This series consists of files of speeches and speech notes made by J M (Malcolm) Fraser in his first term as Minister for Education and Science (1968-69). Although prepared for various audiences, the speeches focus on portfolio matters such as tertiary education, CSIRO research, conservation, management training, Government science policy, Commonwealth education support in certain states or for particular groups (eg Jewish education). A small number of papers relate to Fraser's electorate interests, including wool and the 1969 election.
The records were transferred to archival custody in March 1983 (Accession AA1983/711) and the series was registered in December the same year. The registration was revised in December 2005 as part of the Prime Minister's Papers Project, at which time the series title was amended to better reflect the nature of the papers. Part of the series (items 4, 7, 10, 13, 15, 17, 19, 21, 25-28, 31) was transferred to the custody of the University of Melbourne Archives on 7 December 2006.