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Series details for: MP508/1
Series number
General correspondence files, multiple number series
Accumulation dates
01 Jan 1939 - 31 Dec 1942
Contents dates
01 Jan 1898 - 24 Jul 1974
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Agency/person recording
  • 01 Jan 1939 - 13 Nov 1939
    CA 2671, Army Headquarters, Department of Defence [II]
  • 13 Nov 1939 - 31 Dec 1942
    CA 36, Department of the Army, Central Office
Agency/person controlling
  • 30 Nov 1973 -
    CA 46, Department of Defence [III], Central Office
Quantity and location
  • 132.14 metres held in VIC
System of arrangement/ control
Multiple number series
Range of control symbols
War: 1/701/31 - 340/702/540; AIF: 1/750/56 - 340/751/140; Civil Staff: S.370/701/1 - S.383/701/1 (all incomplete)
Predominant physical format
Series note

Description of series:

This series contains files relating to the wartime administration of the military forces of Australia including administration, compensation, defence and fixed defences, medical and dental corps. There are three identifiable groups of records within MP508/1. The general or War correspondence series, correspondence dealing with the AIF [Australian Imperial Forces] and correspondence dealing with ‘Civil Staff’ matters. These groups have been distinguished by the allocation of secondary number groupings within the multiple number series. These three groups of records have been registered as three separate Commonwealth Record Series (CRS) B1539, B1543 and B1547 but the records have not been physically converted. All records should be requested from MP508/1.


This series was the main correspondence series for the Army headquarters. The primary digit of this section went from 1 to 340. Secondary numbers commenced at 701, which distinguished it from other systems operating at the time with the same primary numbers. Papers were attached to other related papers for action and these attachments were recorded in the registration booklets (B1540). Sometimes the attachments were temporary and papers were later detached and placed with other papers or were used to provide the base paper of another file. New blocks of primary or secondary numbers were added to allow for expansion of file numbering. Within the main group of (701) war series records there are large blocks of records established with primary numbers (248) for Permanent Force Personnel and (251) Militia and Compulsory Trainees. The series also includes correspondence in relation to matters within the jurisdiction of the Military Board of Administration dealing with areas such as administration, organisation, ordnance, stores and transport. Records in the War series were transferred in two groups: 1/701/31 - 340/702/1 & 1/703/221 - 339/701/541

The contents date from c.1921 as evidenced in file number 81/705/69 and with some papers added up to 1943.


This series consists of correspondence files of the Army Headquarters relating to the raising and operation of the second Australian Imperial Forces. The primary digit of this section went from 1 to 339. Secondary numbers in this system commenced at 750.  Papers were attached to other related papers for action, and these attachments were recorded in registration booklets (B1544). Sometimes the attachments were temporary and papers were later detached and placed with other papers or were used to provide the base paper of another file. Records in the AIF series were transferred in two groups: 1/750/56 - 340/751/140 & 4/750/11 - 339/750/57


This series covers policy matters relating to staffing and employment of civilian personnel within the Department of the Army. It includes material on acts and regulations, allowances, arbitration, employment, holdings, leave, overtime, pay, superannuation, and the air-raid precautions system.

Primary numbers commenced at 370 and with an “S” prefix, which allowed for expansion of the main "701" series, which had allocated numbers up to 340. The secondary numbers commenced at 701 which would suggest that this series was seen as part of the main "701" series. However, separate registers and indexes were kept. The tertiary numbers were allocated consecutively within the primary/secondary subject numbers. This system involved registering individual items and attaching them to related papers, if any, on a permanent, provisional or temporary basis. Attachments, detachment and relocation of papers was recorded in the registration booklets (B1548). Some files from the Civil Staff series can also be found in the subsequent series MP742/1.

Records from the Civil Staff series were transferred in two groups: S.370/701/1 - S.383/701/1 and S.372/702/254 - S.381/703/4744. Files in this series are located in boxes 565 to 586 and a smaller section in each of boxes 728 and 729 only.

System of arrangement and control

All the files in this accession belong to the one registry system. Files were raised in accordance with a multiple number system by which primary and secondary numbers were allocated to primary and secondary subjects, after the primary subjects had been arranged in alphabetical order. The tertiary number was allocated for items of correspondence consecutively within the primary/secondary numbers. The alphabetical order of primary subjects was subsequently broken by the addition of the new primary subject of "air raid precautions" which was allocated the next available primary number.  File covers were used infrequently as the system of file construction made file titling difficult. Sometimes papers were placed in Department of Army covers and the broad subject area was indicated. Some items have been placed in manila folders since their transfer to Archives.

