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Series details for: MP95/1
Series number
Intelligence reports on enemy trading and other suspicious actions
Accumulation dates
01 Jan 1916 - 31 Dec 1919
Items in this series on RecordSearch

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Agency/person recording
  • 16 Mar 1916 - 31 Dec 1919
    CA 3275, Directorate of Military Intelligence
Agency/person controlling
  • 19 Oct 1979 -
    CA 3050, Australian Federal Police, Southern Region [Victoria/Tasmania], Melbourne Office
Quantity and location
  • 3.42 metres held in VIC
System of arrangement/ control
Arranged chronologically for each Military District, some in folders numbered by Defence two number system.
Range of control symbols
1st M.D. 2.1.1916 - 27.6.1919, 2nd M.D. 15.1.1916 - 8.9.1919, 3rd M.D. 22.1.1916 - 29.6.1919, 4th M.D. 7.1.1917 - 28.12.1918, 5th M.D. 4.1.1917 - 7.6.1919, 6th M.D. 1.1.1916 - 28.12.1916
Predominant physical format
Series note
Description of series:
Form C.353, recording sender, recipient and extracts from
correspondence, or reports on movements of suspected persons. In the case of I.W.W. groups, many copies of letters are attached.
Administrative information
The following data was keyed from the paper documentation:
Form number:              CA 17
Creating department:      , Defence, Directorate of Military
                          Intelligence, ,
Transferring department:  , ATTORNEY-GENERAL'S, COMMONWEALTH
                          INVESTIGATION SERVICE,
Date of transfer:         06/10/1953
Archives file number:     RWM7/6/5

Related series
  • 01 Jan 1917 - 31 Dec 1917
    A6286, Copies of Intelligence Reports (Censor's Office Reports) for all Military Districts, received from Department of Defence
Visibility & availability indicator
  • 69 . Digital image charge: Large
Date registered
06 Oct 1953

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