This series consists of military service histories (A M Form M 8) of 14 year old cadet trainees under the Compulsory Universal Training Scheme of 1909. Trainee registration forms (A M Form 3) are pasted to the back of the service history form. These records appear to be for Launceston based units only. The A3 size loose leaf forms are held within two clothbound cardboard sheets which appear to have originally been some type of binder.
Details on the forms include name and address of cadet, next of kin, medical examination results, efficiency record in senior cadets, record of punishments, efficiency record in citizen forces and war service and transfer details.
The Compulsory Universal Training Scheme came into effect in 1909 under Section 142 of the Defence Act. The Act made training and service compulsory in time of peace for all male inhabitants of Australia who had resided in the Commonwealth for six months and were British subjects.
The Act of 1909 prescribed Junior cadet training for lads 12 and 13 years of age, followed by Senior cadet training for lads from 14 to 18 years of age and thereafter adult training for two years in the citizen forces.
These records were originally deposited with the Archives Office of Tasmania (AoT). As a result the outer cover bears the AoT control symbol COM 1/63. The records were transferred to Commonwealth custody at Australian Archives, Tasmania in 1988.