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Series details for: PP26/1
Series number
History cards of CRTS (Commonwealth Reconstruction Training Scheme) trainees who completed or abandoned training courses, to 1957, at technical college or approved industrial establishments
Accumulation dates
01 Jan 1946 - 31 Dec 1957
Contents dates
1946 - 1957
Items in this series on RecordSearch
No items from the series are on RecordSearch. Please contact the National Reference Service if you need assistance.
Agency/person recording
  • 01 Jan 1946 - 31 Dec 1957
    CA 1761, Department of Labour and National Service, Branch Office/Regional Administration, Western Australia
Agency/person controlling
  • 01 Feb 2020 - 01 Jul 2022
    CA 9616, Department of Education, Skills and Employment
  • 01 Jul 2022 -
    CA 9638, Department of Employment and Workplace Relations [II] - Training matters
Quantity and location
  • 2.7 metres held in WA
System of arrangement/ control
Alphabetical series
Range of control symbols
A - Z
Predominant physical format
Series note
Description of series:
8 X 5 cards which were used to record the details of the subjects taken by trainees, the commencing and completion dates and the reason for discontinuance where the course was abandoned.  In respect of part-time courses the information covers the full course but in the case of full-time courses only until the trainee had reached the stage of 40% proficiency when training was commenced at a technical college.  From 40% to 100% details of progress were recorded by the Assistance Section, Department of Repatriation in a master register.  The cards were also used as an index to the trainees personal files which were held in order of 'RW' file nos.  The cards show both 'RW' number and 'CR' number - the 'CR' number being a consecutive number allotted to each application received by Industrial Training Division.  Although shown on all personal files and recorded on the history card, it was only used for statistical purposes.
Administrative information
The following data was keyed from the paper documentation:
Form number:              CA 17
Creating department:      Labour & National Service WA, Industrial                           Training Division, Registry
Transferring department:  Labour & National Service WA, Industrial                           Training Division, Registry
Date of transfer:         20/05/1958
Archives file number:     RWP11/1/2

Date registered
20 May 1958

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