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Series details for: MP421/3
Series number
War correspondence (War Series) relating to Munitions production.
Accumulation dates
01 Jan 1914 - 31 Dec 1917
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Agency/person recording
  • 01 Jan 1914 - 31 Dec 1917
    CA 6, Department of Defence [I]
Agency/person controlling
  • 12 Jun 1974 -
    CA 46, Department of Defence [III], Central Office
Quantity and location
  • 0.54 metres held in VIC
System of arrangement/ control
Classified three-number system prefixed by W. File numbers were allocated alphabetically (i.e. 536/6/294 is "C" 536/6/295 is "D" etc.) and applications filed alphabetically in the appropriate files.
Range of control symbols
W.536/6/294 - W.536/6/366 (Complete).
Predominant physical format
Series note
Description of series:
Correspondence relating to military activities in Australia not directly connected with A.I.F. Files in this particular accession consist of application forms "Application for Enrolment as Volunteer for Manufacture of Munitions in Great Britian" with resulting correspondence (if any ) attached.
History Prior/Subsequent to Transfer:
The series was created in 1914 and ceased in 1917. In 1939 Army took over all pre 1925 Defence files including these records. They were transferred to Sir John Jensen in 1950 in connexion with his history of Australian munitions production. Sir John recommended as follows- 'I suggest that all the Australian Munition Workers papers should be transferred to "Archives" but as the papers have nothing whatever to do with the Australian Army or the Australian Military Board, being purely a civilian matter between the Australian and British
Governments, they should be held by the National Library (Archives). Signed: J.K Jensen. 8/1/51. There are other papers relating to Australian Munitions Workers in MP421/2. In 1952 Sir John sent the material to the Central Filing Store Maribyrnong and in 1959 it was transferred to archival custody.
Administrative information
The following data was keyed from the paper documentation:
Form number:              CA 17
Transferring department:  , Department of Defence (III) (Central                           Administration), ,
Date of transfer:         23/10/1959
Archives file number:     RWM24/1/16

Date registered
23 Oct 1959

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