collection tend to date from the mid to late 1960s and contain written and photographic material relating to imported drama, comedy, documentary, children's and variety programmes.
The second set of records contains publicity material for locally produced television programmes. These records too contain written and photographic material relating to drama, comedy, documentary, children's and variety programmes, but there are also a number of records relating to the broadcast of Australian operatic and ballet performances.
The final set within this series holds photographs of many prominent people from both Australia and overseas. These photographs are arranged in alphabetical order and the number of photos for an individual can range from one to approximately fifty. Often there are duplicates within each individual's folder, but the the person is usually represented in a variety of poses. These photographs were used for the ABC's promotional purposes and brief descriptive information about the person's career and relationship with the ABC is often detailed on the back of each photograph.
Photographs within this collection relate to television and cinematic celebrities, as well as musical and stage stars,leading political and educational figures, authors, journalists and prominent ABC employees. The earliest photograph in this collection is of former Prime Minister Edmund Barton, and the latest were compiled in 1968. The bulk of this collection, however, appears to have been compiled during the 1950s and 1960s.
All items from this series have been listed on the Archives' item level database.
In addition, all requests for reproduction of images from this series must be forwarded through the ABC's Archive section.
Administrative information:
Archives file number: RWS50/9/6