This series relates to the period when Stanley Melbourne Bruce was Australian Minister in London (1932-33), and consists of two black ring binders. These contain typescript records of conversations relating to debt conversion that Bruce had with the Governor of the Bank of England, the Deputy Governor of the Bank of England (Sir Ernest Harvey), the UK Chancellor of the Exchequer (Neville Chamberlain), Lord Glendyne, Norman Rickett, the Prime Minister of Australia (the Rt Hon Joseph Aloysius Lyons), Sir John Latham and others.
From letters in the binders, it would appear that Lord Bruce sent the copies of his notes of conversations with members of the British Government and officials of the Bank of England to Lyons on an occasional basis. The binders include typescript copies of cablegrams exchanged between Bruce and Lyons and some correspondence, also mainly relating to debt conversion matters. One of the binders was originally labelled 'Debt Conversion Conversations' on the front cover.
Agency controlling unregistered
Estate of CP23, the late Lord Bruce