Summary heading
K403 – Correspondence files, single number series with ‘W59’
Function and purpose
This series comprises what is known as the Department's “Policy and Subject”
files covering a wide range of matters encompassing the Department's
activities. They should be distinguished from the Department's “case” files
series (CRS K47). A random selection of policy files dealt with the following
Assimilation – Welfare – Work –
Commonwealth Hostels Migrant Welfare Service [1969-1970]
Nationality – Naturalization ceremonies
– Cuballing Shire [1967-1978]
Prisoners of War and Internees –
General [1947-1965]
Unassisted migration – General – Notes
on Australia’s
established immigration policy [1964-1967]
Deportation – General – Woodman’s
Point Detention Centre [1958-1968]
Students – General – Medical
Students Exchange Scheme [1965]
Refugees – General – Russian
refugees from China
(Three Rivers District) [1962-1964]
Employer – Nominations by Employers
Federation for Bricklayers [1971-1979]
Publicity – General – Press
Statements – Department replies to inquiries by press
Physical characteristics
The contents of the files in this series vary widely
depending on what function is being documented. The covers of the files examined are printed
with Department of Immigration and below this title is the 'subject'. The file
number is printed in both the top and bottom right hand corners. The remainder
of the file is divided into six columns, allowing for (twice over) folio no.,
referred to and date, clearing officer’s initials and
date. The files have a distinctive band that extends from the top to the bottom
on either the left or right hand side. This band may be in a wide range of
different colours, for example, yellow, green, purple, blue, brown, black, red
or grey.
System of arrangement and control
The system of control is single number with a 'W59' prefix indicating Western Australia and
the year 1959. The 'W59' prefix has remained constant throughout the years, so
that a file raised say, in 1965, would still have the 'W59' prefix followed by
the next consecutive number.
Some files have been top-numbered into a subsequent multiple number series
and papers from PP6/1 have been incorporated into this series.
Relationships with other records
This series, along with K451, cover the main policy and
administrative functions of the Immigration Department in Western Australia. CRS K47 is the main case
file series for the Department, and documents individual’s dealings.
Finding aids
It appears that all items in this series have been
registered at item level in RecordSearch. Individual items can be retrieved
using K403 as a reference number in a keyword search.