This series consists of various documents, maps and aerial photographs created or used in the valuation and transfer of ownership of land associated with the railways in Tasmania. This first occurred around 1975, when the former Tasmanian Government Railways was acquired by the Commonwealth, and later around 1996, when the Commonwealth sold the Australian National Railways Commission operation [trading as AN Tasrail] in Tasmania.
A comprehensive set of aerial photographs was 'flown' by the Tasmanian Lands Department under contract to the Commonwealth Department of Administrative Services. The Tasmanian Lands Department is believed to hold the original negatives and prints. Each line in the Tasmanian Rail System was flown in a number of 'runs'. Maps in the front of each folder identify the relevant run.
The photography dates from 1976, shortly after the Commonwealth assumed ownership of Tasmanian Railways. As such the photos are a valuable aid to determine the land occupied by railways at handover.
The sale of the railways from the Commonwealth to private operators in 1996 did not include the land on which the permanent way is build. This land was returned to the State Government of Tasmania. Many small parcels of land were sold into private ownership while the Commonwealth operated the railways.
Quantity in agency custody
Agency recording unregistered
01 Jan 1976 - 31 Dec 1976: Lands Department (Tasmania)