This series consists of the personal files of members of the Civil Aliens Corps enlisted in Western Australia. Such files commonly contain the following documents: Directions to serve in the Civil Aliens Corps authorised under the National Security (Aliens Service) Regulations (this notice directed the alien in question to report to a particular location on a particular date and warned of the penalities possible for non-compliance with the orders).
Files also contain Aliens Service Enrolment forms detailing the individual personal, medical and employment history as well as a report of a medical examination conducted prior to final enrolment which specified what sort of labour an enrollee was medically fit for. Personal files also contain copies of travelling instructions and leave forms issued to an individual during the course of his enrolment.
Some files contain notification of an individual's deferred enrolment in the corps. Such deferments were only granted under one of the following conditions:
(a) ill health, as the type of employment given members of the CAC
was generally that of a very physical nature such as wood
chopping or road building a reasonable degree of physical fitness
was necessary and in the case of ill health or disability
enrolments were often deferred indefinitely;
(b) employment in a protected industry, as manpower shortages in this
period were acute and if an individual could prove that his
present employment was in a protected industry and of use to the
war effort his enrolment might be deferred (in many cases the
employers of men ordered to report for the CAC wrote repeatedly
to the Allied Works Council requesting exemptions for their men);
(c) Family hardship - If the alien in question could prove that his
enrolment in the CAC would impose undue hardship on his family
such enrolment was sometimes deferred (Such a deferment was rare
however with all such claims being subject to stringent
investigation). Generally the only concessions granted in such
cases were work placements close to an individual's home.
These particular files thus also include correspondence from the alien and his family detailing their difficulties and the investigating officer's report.
The files are arranged in single consecutive number order, the number written on the front cover of the files in red pencil. These numbers are cross referenced to the alien's register/index held alphabetically (K1198). For information regarding gaps in the consignment, see the series file. Apparently records were sent to Melbourne and then destroyed in January 1952.
Also included with this series are the files created by the administration of the Northern Territory Civil Aliens Corps, for those members who served in the Northern Territory.