This series comprises personal record cards for persons who were enrolled to serve as members in the Civil Construction Corp in Western Australia (and Northern Territory). There were two types of cards used (WA 1 and WA 17) but provided for recording the same information, viz. enrolled at, date, trade, CW number, surname, christian names, address, married/single, date of birth, dependants, and emergency addressee, medical record, trade record, enrolment record and military record. All entries were usually not completed. At the top of the cards is usually a 'C/U' number, this is thought to be the Call Up number. On the reverse side of the cards space is allowed for recording information about personal issues, e.g. equipment, etc., job details, sickness and accident record, and general comments.
In some cases were a member's personal file exists (see PT143/1), the file number (single number) is written on the cards, usually in blue coloured pencil.
The records were created by the Allied Works Council, Western Australia which had responsibility over the Civil Alien Corp and Civil Construction Corp.
The records were created by the Allied Works Council, Western Australia which had responsibility of the Civil Alien Corp and the Civil Construction Corp.
Controlled series unregistered
PT143/1, Personal files of members of wartime (1939/45 war) Civil Alien Corp and Allied Works Council