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Series details for: M1945
Series number
Papers contained in the briefcase of the Prime Minister (Harold Edward Holt) at the time of his disappearance on 17 December 1967
Accumulation dates
15 Dec 1967 - 19 Dec 1967
Contents dates
03 Mar 1967 - 29 Oct 1997
Items in this series on RecordSearch

All items from this series are entered on RecordSearch.
Agency/person recording
  • 15 Dec 1967 - 17 Dec 1967
    CP 27, The Rt Hon Harold Edward HOLT CH
  • 15 Dec 1967 - 19 Dec 1967
    CA 12, Prime Minister's Department - Prime Minister's Office
Agency/person controlling
  • 12 Mar 1971 -
    CA 1401, Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet - Secretary's Office
Quantity and location
  • 0.09 metres held in ACT
System of arrangement/ control
Single number system imposed by National Archives of Australia
Range of control symbols
Predominant physical format
Series note

This series comprises the 'official' papers found in Prime Minister (Harold Edward Holt)'s briefcase at the time of his disappearance from Cheviot Beach, near Portsea in Victoria, on Sunday, 17 December 1967. The value of the papers lies primarily in the fact that they happened to be in the briefcase at that particular time. Some of the papers relate to political matters current between Holt and other persons. They include correspondence concerning the relationship between William McMahon and John McEwen, Morris West and the Liberal Reform Group, the Australian Bankers' Development Refinance Corporation, C R Chapman and the Basic Industries Group.

The papers were kept by Holt's Principal Private Secretary until late December 1967, when they were passed to the then Secretary to the Prime Minister's Department (Sir John Bunting). They remained with Bunting's personal papers until 7 February 1975, after which they continued to be held in the Department of Prime Minister and Cabinet until transferred to archival custody in October 1987. The exception is a letter dated 9 December 1967, addressed to Holt by the Governor General (Lord Casey), which was returned to the Governor General’s Office after Holt’s death and is now in the Casey Papers held by the National Library of Australia.

The briefcase, and other personal items found in it, were retained by the Holt family until May 2002 when they were also transferred to archival custody (M4298).

Related series are M4297, M4299, M4300, M1945, M4962, M4963 and M4964.

Related series
  • 15 Dec 1967 - 17 Dec 1967
    M4298, Briefcase, wallets and related personal papers of Harold Edward Holt
Visibility & availability indicator
  • 73 . All items from the series are on RecordSearch
Date registered
04 Nov 1987

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