As the system developed, especially in personnel registrations there tended to be some duplication of file numbers.

Relationships with other records:

Files relating to property hiring files during the Second World War are [were] held within Accession series MP31/1. In August 1946 hiring matters were transferred to the Hiring Section, Central Office, Department of Interior (CA 2777). It was responsible for the finalisation of all outstanding matters relating to dehiring of property throughout the Commonwealth. Files from the Army 701 series were top numbered into a Department of Interior multiple number series with an alpha prefix. The former Army Hirings Service files contained within MP31/1/0 have been converted to CRS B985.

History Prior/Subsequent to Transfer:

Papers on these files prior to 1939 were registered under systems in use in the Department of Defence. This Department administrated the Army until that year when a separate Department of the Army was set up. All the files in this accession belong to one registry system although the sections of it were each divided into two groups before transfer. The reason for their unfortunate fracturing is that the departmental Board of Survey experienced difficulty in getting classified files downgraded during their culling operations. They therefore dealt first with the non-classified material. These were then transferred to archival custody. When the classified files were downgraded they were soon afterwards transferred as the second instalment (or part B) resulting in two number runs within each section of the series. The series was lightly culled during the early 1950’s by the agency.

Administrative information

The following data was keyed from the paper documentation:

Form number:              CA 17

Creating department:      , Army, Army Headquarters, Central Registry Transferring department:  , ARMY, ARMY HEADQUARTERS, SECRETARY'S                           BRANCH, CENTRAL REGISTRY

Date of transfer:         25/06/1964

Archives file number:     RWM30/2/24


Previous series
  • 01 Jan 1939
    A1567, Correspondence files, multiple number series, (primary numbers 665/4 - 678/1) (civilian personnel)
  • 31 Dec 1939
    B1535, Correspondence files, multiple number series
Subsequent series
  • 01 Jan 1943
    MP742/1, General and civil staff correspondence files and Army personnel files, multiple number series
Controlling series
  • 01 Jan 1939 - 31 Dec 1942
    B1538, "Alphabetical" [name and subject] index cards for correspondence files (1) multiple number series, 1917-1929 (2) multiple number series, 1930- 1939 (3) multiple number series ["701" series], 1939-1942
  • 01 Jan 1939 - 31 Dec 1942
    B3929, Authorised list of primary and secondary subject headings and subject numbers for correspondence files, multiple number series "701" series , 1939-1942
  • 01 Nov 1939 - 31 Dec 1942
    B1545, Subject index cards for correspondence files, multiple number series with AIF [Australian Imperial Forces] prefix, "750" series
  • 01 Nov 1939 - 31 Dec 1942
    B1546, "Alphabetical" name and subject index cards for correspondence files, multiple number series with AIF [Australian Imperial Forces] prefix, "750" series
  • 03 Nov 1939 - 31 Dec 1942
    B1544, Registration booklets for correspondence files, multiple number series with AIF [Australian Imperial Forces] prefix, "750" series
  • 01 Dec 1939 - 31 Dec 1942
    B1540, Registration booklets for correspondence files, multiple number series "701" series
  • 01 Dec 1939 - 31 Dec 1942
    B1541, Subject index cards for correspondence files, multiple number series "701" series
  • 01 Dec 1939 - 31 Dec 1942
    B1548, Registration booklets for "civil staff" correspondence files (1) Multiple number series with S prefix, 1939-1943 (2) Multiple number series with S prefix, "701" staff series , 1943-1945
  • 13 Dec 1939 - 31 Dec 1942
    B6156, Subject index cards [Army Civilian Staff] for correspondence files multiple number series
  • 01 Jan 1940 - 31 Dec 1942
    B1549, "Alphabetical" name and subject index cards for "civil staff" correspondence files, (1) Multiple number series with S prefix "701" staff series, 1939-1943 (2) Multiple number series with S prefix, 1943-1945
Related series
  • 01 Jan 1939 - 31 Dec 1942
    B3060, Name index cards to representations from Members of Parliament for correspondence and army personnel file series.
Visibility & availability indicator
  • 89 . Digital image charge: Small-Medium
Date registered
25 Jun 1964

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