Description of series: Registered correspondence files as per the attached list.
History Prior/Subsequent to Transfer: A Materials Supply Directorate was envisaged when the Munitions Department organisation was planned in 1940.
Its functions were the control of materials and supplies, advice as to export and import priorities, priorities for the utilisation of materials and supplies within Australia, overseas contracts, questionnaires as to stocks, supply to civil industry of munitions production type materials (in coordination wity the Department of Supply and Development) in relation to Munitions production.
The Directorates role was the control rather than the management of production.
In 1941, with the separation of the Munitions administration from Supply and Development, the Materials Supply Directorate set up its own sectional registry derived from the Munitions Central Registry.
Administrative information The following data was keyed from the paper documentation:
Form number: CA 17
Creating department: , Munitions, Materials Supply Directorate, ,
Date of transfer: 25/09/1959
Archives file number: RWM24/1/13
Previous accession system transfers